他們說: 「世界很小」 其實沒那麼小! 還是有很多空間 容納你我跟大家……
那為何與鄰居爭吵不休 只為了多幾米地-- 就算是幾公里, 或一座山、一條河! 你不覺得那很「小」嗎?
在人生的終點 我們究竟剩下什麼? 窄窄一平方公尺 如果幸運的話! 得以躺下來長眠
讓我們共享壯麗的地球 並盡力讓它更美好 連蟲也不與蝴蝶或鳥 競爭對抗 為何我們人類卻費盡力氣 互相爭鬥? 讓生活痛苦不堪 甚至減壽早夭!
在佛門前或聖彼得面前, 我們將如何自處? 我們在世的所作所為, 加諸別人的痛苦…… 哦,人類啊!
讓我告訴你們 你只需…… 躺在吊床上 在風姿綽約 高大的椰子樹蔭間!
品茗享用糕點 感受徐徐微風 忘卻一切煩憂
就是那樣!你看! ……啊!……有太多 賞心樂事可做 有些事小卻樂趣無窮 順其自然吧…… 讓生活更簡單 讓自己清心寡欲 然後你就會 越來越快樂!
我們不用一直掠奪土地, 也不用急著改變人的信仰: 重點不是有多少信徒 而是他們成為怎樣的人! 宗派的名稱不重要 重要的是它的內涵! 宗派有多少人不重要 重要的是對世界和平有多少貢獻 空談無益 付諸行動才有用。 在人類漫長的歷史上 我們將留下什麼? 是公理和正義嗎? 是高雅和仁慈嗎? 或者只是一幅 浸染痛苦血腥顏料的殘酷畫面!
為何總是誇耀我們源自天國: 哦!全能上帝珍愛的孩子啊! 當我們的生活沾染邪惡 而我們的生存 是以別人的滅絕為代價之際!
何為「上帝所選子民」的印記? 難道只是你手中沾染的 動物或他人的血跡!
親愛的兄弟啊 我想寫一封愛的長信給你們 信中有無數疑問 但目睹這一切荒謬 我啞口無言。 告訴我: 我們何時能成為 人間的天國代表? 我們做得到嗎?
The Real Love
They said:
“The world is small”
But it ain’t that small!
There's plenty room
For you and me and all…
So why this bickering with our neighbor
For a few meters more –
Even a few kilometers,
Or say another mountain and river!
Don’t you feel rather “small”?
At the end of our sojourn
What do we get after all?
One squeezy square meter
If we are lucky!
To lie down forever
Let’s share the splendid Earth
And do everything to make it better
Even the worms don’t rival
With the butterflies or the birds
Why do we humans try so mightily?
Against each other
Make life a real misery
And even shorter!
What will we tell at the Buddha’s gate,
Or to Saint Peter?
All the stuff we did on Earth,
To bring pain and to suffer…
Oh dear man!
Let me tell you something
Just go hang…
Yourself on the hammock
Between the shadowing coconut
Graceful tall trees!
Enjoy some cake and tea
Feel the gentle breeze
That cools all folly
There…there! You see!
…Ah!..tons of things
We can do our heart to please
Some small and great pleasure
Let it all be…
Let's make life more simple
Let our demands be little.
Then you’ll know
Happiness ever more and more!
Then we don't have to go on snatching land,
Nor have we to hurry on converting man:
It’s not how many in a belief system
It’s what become of them!
It’s not the name of a religious order
It’s what we make of the name!
It’s not how crowded a religion
It’s how much into world peace their contribution
It’s not our words
It’s rather louder our actions.
What is going to be our legend
In the long history of humans?
Will it be right and just
Will it be noble and benevolent?
Or just a grim picture
Soaked in anguished bloody paint!
Why always boast about our Heavenly root:
Oh! Almighty God’s beloved children!
While our life is tainted with all evils
While our survival
Is the cost of others’ extinction!
What is the mark of the “chosen”?
Is it just the bloodstain on your hands?
Be it from animals or man’s!
Oh my dear brothers
I wanted to write you a long loving letter
With thousands more questioning words
But I am dumbfounded
Watching the madness
Of it all.
Tell me:
When or will we ever
Represent Heaven on Earth?
By Supreme Master Ching Hai, April 2011 (Originally in English)