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清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)




>>  http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/178/


The Purpose of Life on Earth

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, 
November 21, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #671

Q: What is the meaning of life on Earth, in Your opinion?

M: That’s a very long, long, long question. But I’ll make it short. The meaning or the purpose of life on Earth, is to find God. You’d be surprised. I will explain.

Because we were with God all the time, throughout eternity, we enjoyed bliss and Heaven, we were always happy. We had everything. And we took it for granted, because there was nothing else to compare: no suffering to understand bliss, no sadness to appreciate pleasure, no hardship to understand the ever-ready blessing and all the comfort that God gives to us. So, God sent us here to re-learn again and to enjoy Heaven again, so that when we go back there, we enjoy. We understand both sides of nature. (Master gestures to indicate the directions of Heaven and Earth.) That’s what it is. So if we do not find God in our life to balance this or to return to Hirm, we will suffer a lot, because this is not our life; this is not our house. The physical dimension is just a temporary experience so that we return to Heaven, to enjoy God more and enjoy Heaven more. 



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清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)








Children Are Naturally in 
Contact with God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, 
November 21, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #671



Q: Do you think that children could experience God?

M: Yes, yes! We have many children from six years old who talk to God all the time! They can do it more or better than adults, because they are more pure or more simple; they have not the problems and the troubles that we have as we grow up. We have to take care of so many things, and we’ve been troubled so much by our job, our business and all the demands. But children don’t have anything to do: They are so carefree. So they very easily get to God, instantly, anytime! They are much better than we are. That’s why children should learn, because when they learn as a child, they’ll never forget, and they’ll always keep the constant contact with God, better than us. All our children are better than our adults.

I think some of you must remember from when you were very young, from the day you were born until the age of three or four. Some of you still remember the contact with God you had all the time. But as we grow older, to ages four, five, six or seven, we begin to learn too many physical experiences. Then the experience with God and the contact with God fades every day. And now we’ve grown up and we’ve forgotten completely. Children are always in contact with God, at least very young children, up to the age of four or five.

Because the connection has just faded a little, it’s very quick to reconnect it. And that’s why the Bible also mentioned that, “You have to become as a child again in order to enter the Kingdom of God.” You have to put down everything and sit in complete concentration on God. That’s difficult, but I can show you how, and I can make it easier. If you know the way, it’s easier. 


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清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)






Meditation Is a Must 
 Complete Our Life

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, 
November 21, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #671


Q: How can a person combine the spiritual way of life with hard work and pressure?

M: It’s not a combination. It’s a way of life; it’s a must! You have forgotten to include it in the so-called “our life.” Our life is missing a little part, that is, the “contemplation” part and the “quieting down the mind” part. That’s why our life is so incomplete, so tiring and has so much suffering; so we must remember this little part. Then it’s more whole, that’s all. It’s not a combination, it’s a must. It’s already there, but you have forgotten.

Sometimes we read the Bible or the Torah, and we see all the experiences of God, of Heaven, of the past spiritual Masters or spiritual disciples of the Master, and we wish: “I would give anything to have the same experience.” “I would give anything to see God, to see the Light of God, to hear God.” Don’t you think so? Then, give a little. Give two hours a day or even one hour a day. That’s not much! We have 24 hours to work for the physical body and for the world. Only one or two hours for God is not a combination; it’s not a compromise: It’s a way of life. We must, to complete our life.

Actually, it does not take much of our time. For example, the time we take to gossip on the phone, we cut it out. We sit for ten minutes or half an hour, to connect with God, to “gossip” with God, to complain to God or demand something. These are the times we must talk to God. We have only one Father, and we don’t talk to Hirm. And when Hes talks, we don’t listen. Isn’t that the life? We listen to everyone except Hirm, and then we complain that Hes doesn’t hear our prayer or that Hes doesn’t hear our request. Hes does! And Hes answers all the time. We just don’t take the time to listen. We must quiet down in order to hear Hirm.



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What one can do to help someone, who’s deeply, poychologically troubled?


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Los Angels, USA, june 7, 1998
(Originally in English) DVD #624


disciple:I had a question that related to something the gentleman back there brought up, which deals with the nature of psychological illnesses. And I’ve thought a lot about it. My grandmother was institutionalized, and heard voices, and spent years banging her head against the wall, and was finally given a frontal lobotomy. So I spent a lot of time trying to understand what happened to her. And she’s dead now, so I’m not interested for her. But just, your booklet says we shouldn’t help people. I was told that she lived on a revolutionary war battle field. Somebody said that maybe she was haunted by the ghosts. Other people told me that sometimes you can have covers to your chaktras that get blown off and lower vibrational frequencies come in.

But I guess one question is, is there anything we can do to help these people, or do we just leave them to their own karma?

And the second question is, can you elaborate a little bit on what goes on, because sometimes you find people who have psychological problems. They try and they try, and they try to get past these, but you can’t stand being around them. But when you are away from them, you have a lot of compassion for them. How would you suggest when we run into people like that, like this gentleman seems to run into them all the time? How do we handle situations like that and not help them? How can we help them? Just by being who we are, and leave them to their own karma?


Master:Did I say you should not help people?


disciple: Well, it’s sort of the way I read it…


Master:You read it wrong. What am I doing here if we should not help people?


Disciple: I guess the way I read it is that you should’t go out and try to heal people.


Master: Oh, spiritual healing is different. I’m talking about spiritual healing, using your magical power to tamper with people’s consciousness. It’s different.


Disciple:Can you address a little bit about what one can do to help someone, who’s deeply, poychologically troubled?


Master: They will help themselves, in time. You help the best you can. The best you know how. We always have to help people if they need you. Doesn’t matter psychological, mental, material, spiritual, we always have to help people. But the amount of acceptance is up to them. Don’t forget, even if they are crazy, they are God. They play fool. They like that. They wake up in time. But you help as much as you can, for your own benefit. Otherwise, you don’t have compassion. It’s no good for you, see? You pray to them, you talk to them, you hold their hands, you bring them food. You do whatever is in your power to make you feel that you’re doing the right thing. That’s important. OK? It’s “you” who are important, not them. Really! They are playing fools to evoke your compassion. Yeah, they choose to be poor, so you can be generous. Hmm? They choose to be crazy, so you thank God that you are awakened. Everything has to have a contrast so that you recognize how good you are, how blessed you are, OK? It’s “you” who are important. Everyone is important to him or herself. Remember that. Whatever you do is for yourself. Nobody in the universe needs you anything. Truly speaking. But at that time, they don’t understand that. When they come to call you for help, they really also think they need you. And you also really think you need to help them. And that’s perfectly all right. That’s the way it is .OK? So do what you can, anytime, anywhere to help people. That’s a must, to evolve. OK? But don’t judge, don’t think they’re really nuts, they’re really poor, they really need you. They do seem that way, but in eternity, they are not. OK? ALL right.

That’s why, that why an enlightened person helps, but not helping. Understand people, sympathize with people, but don’t sink into their sorrow. Very balanced. Because if we drown together with the person who’s drowning, we can’t help them, either. See what I mean? Yes! We have to be very cool. Very cool. Very clear.





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1999.05.09 (影帶編號#647)

問: 您提供的打坐方法可以保護我們不受內在和外在否定力量的影響嗎?

答: 當然,一定會!不是打坐保護你,而是內在覺醒的力量保護你;也就是當你了悟到自己就是上帝後,內在這種開悟會保護你。聖經上說︰上帝住在你的內邊。我只是來告訴你們如何才能找到那位上帝,然後祂會保護你們。



1999.05.09 (影帶編號#647)

問: 地球的未來是不是注定不變的?

答: 不是。我們可以使它變得更好,也可以使它變得更糟糕,我們有力量改變,但前提是我們要知道怎麼獲得這個力量。






God Awakened Within
Is the Best Friend and Protector

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 9, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #647

Q: Can the meditation You offer protect us so that we’re not affected by the negative forces from outside or within us?

M: Of course, definitely! It’s not the meditation that protects you, it is the awakening of your own power within yourself that will protect you. It is the knowing that you are God that will protect you. The Bible says that God lives within you. I am just going to show you how to find that God. Then Hes will protect you.

The meditation just means that you calm yourself down so that you can communicate with that God within you. The more you know that God, the more you feel secure, loved and protected. Your family and friends will also be protected along the way, even the ones who already died a hundred years ago and who you didn’t even know. Five generations behind you are also protected and uplifted to Heaven, due to the power of your awakening. (Applause)


Changing the Earth's Future
through God Power

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 9, 1999
(Originally in English) Videotape #647

Q: Is the future of our Earth fixed?

M: No, it’s not. We can make it better or make it worse. We have the power to change it, but only if we know how to get that power.

If everyone does nothing about their inner power and just stays the way they are, then the future of the world is fixed. But if some of us try to do better, try to know the secrets of the universe, and try to make use of the God power within, then we can change the future of the planet.



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1999.05.09 (影帶編號#647)

問: 像地獄之類的否定力量到底是什麼?為什麼會存在?上帝為何要讓我們知道它?

答: 事實上,否定的力量根本不存在,因為萬事萬物都是從上帝而來,所以否定的力量也是上帝的一部分,它也要執行自己分內的工作。為了使我們更強壯,就必須要有障礙、考驗和苦難。不過假如我們真心想再認識上帝,就沒有任何情況可以阻擋我們。






The Negative Power Serves to
 Remind Us of God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 9, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #647

Q: What is the negative force such as hell, and why does it exist? Why does God allow us to know it?

M: The negative power actually does not exist at all, because everything comes from God. So, the negative power is also part of God, and he is doing his job. Because in order to make us strong, there must be obstacles; there must be tests and tribulations. But if we truly want to know God again, nothing can stop us.

The negative power is there to remind us to go back to the Kingdom of God to avoid all this suffering and negative influence. Sometimes in a disaster, we pray to God more sincerely.

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問: 如果說我們是上帝創造的,而我們也是上帝,那麼我們將可達到何種境界?

答: 我們會達到上帝的境界,會和上帝同一體,就像耶穌一樣。耶穌說:「我和我的天父同一體。」我們不會失去自我,失去的只是錯誤的認知,然後我們會認識自己真正的本來面目。我再說清楚一點:通常多數人都會認為他們自己就是那個身體及個性,但是「個性」並非「真我」,「個性」是被教出來的,使我們認為自己就是那樣,其實那只是經驗累積和世代相傳的知識,加上社會環境、背景以及教育的影響所造成的。







Believe in Virtue and Wisdom
 Rather than “Sin”

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Panama (House of Journalism), November 29, 1989 Videotape #106

Q: If we have been created by God that we are gods, too, then what is the level that we will reach?

M: We will reach God. We will become one with God, like Jesus did. Jesus said, “I and my Father are One.” We will not lose our identity. We just lose our false identity; then we know our true Nature. I’ll make it more clear for you: most of the time, most people identify themselves with their body and their personality. But the personality is not the real Self. The personality is what we are taught to be, what we are made to believe we are, which exists through the accumulation of experiences and the knowledge that is passed down to us from generation to generation, also through the influence of society and the surroundings and the background as well as by education.

Therefore, you may see two brothers who are born in the same family. But depending on what kind of friends they have, what kind of education they have, what kind of jobs they have, they both will have different personalities. And sometimes the personality can change through training or through different education. So, sometimes the one who is more educated behaves differently than the one who is not educated. For example, the hostess of the airplane behaves in a very uniform way - always polite, always smiling - because she is trained to do so. And then we identify that person with their personality: “Oh, she is very nice; she is like that; she is very courteous; she is very polite.” We should say this is her training or her background, not her Self. Everyone could be trained to become like that, if they had time and the opportunity.

So when we know God, or the God Nature within ourselves, then we know we are not anything that we thought before now. We will discover a new Self. Actually it’s very old, but newly discovered. Then we know that we are all loving, all forgiving, all wisdom, all compassion, exactly as God is. We will swim through the garbage of our collected experience and prejudice and preconceived ideas, and push away all the false ideas and notions, because these are given to us by the ignorant people and the society and all kind of customs, which are not always wise and correct. And then we can exclaim, “I and my Father are One!” Then we can be truly ourselves, liberated - liberated from all these false shackles of false understanding. Then we can say, “I am as perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect.”

Therefore, do not believe in sin. It is only apparently so. We must believe in virtue and wisdom and the inheritance of our Father’s God, which is Godly, which is wisdom, which is compassion and love. Just like the wrapping of these candies: (Master demonstrates by holding up a wrapped candy) The wrapping may be different, but inside, it’s sweet; it’s the same company that made it. (Everyone applauds) You see, if we do not understand all these principles, then it’s not easy to love our enemies. It’s not easy to forgive the sins of the people. See how important the principles are? That’s why I told you that Jesus was famous, not for his miracles, but for His principles. And I also tell you the same principles. What I say, all the ancient Masters have already said. I just bring it to your notice and make it clearer for your understanding.

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清海無上師以英文講於巴拿馬 (新聞協會)

問: 我想了解您對報刊、廣播、電視等傳播媒體的角色的看法和意見。您是否認為媒體在某方面助長了人類之間的敵意?

答: 是,沒錯,我同意。報章雜誌、電視、廣播應該是服務人類、啟發民心、娛樂大眾的最佳工具,而在某些方面,他們的確盡了他們的責任。








The Noble Duty of the Mass Media

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Panama (House of Journalism),
November 29, 1989 Videotape #106

Q: My interest is to know Your impression or Your personal opinion about the role of the press, radio and television. Does it contribute in some way toward the hostility of humanity?

M: Yes, it’s true. I agree with you. The press and television or radio communication systems are supposed to be the best for the service of humankind, for the enlightening of people’s mind and the amusement of the people. And they have fulfilled their duty in some part.

But on the other hand, there were some careless maneuvers of this communicative power. Therefore, sometimes the false and the misunderstanding distortion of news and some kinds of violent pictures and very bad performance are shown on the press, on television, or radio or theater. This mistake should be corrected, because it deepens the hostility between the nations and groups and sects. And that doesn’t contribute to peace.

So I agree with the gentleman regarding his opinion about this matter. We should also do all that is in our power to remind the press and the radio and communication systems to remember their noble duty, and not to give way to partial sentiment or the fame and name of this world. They should select what’s healthy and enlightened to show to the people. And they should forsake what’s harmful, violent or a bad influence and should not show these to the people at large.

I do not mean that they should not report a true story. But I mean that they should not be adding to the violent nature of the world, with more violence and more imaginable violence, and imagining violence and all kinds of evil in the films and in the news and in the literature. That’s bad and has the worst effect on the children.



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清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)















Rediscovering Our True Unity with God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 21, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #671

Q: We love You. But how can we love ourselves when we have so much guilt?

M: Guilt is our worst enemy. God loves us. If we want to love ourselves, there is only one way: Learn to know who we really are first. The one we cannot love now is not the real one. The one who makes mistakes, the one who likes to drink coffee, the one who likes to drive fast and the one whose eye on the neighbor’s wife is not our real Self! Our real Self is splendid, is glorious, is powerful, is loving, is compassionate, is “all-One” with the universe and with God. So, it’s only when we learn to know this real Self that we can love ourselves. You love me because God is in me, and you can feel that. You can feel Hirm through this physical body. That’s why you love me. You don’t love me because of this physical, small frame. So, in order to love yourself like that, you must learn to know who you really are. And I will show you. (Applause)

The only thing that separates us from God is our own thinking that God is separated from us. So there is a way to banish this thinking and go directly through, to see God. Then you know God is you, you are Hiers children. You are a part of Hirm and you are one with Hirm, just like the drop of water in the ocean. The drop of water in the ocean is also the ocean.


Our Inner Happiness:
The Best Gift to the Lord

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 21, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #671

Q: What must we do for the Lord in the year 2000?

M: Wow! Whoever asked that question is a very, very devoted disciple of God. That is a very good question; I like that. Most of us always ask “how we can tell God to do this or do that for us.” This is the first time I’ve heard: “What can we do for the Lord?” And this is really nice.

Actually, we don’t have to do anything for God in the year 2000, but we could do everything or anything for ourselves, any year of any thousands, because we need to know God. Then we can ask Hirm directly, “Father, what do You want? Can I do something for You?” And Hes will say, “No, my child; just enjoy. Because when you enjoy, I enjoy. When you are happy, I am happy.” That’s what Hes told me. That’s why Hes tries in every way to please us, to give us whatever we want. Even if it’s something material or something also not very favorable to us, Hes will still give it if we want it, because Hes wants us to be happy. Because when we are happy, our Father is happy. Every father is like that!



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清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)






Knowing God,
We Understand
Hiers Ways

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Tel Aviv, Israel, November 21, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #671


Q: I know God is there, but why doesn’t God help us when we are in trouble or when we are asking Hirm so much to help us? I know that Hes listens, but I pray so much to Hirm, and so often I don’t have answers.

M: Hes answers all the time. Hes always helps us. It’s just that we do not know Hiers way. I have explained before, we must go inside the Kingdom of God to see Hiers workings, to see Hiers plan for the universe. Then we will understand why such-and-such things happen. Things happen always for our best, best, best, best benefit! But we expect differently. We think, OK, now if God loves me, Hes must give me money, a beautiful wife, a good husband, a good job, obedient children, never sickness, never poorness and never trouble.

It is not always in that way that Hes helps us. Hes does help in many, many different ways, and it’s always for the best. But only when we go inside can we see how Hes works. Then we will be only grateful every day, every day!

So you see, when Jesus died, He didn’t blame the Father. He did not! Otherwise, He could have escaped. He knew already before that, but He didn’t go away. He knew; the Father told Him already His time had come and that He would go back to the higher dimension, a better place. So a little suffering physically meant nothing to Him. It’s the same with us: Physical suffering or hardship will mean nothing to us. In the face of death, we will laugh and say good-bye to life. That’s the way of the enlightened person. So, you must be enlightened. Then you know “why” everything is. You’ll never, ever have to ask me or anyone else, whoever that may be, because you have the knowledge. (Applause)

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/176/ >>

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清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)


:這些事情我怎麼一一解釋呢?上帝絕對是慈悲的,即使是大屠殺發生的時候。只是我們沒有見到祂慈悲的本質,我們想要另一種形式的慈悲,我們希望上帝依我們頭腦的想法做事。但是上帝有祂自己的智慧,有祂的目的和計 畫,不論是這世上的一枝小草、或是宇宙的任何角落都是這樣。







God’s Kindness Is Ever-Present,
Even in Physical Disaster

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 21, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #671

Q: If God is kind and good, how can you explain the Holocaust?

M: How can I even explain everything else? God is kind, absolutely, even with the Holocaust. It’s just that we do not see the kindness the way it is; we expect kindness in a different way. We expect God to do things the way our brain thinks. But God has Hiers own wisdom and Hiers own purpose and plan for every single blade of grass on this planet and anywhere else in the universe.

If you have the opportunity to ascend to Heaven and meet the souls of the so-called victims of the Holocaust, you will hear from them what bliss, joy, beauty, blessing and happiness that they received after they left this physical prison, the so-called body. They will not have any regret at all. It’s just that we have seen it with the physical eyes; we hear with the physical ears; we think with our physical brain; we feel with our physical heart. So we cannot understand. But if we go to Heaven and meet the ones who have gone there, nothing ever happened to them.

The victims are not the Jewish people in the Holocaust. The victims are the ones who inflicted suffering on them. Because they are so ignorant and far from God, they suffer a lot for what they do. But the so-called victims enjoy: They leave the prison; they leave the limitations of this physical world. They have everything, absolutely! And they’re very happy. I want to tell you that.

Whoever inflicts suffering upon another being is the one who will suffer, and for a longer time. It’s because of their own conscience, not that God punishes them. God never ever punishes anyone or any being. It’s just that we have our free will; whatever we choose to do, there’s a consequence. If we choose to inflict suffering upon others, that suffering will return to us a thousand-fold. And that’s the way we have to learn all the time. So whoever victimizes us, whoever treats us badly, bless them, because they will be in trouble. (Applause)

That’s why in the Holy Scripture, it is said, “Love your enemies,” because they really, really need love. They really need it so much! They lack it; they don’t have it. They are so short of it. That’s why they can do all these terrible things to other brothers and sisters. The ones who are victimized will be loved by God, will be welcomed by God, will be comforted and will be compensated a thousand, million-fold to make up for their suffering. So they will be the ones who gain much, much, much. I hope I make myself clear. (Applause) Thank you.


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清海無上師以英文講於美國佛州小中心 2001.12.26(影帶編號#730)

問: 我覺得您的開示也許有矛盾之處:您說到上帝的旨意將在人間實現,但您又說三界的教主終將毀滅,因為這裡並不永恆,所以地球只會持續一段時間。當這世界變得太恐怖,沒有人能在這裡生存,到時這個世界就必須毀滅掉。

答: 是的,但是如果有某個人住在這裡,就不會那麼恐怖了,重點就在這裡。那個人甚至不必永永遠遠留在這個世界,只要住在這裡加持這個世界,直到每個人都開悟為止就可以了。到時候就算這個世界毀滅了…,我說的不是物質的毀滅。此外,假如每個人都開悟,就不會再有戰爭,那時地球的振動力會改變,那麼地球將不再是地球,而是天堂了。地球會有較高的振動力,高等的振動力就不容易被破壞。





God’s Love Sustains the Planet
and Elevates Its Vibration

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, USA, December 26, 2001
(Originally in English) DVD #730

Q: I thought there might be a contradiction in what You said about God’s will being done here, since You also said that the Lord of the Three Worlds will have to be destroyed because nothing is permanent down here, so this planet will last only a certain amount of time. And when it becomes so terrible that no one can live here anymore, then it will have to be destroyed.

M: Yes, but if someone lives here, it’s not so terrible. That’s the thing. It doesn’t even have to be forever, forever and forever. Just live here and sustain the world until everyone becomes all enlightened. Then, even if the world is destroyed... It’s not the physical destruction that I’m talking about. Besides, if everyone is enlightened, there’s no more war; and the vibration of the planet will change. Then it’s not the Earth planet anymore; it’s a Heaven planet. It’s a higher frequency, and such a high frequency is hard to destroy.

Its coarse frequency is easy to destroy now, because it’s like this: People don’t practice; they’re not awakened. But in a few thousand years, like 3000 years, people will be different. If someone like Babaji, for example, continues through His presence to sustain the planet, the planet’s vibration won’t be so bad and will influence people slowly. Then they’ll be awakened and all will want to be a yogi and practice; then the whole planet will be different.

It’s for that purpose - not to keep this physical planet forever or anything - to live to bless the people of the planet, not to bless the planet. Just so to speak, to bless them and bless the planet for everything, not just the people. And then if a lot of people are more awakened, they’re influenced. But this is slower, of course, than if you do it by yourself. If someone else influences you, it is slower, because it has to deal with your own will. You have to want enlightenment. So, a Master can continue sustaining the planet until everyone wants enlightenment. And then they do it by themselves.

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字幕: 阿拉伯、亞美尼亞、悠樂、保加利亞、中(簡)、中(正)、克羅埃西亞、丹麥、捷克、荷蘭、英文、愛沙尼亞、菲律賓、法文、德文、希臘、印度文、匈牙利文、印尼文、義大利、日文、韓文、寮文、馬來西亞、尼泊爾文、波斯、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、俄文、斯里蘭卡、斯洛伐克、斯洛維尼亞、西文、瑞典、泰文、土耳其(37種)

清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662)

問: 是不是真的有自由意志?還是一切都是命中注定?

答: 人確實有自由意志,但也有定命。當我們真正自在時,才會有真正的自由意志。開悟後,我們才能善用自由意志;在開悟前,我們只能向命運低頭。有時在緊急狀況下,我們堅強的意志會醒來扭轉情勢,但是只有極少數人有這樣的堅強意志。因此,自由意志是指上帝讓你做自己想做的事,不過也會因此造出不好的果報。就像聖經所說:「你種什麼因,就得什麼果。」


>>  http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/175/


Using Free Will Wisely

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, London, England,
June 9, 1999, DVD #662 (Originally in English)


Q: Is there such a thing as genuine free will, or, are all our lives pre-determined?

M: There is genuine and pre-determined free will. Genuine free will is when you’re really free. After enlightenment, you can use your free will better. Before enlightenment, we can only bow to fate and destiny. Sometimes our strong will wakes up in an emergency situation, and we turn things around. But rarely do people have such a strong will. Therefore, free will is that God lets you do what you want, but then you create the bad consequence. As the Bible says, “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

So if we use our free will in indiscriminate ways, we do all kinds of bad things. And when the bad consequences come to us, at that time there’s no more free will, because we have to bow under the burden of the consequence of “As you sow, so shall you reap.” So there is free will, but we have to know how to use it wisely. When we are enlightened, we know how to use free will better because we can see what is right and what’s wrong. Or God teaches us silently, and we intuitively know what is right or what’s wrong to do. Before that, most of us bow to destiny.

>>  http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/175/

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清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典 1999.05.20 (影帶編號#653)

問: 宇宙是什麼時候創造的?如何造出來?

答: 宇宙一直都在創造、生生不息地創造。除了上帝之外,我們也都可以算是創造者,而其他星球和別的銀河系的每個眾生,時時刻刻也都在創造。因此,「宇宙在什麼時候創造、什麼時候會毀滅」這種說法並不正確。每當我們有慈愛的念頭,就會在其他某個世界創造天堂;每當我們起憎恨心,就會在連我們自己都不知道的角落創造出痛苦的地獄。因此,我們必須了悟上帝,這樣才能純粹地創造幸福快樂;我們所創造的一切,將來都會加倍回到我們身上。上帝並沒有創造地獄,那是眾生互動所產生的能量累積了百千萬劫之後,才創造出這類的情況。


清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典 1999.05.20 (影帶編號#653)

問: 無明是一種陷阱,還是天國計畫的一部分?

答: 無明是天國計畫的一部分,因為這樣才好玩,我們忘了自己是誰,做一些所謂的蠢事,然後享受「重新記起本性」的樂趣。否則,如果我們像萬能的上帝一樣至聖、全知、至愛,那就無事可做了。不過也要適可而止,時間到了,我們就應該放下無明,重新當個有智慧的人。

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/175/   >>


The Secret Behind Creation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape No. 653

Q: When and how was the universe created?

M: The universe is forever creating, creating and creating. Apart from the great Guy Hirmself, we are all creators of some kind. And each being on other planets and in other galaxy systems is creating and creating, every second of our existence. So it would be a mistake to say when the universe was created and when it will end. Every time we have a thought of loving kindness, we create Heaven in a different sphere. Every time we have hatred, we create a miserable hell somewhere that we don’t even know yet. Therefore, we must know God in order to create only happiness, because everything we create comes back to us many-fold afterward. God doesn’t create hell. It’s the energy of the beings that interact with each other - century after century, eon after eon, that creates this thing or that thing.

Ignorance Has a Place in the Divine Plan


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape No. 653

Q: Is ignorance a trap, or is it also part of the Divine plan?

M: It’s a part of the Divine plan. It’s there so that we can have fun, forgetting ourselves and doing all the things that are so-called foolish. Then, we have the pleasure to remember ourselves again. Otherwise, as God Almighty - all holy, all knowledge, all love - we have absolutely nothing to do. But enough is enough: When the time comes, we should forget the ignorance and be wise again.

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清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典 1999.05.20 (影帶編號#653)

問: 上帝看到人世間的痛苦以及人與人之間的仇恨,為何不現身幫助祂的小孩?祂只要現身就夠了!

答: 祂的確隨時都有現身,但我們有慧眼看得到祂嗎?我來這裡就是為了幫你們開智慧眼,讓你們看得到上帝。不然,上帝該如何在世上示現呢?你們希望祂是以什麼身分、什麼國籍、什麼宗教人物出現?到時我們又要爭吵:「祂是我的上帝,祂看起來像耶穌!」佛教徒則說:「不,不,祂是佛,是我們的。」而回教徒也說:「不,不,祂是阿拉。」






清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典 1999.05.20 (影帶編號#653)

問: 物質與靈性這兩方面能同時提昇嗎?

答: 是,可以一起提昇。因為一旦我們重新發掘自己的智慧,成為更有智慧的人,我們當然會更聰明能幹,對於生活中所做的每一件事都能清楚判斷,如此一來,我們當然會更成功。因此隨著修行進步,我們在物質方面也會有所成就。但是在開悟以後,我們真的不太在乎這些物質上的收穫,所以我們不會費心把智慧用在這方面。不過我們也可以這麼做,可以兩者兼顧,福慧具足。



The Open Spiritual Eye
Sees God Everywhere

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #653

Q: God sees the misery and the hatred between people. Why doesn’t Hes present Hirmself in order to aid Hiers children? Hiers Presence would be sufficient.

M: Hes does present Hirmself all the time, but do we have the eyes to see? I’m coming here to try to open your spiritual eye, so you can see God. Otherwise, how does God appear in this world? How do you want Hirm to appear - as what kind of nationality, and what kind of religious figure? Then we fight again: “Hes is my God; Hes looks like Jesus.” Or, the Buddhists say, “No, no, Hes is a Buddha. Hes is mine.”  And the Muslims say, “No, no, that’s Allah’!”

And how does Hes explain Hirmself? Tell me. Should Hes fly from the sky right here? They might shoot Hirm. They might think Hes is an alien. Some people might even think Hes is the devil himself. It’s very difficult. They killed Jesus; they have killed so many Gods that came here. We humans have completely forgotten Heaven, and it’s very difficult for us to accept anything that we are not used to.

I have a joke for you. There was a black man who wanted an apartment in an area, but he couldn’t get in because he was black, since some places are racist. Oh, that’s another thing: Suppose Hes appears white, then the black people cannot go in. Suppose Hes appears like a Greek, then the Chinese people cannot be accepted, etc. It’s very difficult in our world.

So there was a black man who was kneeling beside his bed and said to God, “Please, I want to rent the apartment there, but they won’t let me because I am black. Please, bless me.” I need that apartment, please.” So God said to him, “Oh, don’t bother! Go elsewhere. I also cannot go in there.”

The black man was very puzzled, and he said, “But God, why? You are almighty. You can go anywhere!” So God said, “If I go there, they’ll ask me what kind of religion I belong to, and I don’t know how to explain.” So, that’s so much about God, the poor Guy.

Being Successful in Both Worlds

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #653

Q: Do material and spiritual elevation go hand in hand?

M: Together, yes; they can. Because when we are wise, when we rediscover our wisdom again, then of course we are more intelligent, more able and more clear in everything we do in life. And of course we will be more successful, so our material success will also go along with the spiritual progress. Sometimes after we're enlightened we don't really care so much about material gain, so we don't bother to exercise our wisdom. But we may do so and become successful in both worlds.


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清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典 1999.05.20 (影帶編號#653)


問: 人如何能克服人性中軟弱與畏懼的弱點,並感覺自己像上帝一般呢?這也許有點膽大妄為,敢認為自己是上帝!

答: 當然現在我們不敢,因為我們尚未記起自己的本來面目,我們已經忘記了。等我們喚醒內邊的上帝之後,祂自然知道自己就是上帝,你就不會再把這個軟弱的肉身、這個肉體的牢獄當成自己。你在這個房子裡待太久了,便認為自己就是這個房子;一旦你開門走出去,就知道自己不是這間屋子。這間屋子不論看起來多糟糕、多破舊、多簡陋都沒關係,畢竟它不是你。這間屋子裡有一個電腦系統,我們稱之為頭腦。就是這個頭腦告訴你:你很軟弱、老是犯錯、很麻煩、愚蠢、無明等等,因為頭腦把你每天的行為、反應、感覺等都錄了下來,每次一直重複播放,讓你覺得自己就是那樣。









The God Within Knows the True God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #653

Q: How can a person overcome his human existence or his humanity, which has within it so many frailties and so many fears? And how can he then feel like a God? Perhaps, it would be daring to feel that you are God.

M: Of course, we dare not now because we are not yet. You have forgotten. After reawakening the God inside, then God will know that God is God. You will not identify yourself with this weak body, with this prison of the flesh any more. You stay too long in this house, and you will think you are the house. But once you open the door and walk outside, you know you are not the house. It doesn’t matter how bad the house looks, how damaged, how terrible the condition of the house, it’s not you. Inside this house, there is a computer system, which we call the brain. And it is the brain that tells you that you’re weak, that you’re mistaken, that you are trouble, you are stupid, you’re ignorant and so on and so forth. Because the brain records all the data every day of what you’re doing and how you react, how you feel, etc., so every time you keep playing the recording out again, and it makes you feel you are that.

After the awakening we can, every day, at least temporarily for some time, detach ourselves from the physical body and the physical brain and know our true Self - which is all perfect, all glory, all love and all wisdom. But this is all talk! You have to experience it. Talking about cake doesn’t make you taste anything. You should come in and eat the cake yourself. Then you know what it is.




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 清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662

問: 祈禱和打坐有什麼不同?

答: 好,我告訴你:祈禱是我們仍覺得上帝在我們外邊或在天堂裡;而打坐則是我們可以看到內邊的上帝,直接向祂問問題,或得到直接的教誨。當我們尚未認識上帝,還沒有直接的溝通時,才必須向祂祈禱,才會一直呼求祂。但是在打坐時,我們可以直接獲得上帝的教誨或指示。比方說,你們通常都祈求什麼?世界和平?內邊的和平?好,這是因為你們還沒有獲得和平,所以必須為此祈禱。你們會說:「上帝,請賜給我和平,賜給我和平!」





Prayer and Meditation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
London, England, June 9, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #662

Q: What’s the difference between prayer and meditation?

M: I’ll tell you: Prayer is when we still feel that God is outside us, or in Heaven. Meditation is when you can see God within yourself, and ask direct questions or receive direct teachings. Prayer is necessary when we don’t know God yet, when we don’t have the direct contact, so we keep calling Hirm. Meditation is when you can receive Hiers teaching or advice directly. For example, what do you normally pray for? For peace in the world? Within yourself? Alright. You see, it’s because you don’t have peace yet, so you have to pray for it. You say, “God, please grant me peace; grant me peace.”

I don’t know about other meditations; I tried. But this one is the one that gives you peace right away. So you don’t even have to pray for it. It’s strong, yes, because you have a direct link with God. Your telephone to Hirm is re-opened, fixed again. Now, the connection between ourselves and God is kind of severed or blocked. During initiation, I will fix that for you, or God will do it through this being, and then you will see Hirm. Then, daily you can see Hirm in different forms: in the form of Light, in the form of a past Master like Jesus, or in the form of another human being within you. And they will teach you things.

So, you don’t even need to pray. Everything you think of is immediately reported, and then it will manifest to you. That’s why it is said, “Seek you first God, and everything else will come to you.” But now, because our connection is severed or blocked or damaged, even if God talks to you and tells you what to do to get the right answer, you won’t hear. So you have to pray and pray, and maybe your prayers will come true, but maybe not, because you don’t hear what God tells you to do. For example, if you come to me for advice, but you keep asking all the time, “Oh, Ching Hai, Ching Hai, Ching Hai, Ching Hai,” then I cannot tell you what to do. But if you’re quiet, I can tell you.

It’s the same thing. I just teach you how to quiet down, so you can hear God telling you. You don’t even need to pray; Hes knows it already. That’s why in the Bible it is said, “The Father knows everything before you even pray.” But that is only effective for the initiated people, the ones who connect with God.



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清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662)

問: 您怎麼知道您所看到的是天堂而不是幻覺?

答: 是,我知道,就像你認得你太太一樣。當你看到一個人像你太太一樣那麼可愛、明媚,而你卻認不出來的話,那才奇怪。我們來自天堂,所以一看到天堂就會認得,這個道理很簡單。你們看我像頭腦有問題嗎?(大眾答:沒有!)好!那我一定是看到天堂,要不然是什麼!那些有幻覺的人,他們的言行舉止都不一樣,就像瘋子一般;而看到天堂的人,他們會充滿活力、愛力、喜悅與正面的能量。你們可以依此判斷,不過這只是外在的部分。至於內在,我會和你們一起坐下來,然後證明給你們看。外在的部分,你們只能看到這麼多,但是如果你的天眼已經打開,你會看到我們現場四周都是光。有沒有人看到我們四周滿滿的光?有嗎?(師父指向現場一位聽眾)是!非常謝謝!有看到嗎?(師父問另一位聽眾)有看到,好!你印過心了嗎?沒有!謝天謝地!(師父開玩笑)否則他們會認為是我叫你這麼說的。你是第一次看到我嗎?謝謝。他第一次看到我,就已經看到我的四周有光!



The Proof of Seeing Heaven

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, London, England, June 9, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #662

Q: How do you know it is Heaven and not just an optical illusion?

M: I know it, just as you know your wife. If you don’t know something so dear and so clear as your wife, then that is weird. So, we came from Heaven, and the moment we are shown Heaven, we will know that. It’s very easy. Do I look crazy to you in any way? (Audience: No!) OK, then I must have seen Heaven, or else what! The person who sees an illusion acts differently, talks differently and behaves differently, as if he’s a lunatic. A person who sees Heaven is bubbling with life, love, happiness and positive energy. So you can judge by that, but outwardly only. The inside, I will prove to you by sitting down with you. The outside, you can only see so much. But if your heavenly eye’s open, you can see Light around us right now. Does anyone see Light around us? Yes? (Master gestures toward someone in the audience) Oh, thanks a lot! Yes? (Master indicates another person) OK, good! You are not initiated? Thank God! (Master jokes) Otherwise they’ll think I told you to say that. Is it your first time seeing me? Thank you! The first time he saw me, and he sees Light around this physical being already.

Can you believe, can you imagine, what it is like inside when you can even radiate Light outside? So, be that person! It’s in you! You can do that. I and you, we’re the same. I eat the same food; I do the same things. So this is how we can attain Heaven. You’ve heard that the Saints in the past have halos of Light around them? So they must have seen Heaven in order to manifest that. They don’t even manifest it; it just happens. It’s just like, physically speaking, if you’re happy or if you’re in love, it’s written all over your face. They say that! So if you see Heaven, all you radiate is just the Light of Heaven. And it’s not only me! Many of our brothers and sisters, if your eye is open, you see Light around their head, at least around the head if not all over the body. And you can be the same.


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清海無上師以英文講於馬來西亞 1992.02.25(影帶編號#219

問: 聽說藉由光和音,我們便可以和上帝溝通。那麼如果我們能夠製造光和音,是不是就可以和上帝溝通?又該如何溝通?

答: 光和音並不是由我們製造出來的。光和音就是上帝本身,你無法製造祂,這不是人類的產品,而是來自天堂,祂是上帝的振動力、是上帝的代表。我們無法製造這種光和音,不論你願意花多少錢,或是多麼聰明,都做不到,只有透過印心才能傳給我們。光和音是來自較高等的天堂境界,同時也存在於我們自己內邊。

問: 所以您的意思是透過印心,我們便可以製造出光和音,以便直接和上帝溝通?

答: 不是製造,祂自然就會來,而且毫不費力。光和音就是上帝本身,如同聖經所說「太初有道」,「道」指的就是音流或是振動力。「道與神同在,道就是神。」我們在內邊所聽到的,就是這個「道」,那是上帝本身,也是我們真正的自性,並非需要我們去製造。當你開悟的那一剎那,在你和祂溝通的那一瞬間,自然就會了解。現在講這些都只是理論而已,要解釋那種日常生活不曾體驗過的抽象事物,是十分不容易的。



The Sound and Light are the God Self

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Malaysia,
February 25, 1992 (Originally in English) Videotape #219

Q: It was mentioned somewhere that we communicate with God through Sound and Light. If we can produce this Sound and Light, is it possible to communicate with God and how?

M: It’s not that you produce them. The Sound and Light are the God Self. You cannot produce them. They’re not produced by humans; they’re from Heaven. They’re a vibration of God or a representative of God. We can’t make this kind of Sound and we can’t make this kind of Light. It doesn’t matter how much money you want to give or how clever you are because it is only transmitted through initiation, and it comes from the higher levels of Heaven, which are also within yourself.

Q: So do You mean that with initiation we can produce direct Sound and Light in order to communicate with God?

M: We don’t produce it: It comes naturally, without your effort. That is the God Self. Just like in the Bible it’s said, “In the beginning was the Word,” meaning the Sound or Vibration. “And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That is the Word we hear inside; that is the God Self; that is our real Nature. It is not that we have to produce it. You will understand at the moment you are enlightened, the moment you make contact with it. Right now it’s only theory because it’s difficult to talk about abstract things that haven’t been experienced in ordinary life before.


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清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662

問: 世界上所有的問題是否均源於專制的思想,以及與上帝隔開的分離主義觀點?

答: 是的,我們住在二元對立的世界,總認為別人跟我們不同,所以才會說謊、欺騙、互相殘殺。這是這個世界二元對立的力量在蒙蔽、欺騙我們,讓我們認為別人跟我們不一樣。因為膚色、國界的緣故,或甚至只因為不同的見解,使我們視他人為異己,為了保持專制獨斷,必須殺掉他們,所以人類才會互相殘殺。




The Inner Truth Has No Outer Boundaries

Q: Is it correct that the sole cause of all problems existent within this world stem from the singular thought and perspective of separatism from God?

M: Yes. We live in the world of duality. That’s why we could tell lies, that’s why we could cheat and that’s why we could kill one another, because we think, “He is different from me.” It’s the duality power of this world that’s deluded us, cheated us into thinking that the next person is something different from us. From the color of the skin, the boundary of the nation or even a differing opinion, we think he’s different and we have to kill him, in order to have the monopoly of the one opinion. That’s why we could do it.

So in order to rise above this separateness from each other and from God, we have to go inside and know the Truth, that we are One. Only inside can I prove it to you. Outside, I cannot erase the color of his black skin and I cannot erase the boundary between England and France. But inside, I can show you that originally we are the same essence, and we have only one Father; Hiers name is whatever you call it. We say “God.”


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