目前分類:師父開示--教理選粹與問答 (299)

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I don't encourage renunciation or going to the forest and all that. It's just that it really helps. Because I know it's difficult for you, all of you to do this kind of thing. I cannot keep encouraging the things that are impossible for you to do, almost impossible all the time. So, you just do your best. But the Master power will always help, OK? At the time that you depart from this world, your merit will be multiplied so that you can go very high, OK? Right now you have to struggle a little bit, even if the Master's blessings come to you, you also don't see, don't hear because you're so scattered, you know? Your mind is scattered everywhere. But if you're sincere, the Master never leaves you. The Master will know it, and will help you a lot, multiplied. It's the sincerity also that's important. In this world, whoever can sit and meditate and concentrate immediately there are a lot of things to do. Your cats, your dogs, your husband, your wife, your children, they take things from you. They take attention from you. That's why the Buddha has always encouraged people to become monks and nuns, but it has to be with sincerity, you know? Not just to come in just for an easy life, or just to come in to try to see what it's like, or just to be like a reverend person, then it doesn't work; it's even worse that being a lay person. But that doesn't mean that if you're a monk, then you become better or you practice better. It also depends on your personality, your sinceritly.



Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Europe, Aug 01, 2015 EVENING (Originally in English)














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:Kundalini 瑜伽和開悟有什麼關係?

:Kundalini 是盤曲在我們背脊下方的一種能量,當這個能量甦醒的時候,我們會有很大的力量,我們會有天眼通、天耳通,和很多的神通。但是,當我們開悟了以後,我們什麼力量都會有;包括Kundalini 在內,而不必遭受Kundalini 所經歷的痛苦。透過天國的光和音,而得到的開悟是最好的,所有的一切都包括了。

清海無上師以英文講於瑞士日內瓦大學1993.4.21  由內在智慧了悟真理


sr1-12-185.jpg - 清海無上師




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qa2-1-172.jpg - 清海無上師






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清海無上師以英文講於歐洲國際聚會 黃金10年6月30日(2013) DVD#1014

因為頭腦遠遠就能聽到內在音流,光則閃爍不定;光無法被帶進這世界,但是音流 可以。明白了嗎?這就是為何,就算你的等級到了第五界,聽到第五界的聲音, 但你人還在這兒,很清醒地活著。這就是為何我們要倚靠音流,這就是為何佛經裡連佛陀 都說所有聖人、眾菩薩(即修行人)、諸佛都必須倚靠音流到此娑婆世界救度世人,並且 還要倚靠音流回溯自性的源頭,即佛土、天堂。懂嗎?連佛陀也要靠音流。


Rely On The Sound

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe,
June 30, Golden Year 10 (2013) (Originally in English) (DVD#1014)


Because the Sound, the mind can hear from afar. The Light is flickering, you see? It cannot be brought into this world. But the Sound can. You see, that’s why even if you’re on Fifth Level, you listen to the Fifth Level Sound, but you are still here, very consciously alive. That’s why we rely on the Sound. That’s why in the Buddhist sutra, the Buddha even said that all the saints, the Bodhisattvas (spiritual practitioners), the Buddhas rely on the Sound to come here to help the world, and rely on that Sound to go back to where they belong. The Buddha’s land. Heaven. Okay? Even Buddha has to rely on the Sound.



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問:我們必須先達到高等靈性等級,才能為別 人祈求,使他們從這些力量得到利益嗎?

答:只要打坐和禱告,你會知道自己的力量等級是否 高等(問:懂了)。出於愛的禱告永遠是好的,至少 對你們好,懂嗎?假如禱告實現了,你就知道有效。


問:當師父使用「業障消弭」力 量時,是如何消除不好的業障? 因果教主不是很嚴格地要求付出 代價嗎?



答:師父是怎麼做到的?要消除業障有很多方法:透過印心可以消除一些;透過師父的肉身可為同修或某個相關的個人擔負一些;或透過捐出靈性功德;或是以因果報應作為 代價等等。當然,你也知道,因果教主可是一位一絲不苟、錙銖必較的眾生。








答:他們的系統比那還好!好,聽著,這要看你的靈性等級與業障而定,才知道你的禱告會傳到哪個意識層次。這因人而異,懂嗎?(問:噢!懂了,師父)還有要看在那裡的眾生 是否能幫助實現你當時所特別要的,懂嗎?要看你的功德、誠心而定,以及是否有等級比你高的人干預,或是其他人的禱告介入。不過,那個「電子信箱」到處都有,他們的系統比網路更發達。(問:很棒!)不用擔心,天堂在觀察著,就連地獄也在虎視眈眈;天堂和地獄都在看著、聽著,至於是幫助或加害,視情況而定。怎樣都可能發生。 


問:師父,我們知道肉身住著許多靈身,舉例來說,阿修羅身體適用於阿修羅界,那其他靈身存在目的是什麼? 答:是給你們上去較高意識等級時用的。


答:你們有一天一定會去那裡。你們想上去,就用得到那靈身。因為用肉身的話,是進不去那裡的;用阿修羅身體是會被燒焦的,因為那是不同的頻率,不同的能量層級。例如,要去第二界,對阿修羅身體而言,力量太強了;或你用第二界的因果靈身,想要上到第三界,也是不可能的,去哪裡就得穿不一樣的衣服。就像你去覲見國王和皇后,就得穿較正式的 衣服,要進王宮參加宴會,就換穿不同的衣著。像今天,新的一年,你們想見我,想看起 來體面,就穿上華麗的衣服。(問:是的,師父)當你在世時,上到這些較高等的境界,它會用更肯定的力量來幫助和加持你,處理這世界的事情。因為各種身體擁有不同的 能量、智慧和功能。你上去的境界越高,能量越強,智慧也越多。還有更好的……,大量的多用途功能等著給你用。上得越高,獲得越多能量、力量和智慧,對你和你所居住的世界也就越好。

清海無上師與無上師電視台員工農曆新年視訊會議 美國加州洛杉磯 黃金11年1月26日(2014)(原文為英文) 《歸鄉的喜悅:師父尋回初始宇宙》 DVD#1048 12 



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清海無上師以英文講於新加坡 1997.04.26(DVD#603



每 次打坐前要先禱告一下。如果你覺得很困難,就簡短地禱告說:「師父,請出來幫我!我想要認識您!」向你自己內在的師父祈禱,而不是清海師父!因為我們每個 人都有那個點,內邊都有無形的師父,那就是我們的真我,只要我們充滿愛心地誠心渴望,祂就會被喚醒。我們是真的很想了解自己,想要變得更好,想要像上帝一 樣,想要擁有高貴的品質;我們真的想要這樣,所以我們可以禱告說:「請幫助我認識師父!」你也可以說是認識自性、師父、佛或上帝,無論怎麼稱呼都行,總之 就是呼喚這個力量,呼喚我們的自性,那麼這個靈魂的源頭就會覺醒。


我 們頭腦裡邊存在著一個小點,祂包含宇宙萬物,無所不知、無所不能。這個地方非常寶貴,人人皆有,這是上帝所賜予的,每個人都一樣,所以我們每天都要想念 祂、呼喚祂,這樣我們活在世上才會比較快樂,當然往生後我們會是最快樂的。現在雖然我們還在這個世界,但也可以享受額外的天堂境界。

要 不然,天堂已經一直在等你們了,等著任何誠心、不在乎物質享樂的人,所以不用擔心!只要謹守五戒、盡力打坐,天堂的大門永遠為你們敞開,不管你是不是經常 有那些應得的體驗。有體驗當然更好,我們會有充電的感覺,就像小的電流通過電線一樣,我們會感到溫暖,不再貪戀世上任何東西,內在感到心滿意足。


/ 智慧眼所觀,超越時空 /
喚醒自己的萬能力量,在世享受天堂境界 /
/透過打坐了悟浩瀚的意識 /
/政治與修行 /
/打坐可以淨化輸血 /
/ 助人者天恆佑之 / 聆聽內在的指引,避免犯錯 /
/ 善用自由意志的最佳時間 /




















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引用清海無上師新聞雜誌211期 P19

“I have given up zillions of zillions of zillions of zillions of spiritual merit points
for the world to become better, and the people to change from inside and for
World Vegan, World Peace. Still more I need to offer for this vision to come true.
But it will, it might come true. I have been intensifying my meditation effort.”

~ Supreme Master Ching Hai~
December 22, 2012

Now that we have saved the planet, or the planet is saved for a long, long, long, long time, we all should try to go more inward; focus more on spiritual connection with the Divine within;

ask for forgiveness from Heaven; be more compassionate, more humble, more grateful to the mercy of Heaven; and do more good for the world. The more good you do for the world, the more good you will get. The more happiness you bestow on other people, the more happiness you will gain. It’s not like you do good to others, then it’s just work for yourself, it’s not like that.
Little work, little effort that you put out for others will gain you many, many thousands-fold in return of good merit for you. Now that we have time, the planet is still there, we have time,
we should think more about spiritual side of our nature and get contact with it, and not to be too indulgent in material comfort and greed and other things that are transient. We should
look more for the long, everlasting happiness and true bliss within ourselves.
Heaven is always here, within us, if we go inward and connect with it.


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清海無上師《天藝》 英文版新書發表會視訊會議


清海無上師以英文講於美國加州洛杉磯《天藝》英文版新書發表視訊會議 2008.12.12(DVD#852)


Connecting with Our True Self
Links Us with Our Inside Creative Power

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Videoconference: Premier of English Edition of “Celestial Art”
Los Angeles, California, USA
December 12, 2008 (Originally in English) DVD # 852

When we are more connected with our True Self, then more beauty and virtues will reveal
themselves, because we are that. We are beauty and virtue and Truth. And they will reveal themselves to us because they came from within ourselves, and we will live in them or express them
through art or noble actions. Our true nature is beauty and virtue. So, it’s easier to materialize these
qualities if we are on spiritual course, which is the connected journey of rediscovery of our origin.
That’s why people who practice spiritual way of life, they are more connected with their great Self
inside, their creative power inside. That’s why it’s more effortless for them. It’s natural and logic.


清海無上師以英文講於美國加州洛杉磯《天藝》英文版新書發表視訊會議 2008.12.12(DVD#852)


Art Uplifts Our Spirits
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Videoconference: Premier of English Edition of “Celestial Art”
Los Angeles, California, USA - December 12, 2008 (Originally in English) DVD # 852

When you see something beautiful, a flower, painting, photo or hear some lovely music
or poetic verses, don’t you feel better? Don’t you feel more relaxed and loving? Yes, so at
that moment, your heart feels open, your spirit expands, and you love the surrounding, you
love the people near you. And the relationship between you and others suddenly has more
meaning and deepens, and your thinking is more positive. That’s how art uplifts our spirit.
And if our spirit uplifts, then the world is uplifted.


清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙西湖 2007.02.24(DVD#783)


Poetry Is a Very Good Instrument to Teach People
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Hsihu, Formosa - February 24, 2007 (Originally in English) DVD # 783

 Poetry appeals to the heart, also to the intellect, also to the emotion of human. Therefore,
many of the Masters in the old time, they favored poetry as a teaching. Rumi used a lot of
poetry to send it to his disciples. Or maybe that is also the mode, mode of that time, the
fashion. All the Masters write poetry. Or maybe also, many of the Masters, they are very artistic
themselves. Or maybe after they get enlightened, all their dormant talents sprung up to life,
and they know how to write poetry, they paint pictures, dance and sing and all kinds. So this is
one of the talents that has been awakened in some Masters, after they get high enlightenment.
And it’s easy to remember, easier to remember a poem than a whole big lecture. So poetry is a
very good instrument to teach people, and make them remember very well.

與真我聯繫使我們連結內邊的創造力  /  藝術提昇我們的心靈  /  詩是教化人心的好工具

引用清海無上師新聞雜誌211期 P38、P45

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清海無上師以中文講於澎湖 1989.03.06(觀音法門就是愛力的法門)


.......Or Quan Yin Bodhisattvais compassion. How do we know? It's not because She came and told us, "I an very compassionte" " I am Quan Yin Bodhisattva!" No! Nor is it because She gave us something so we say She is compassionate. No! It is because of the power She derived from practice and what She developed inside while She was in the world. Her higher level of love helped our inner soul. Helped us leave the bad path and walk the way of kindness. So we can forget the world and be liberated from reincarnation. It happens naturally. We also won't know why. That is Quan Yin bodhisattva's real compassion. If you don't understand what I mean by Quan Yin bodhisattva's compassion you can practice the Quan Yin Method. Then everyoun can become their own Quan Yin bodhisattva. Then we don't need to pray to Quan Yin budhisattva to help us. And we can also help people naturally like her. This would be really practicing the Quan Yin Method and really reciting Quan Yin's name.

.Quan Yin Method is the Method of Loving Power-Intro.

.Quan Yin Method is the Method of Loving Power-Intro2 .


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The purpose of practicing the Quan Yin Method is to obtain the inner "univerasl love" so that we can love anyone, any being and any plants. We can truly love a flower, a tree, a piece of grass like we love ourselves, like we love our hands such that we don't have the heart to break them. At that time, we will achieve Buddhahood.


清海無上師以中文講於澎湖 1989.03.06(觀音法門就是愛力的法門)


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清海無上師以中文講於澎湖 1989.03.06(觀音法門就是愛力的法門38:36)





All of us humans have a precious jewel inside. However, this body has wrapped it up so we can't see it. Otherwise, everyone is beautiful inside. So we also shouldn't see ourselves as ordinary. The one that we have inside. And take it out and polish it so everyone can admire it, right? What I mean is worship. The more we polish this jewel the more love we will have. This love will naturally help other. No matter if it is our friends or family, or someone we hate, or our enemy, or someone who has hurt us, we will help them all. This is what we call "universal love'. That is what universal love means. When we love everything it is called universal love. So Jesus Christ said, "Universal Love" It' doesn't mean that He taught us to do it reluctantly or force ourselves to love others. Because then sometimes we wouldlike to do it but we wouldn't be able to. Because our brain is limited, our love is limited. But if we attain this quality, this universal love from inside, we will naturally love other. we will naturally benefit others. We shouldn't say that we love them. We shouldn't offer money to them. We shouldn't go to see if they are sick. Maybe we would go this by the way. However there is another kind of invisible loving power that can naturally bless them. With it they will feel comfortable, they will feel joyous. It can cure their sickness quickly. And can liberate their soul. This is what Jesus Christ called the real Universal Love.


.Quan Yin Method is the Method of Loving Power-Intro.

.Quan Yin Method is the Method of Loving Power-Intro2 . 11:16~


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編號:923 (2片裝) 
日期:2010.12.09, 12.16

字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、馬來、泰、印度、旁遮普、波斯、阿拉伯、俄、波蘭、保加利亞、匈牙利、克羅埃西亞、捷克、德、法、義、西班牙、葡 (25種)

清海無上師以英文講於墨西哥坎昆 2010.12.16 (DVD#923)




The Blessing of Heartfelt Gratitude

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Cancún, Mexico, December 16, 2010 (Originally in English) (DVD #923)

You’re very lucky. You know everything – spiritual blessing, sunshine blessing, wind blessing, tree blessing, animal blessing. Every day, thank everything. Because even if you don’t thank them, they also don’t care, but the more grateful you are, the more you get. You know why? Not because they give less, but because you’re grateful and then your attitude changes. You’re humble, you see, and your vibration changes; you go to a higher level. And the higher you go, the more blessing you can absorb. That’s it. So, gratefulness doesn’t mean that the animals or the trees or the sun or the deities really need you to say thank you in order to give more. It’s not like that; they don’t care. They give without condition. Animals, trees, and plants, they give without condition. But the more grateful we are, the more they’re in tune with you and with all that surrounds us, and are blessing us because we’re humble. Humble means no ego; no ego means the divinity shines more. The divine within you is more, a higher percentage than the ego, so you’re more connected with goodness and divinity, and you get more blessing. The condition is in the heart.


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字幕:阿拉伯、悠樂、簡體中文、正體中文、荷蘭、英、法、德、希伯來、印度、匈牙利、印尼、義大利、日、韓、蒙古、波斯、波蘭、葡萄牙、旁遮普、羅馬尼亞、俄、西班牙、泰、土耳其、烏爾都 (26種)

清海無上師以中文講於法國國際聚會 2008.12.17





We Cannot Become a Saint  Without a Loving Heart 

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in France,
December 17, 2008 (Originally in Chinese)


Anyone who loves others more than him or herself must be a Saint or a Bodhisattva. No matter what path you practice, you will surely attain a very high spiritual level. To love others more than yourself is the greatest secret. It doesn’t matter if you love other people or animals. If you can sacrifice yourself for others, then you are at the Bodhisattva level. There’s no mistake about it.

It doesn’t matter who you are. No matter how you feel about your spiritual practice, or how long you’ve been practicing, as long as you have this kind of love, you don’t need to ask. If you can sacrifice yourself for others or die for others, you will definitely be promoted to a high level. If you don’t care about others and only care about yourself, even if you’ve practiced for years and you’ve worn out your bottom, or even if you’ve sat there motionless for hundreds of years, it’s still useless. Love is very important because God is love. If we have love, we are one with God; we are the same.


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「曠世情人--真愛永恆」:清海無上師最新詩集發表音樂會 2011.04.10





The Great Blessing of the Sun


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, “The Love of Centuries – Love is Eternal”
Concert Celebration of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Poetry Collection,
Cerritos, CA., USA, April 10, 2011 (Originally in English)


Let me tell you a secret, a very special secret that nobody has probably ever told you. If a person, good at heart, does no harm to no one, not necessary that he does good to anyone, but just does no harm, and if he follows a vegan diet – even starting from old age, I don’t care when – and if every day he just looks up to the Sun and asks for blessing, asks for upliftment spiritually, he will attain a very high spiritual level, possibly the Fifth Level even.

If a person is not a vegan and still looks in the Sun and asks for blessing, asks for upliftment spiritually, then he gets only Third Level. I’m sorry to say that. That’s a big difference. That’s two levels’ difference. It’s not just two levels different, it’s just that the Fifth Level is the ultimate of liberation for humankind who are born on this planet. And the thing is, it’s not that the Sun discriminates between what you eat. The Sun doesn’t really care. The Sun is there without judgment, just to bless people, just to make people happy, just to make things grow and to make the planet happy. But if we are vegan, that means we have less burden, and our God nature is less covered. And that’s why it’s easier for the Sun to lift us up to the Fifth Level.

When we are on this planet, the Sun is the only one that could do this. For example, all beings are blessing us, as I have mentioned already in other lectures. I don’t want to tell you now, but all beings are blessing us, including animals, trees, rocks, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. But for example, if a person who is vegan sits on the beach every day and looks into the sea or bathes in the sea, maybe half an hour every day, and asks for the sea to bless him or to uplift him spiritually, then that person will attain Third Level only. So the Sun is great, great, great.   >>



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清海無上師著作《曠世情人》中文版 新書發表會 暨與福爾摩沙(台灣)第十至十一任 副總統呂秀蓮視訊會議

日期:2011.01.01, 08.16

字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、泰、印度、旁遮普、希伯來、波斯、阿拉伯、土耳其、俄、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、德、法、義、西、葡、荷蘭、烏都 (26種)

在福爾摩沙西湖道場舉行的視訊會議 2011.08.16



清海無上師: 現在都很亂啦,哪一種天災都有。不是地震,就是颱風;不是颱風,就是水災;不是水災,就是旱災;不是旱災,就是熱浪。不然的話,我們現在還有一個很大的危險,那就是太陽!太陽也許會改變自己,然後影響我們很大!如果太陽爆發,或是送太多它的熱量給我們,那就不用談地球別的災難了。還有,宇宙也送過來給我們一種很大的能量。


清海無上師: 是。還有一種是從宇宙中送過來給我們的能量。


清海無上師: 大概是破壞性的,因為我們沒辦法承受這種能量,地球的人太弱了。除非全球都改吃純素,而且每個人都整理自己內邊的道德,我們才能抵抗這種宇宙爆發的能量。


清海無上師: 是,是。還有太陽的方面--如果我們沒有道德力量的話,沒有任何科技或科學方法能夠保護我們。所以我才一直提醒大家要返回我們內邊道德的佛性,也就是善良的本性。不過不是那麼容易。副總統您很清楚,所以您才勸人少吃肉,如果不能完全戒除的話。我是不能只告訴人們少吃肉的。


清海無上師: 我們還是有希望,不可能沒有希望。所以我才繼續每天打坐十幾個小時,幾乎整天整晚。有時休息1小時或半小時,因為要整理自己、照顧狗、擦洗房子,比方說這樣。不然的話,我都在打坐,求上天保佑我們,還有從內邊提醒大家要返回我們的本來面目,就是有慈悲心,也就是佛性。




線上觀看清海無上師懇請全球世人共同加入「純素世界,世界和平」打坐行列的訊息: http://www.suprememastertv.com/worldvegan/


Hope for Humankind and the Planet Through Meditation and Prayer

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference
with Her Excellency Lu Hsiu-lien, Hsihu Center, Formosa,
August 16, 2011 (Originally in Chinese)

In a conversation with the 10th- and 11th-term Vice President of Formosa, Ms. Lu Hsiu-lien, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of forces that are threatening the Earth and the only way that humanity can counter them.

Ms. Lu: A lot of problems are happening on the planet. Master, according to your insight, is there any safety concern related to natural disasters to which we should pay attention in the near future, like by the end of this year?

SM: It is very chaotic right now. We have all kinds of natural disasters. If we don’t have earthquakes, we have typhoons; if not typhoons, we have floods; if not floods, we have droughts; if not drought, we have heat waves. If not that, there is still another great danger, which is the Sun. The Sun may change itself, which will have a major impact on us. If solar flares arise, or if too much heat is sent to us, then we don’t need to talk about other disasters on Earth. There is also a very strong energy sent to us from the universe.

Ms. Lu: Scientists say that at the end of next year, or in the following year, there might be a big solar eruption. Is this what you are referring to?

SM: Yes. There is also a kind of energy sent to us from the depth of the universe.

Ms. Lu:  Is it good or bad energy? Is it destructive or constructive?

SM: It is probably destructive. It is because we cannot withstand this kind of energy. Earthlings are too weak. Only if the entire planet changes to a vegan diet and everyone takes care of his/her inner moral standard, can we withstand this energy from universal eruptions.

Ms. Lu:  Humans have too much bad karma (retribution). Is that what you mean?

SM: Yes, yes. Also the Sun – if we don’t have moral power, no science or technology can protect us. That’s why I have been reminding everyone to return to his/her inner virtuous Buddha Nature or original benevolent quality. But it is not that easy. Ms. Vice President, you know it very well, and that’s why you advise people to eat less meat, if not cutting it off completely. I cannot tell people to eat less meat only.

Ms. Lu:  So in other words, Master, are you not very optimistic about the future of humankind? Is that right?

SM: We still have hope. It cannot be hopeless. That’s why I continue meditating more than 10 hours every day, almost all day, all night. Sometimes I have a one- or half-hour break because I need to take care of myself and my dogs, to clean the house, for example like that. Otherwise I meditate all the time, praying for Heaven’s protection and also reminding people from inside to return to their original Self, which is compassion, and which is Buddha Nature.

To remind all people of this aspect from inside, I have to communicate with them through meditation. Outer speech is only a little bit effective, not completely. The power of meditation is more effective, because inside we are the same. Our souls are the same; our Buddha Nature is the same. That’s why inner communication is more effective.

Also we are asking all spiritual practitioners and non-practitioners in the whole world to meditate every day during various common times, or at any time. We should meditate and pray. This is the message we are promoting on Supreme Master Television. On the one hand, we are reminding people with the spoken language, and on the other hand, we are communicating with them inwardly. I still keep my hopes up. We still have hope.

To view Supreme Master Ching Hai’s message asking that people across the globe join in World Vegan, World Peace meditation hours, please visit: http://www.suprememastertv.com/worldvegan/


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