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工作人員的電話會議 2010.08.30(原文為英文)


http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/208/    >>



The Best Time for Meditation

During an August 30, 2010 teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, Supreme Master Television staff members were able to ask various questions about meditation and spiritual practice. During the conference, Master revealed that the best time of day for meditation is from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, to receive the greatest benefit and the most spiritual blessing.

The numbers on the following chart are the millions of points per hour earned by Supreme Master Ching Hai when She is meditating at the best place in the world.

Enlarge the picture



Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, teleconference
with Supreme Master Television staff, Los Angeles, California, USA,
August 30, 2010 (Originally in English) 

Right now we need to meditate more, everyone, to purify the Earth’s atmosphere and to elevate the people and the beings on this planet, so that there is less suffering, more enlightenment and more security, more goodness and benefits to everyone. It’s very important right now, more than ever.  >>




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字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、馬來西亞、泰、印度、旁遮普、波斯、阿拉伯、俄、波蘭、保加利亞、匈牙利、克羅埃西亞、捷克、德、法、義、西班牙、葡 (25種)



「無上師電視台」工作人員的視訊會議 2010.10.03(DVD#913)









http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/208/    >>





Revelations  on the Magnanimous Sun

I have begged for what I can do better and better for human beings. Perhaps that’s why the Sun heard me; that’s why the universe allows me to reveal this to you and the world. I was dying to reveal! Because the sooner the better.

The suns are pure Fifth Level beings who didn’t have to evolve like human beings. These are the Fifth Level beings who, out of love for all beings on this planet and those nearby, manifest themselves as a sun, to help us. They came directly, purely from the Fifth Level.

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff,
Los Angeles, California, USA, October 3, 2010
(Originally in English)  (DVD#913)

The Sun would glorify the whole Earth that we live on, and it gives life to all beings: plants, minerals, animals, etc. The Sun gives also people happiness and a carefree feeling. The Sun is necessary for all on Earth. The Sun has a lot of benefits: the Sun cures many diseases. The Sun gives and benefits all, bad or good, The Sun is a beautiful being. I love the Sun forever. I love the Sun a lot, and the Sun loves us forever.

I love the Sun. I adore the Sun. I could stay in the sun all day. If it is too hot, I just cover a little bit with the cloth; it regulates, or it screens a little bit so that my eyes won’t hurt.

You can gaze into the Sun about 10 or so minutes in the early morning, when the Sun just rises, and 10 or so minutes – more or less… more, not less – in the evening, when the Sun sets. Some people do that so they don’t have to eat anymore. And health benefits, you know already. I told you. If we go sunbathing, it cures many illnesses, our psychological misalignment, and also depression and all that. Some countries with less sun, they feel less happy than the countries with a lot of sun.

If you sit in the sun to meditate, it’s very, very, very good for your spiritual progress. It could increase to hundreds of thousands or millions of spiritual points if you concentrate well, if you deserve it. Yes. I told you, meditate from 10 to 3; it’s the good time. Why? Because the sun is at the highest.

When you meditate in the sun, your meditation merit multiplies, even for the people who don’t practice the Quan Yin Method, who just practice Zen or something like that even. The people who meditate on the Quan Yin Method benefit the most from the sun. Other practitioners benefit also a lot, but not as much as the Quan Yin Method. I don’t know why. That’s just the way I have researched, I have been told, and I know about that. For example, Quan Yin and vegan practitioners who are well-practicing and go into samadhi, even just the Third Level Light and Sound practitioners, can get up to 30 million an hour in the sun. But cover yourself, or sit in the shade with the sun nearby, shining in; it’s also good enough. Don’t sit all day in the sun. It will burn you and also can get cancer and all that. It’s no good.

If the sun shines through, you can sit nearby the line of the sunshine, or in the sunshine square, on the line of it. Or sit a while only and come back into the shade. Sit directly under the sun, and then go into the shade, or under the sun but covered, like with those canvas awnings, the awning through your window. That’s also okay. You don’t have to sit directly in the sun at the hottest time of the day. It’s not good for you.

Light and Sound practitioners have a lot of benefit from the sun, if they sit under the sunlight, or nearby the sun area, or under the canvas even, or just sit even in the house where it’s sunny. That’s also benefit, but less. Just sit in the sun, or where the sun is shining through or where the sun is shining on you. Even when it’s too hot with the canvas, or inside a tent or with a thin cloth, white cloth, or whatever cloth, accordingly – according to the intensity of the heat, it’s good enough. You can sit on a sunny porch or something, with the cover.

Any of the Light and Sound practitioners out there, not necessarily in our group, will benefit greatly if they follow these guidelines. I’m saying all this to you so that the Quan Yin practitioners outside from anywhere else, from other masters, teachers, will also benefit. Even the teachers or the masters of the Light and Sound elsewhere themselves would benefit greatly if they sit in the sun, under the sun, near the sun, with cover of course, if it’s too hot. Please don’t go to India and try. It is truly hot. I’m telling you, for example, even not Light and Sound practitioner, if you just sit there and recite the Holy Names or if you recite the Buddha’s name, you benefit many millions as well. I’m also telling all this for all kinds of spiritual denominations, schools and practices, so that they can benefit more.


We have to thank the Sun wholeheartedly and humbly, sincerely and so, so gratefully, that I have been revealed all this information. Because of this, we have to thank the Sun infinitely, the magnificent Sun, the benevolent Sun, the noble Sun, the spiritually so high Sun for revealing this to me, because in the whole universe it has not been told; it has not been revealed.

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清海無上師以英文講於法國國際聚會 2009.02.08




Love Is the Source of Enlightenment

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
at International gathering in France,
February 8, 2009 (Originally in English)

Love is very precious because if we have love, we can do many things right – because love is the source of enlightenment. When we have love in our heart, we’re all clear, we do everything selflessly, and it will be correct. As long as you’re selfless, everything you do is correct, because there is no motive. When you are selfless, that means the ego is the least at that time; then the divine power can maneuver your direction very easily. The only problem with us is that we are not very connected with our divine source of powerful inspiration and miracle.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/207/   Pearls of Wisdom

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清海無上師與韓國首爾小中心的視訊會議 2008.08.09(原文為英文)




Be Diligent Every Second of Your Life


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
video conference with Seoul Center, South Korea,
Aug. 9, 2008 (Originally in English)

Even one day is a lot of time. If you concentrate well and lift your moral standard and spiritual consciousness high, one day is enough. Always be diligent in your practice, no matter if you have one second or one minute, because in eternity, time doesn’t count. We only have time because we are trapped in this frame of physical, illusionary existence. So, time doesn’t count: One second is equal to eternity! Just be diligent every second of your life. That will be long enough.


Pearls of Wisdom

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清海無上師以中文講於國際聚會 2009.10.11


:我們應該打坐,真的是這樣!我們的概念要改,要把重點放在打坐上。一定要打坐!任何不重要的事情要放下來才行,不能說「行住坐臥都是禪」。「行住坐臥都是禪」是指你一個人在山上,沒人煩你,你不用擔心生存的問題,不用跟誰交往。在這邊,你如果要幫助別人的話,一天要打坐最少4個小時,不是2個半小時而已。打坐2個半小時,只夠給自己用,分給別人一點點而已。 如果要幫助別人或是要在師父旁邊幫助,最少要打坐4個小時。







We Have to Meditate More to Help Others

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai 
at an international gathering on October 11, 2009 (Originally in Chinese)

Q. Master, please tell us how to keep the love and blessing that You give us in order to help others?

A. We have to meditate; it is really like that! We have to change our concept and put our focus on meditation. We must meditate! We have to put aside any matters that are not important. We cannot say, “Everything we do in daily life is meditation.” This is only possible when you are all alone in the mountains, with no one bothering you, no need to worry about survival and not having to interact with anyone. While here, if you wish to help anyone, you must meditate for at least four hours each day, not just two-and-a-half hours. Meditating for two-and-a-half hours is only sufficient for yourself, and sharing a little bit with others. If you want to help others or want to help by my side, you have to meditate at least four hours.

So the answer to your question is very simple: just meditate. Meditation is very important. You absolutely need to meditate. It is not because I tell you so; it is because if you don’t meditate, you would be spiritually dead and your body would be exhausted. This is really true. I am not joking! You must realize this point from today onwards.

We really must meditate diligently; meditate whenever we can, even just for five minutes is good. Even if just for two minutes, we still have to concentrate. When working, recite the protective Holy Names whenever we can to protect ourselves at all times. Otherwise, we are in a world that is full of heavy pollution and very strong destructive power; we could be harmed at anytime. Even though we are vegetarians and benevolent, we can still be affected. Therefore, we can only protect ourselves by meditation, chanting the Holy Names, and being focused in the mind. Especially at this time, there are numerous trials. If the world does not change, the end will come very soon. So we must meditate as much as we can.

Truly, it is only for helping the world that I let you to go out to work. Otherwise, if there were no such problem as the end of the world, I would have advised you to meditate all the time, because if we do not meditate enough, we cannot help the world either. If the people around me do not meditate enough, it is very difficult for them to help me. They are not helping; they just idle there and let you do the work. They occupy your space and time, and drain your attention so that you cannot focus your mind. This happens if we do not meditate enough. We cannot help even if we want to. So, if you want to help others, first meditate for four hours, depending on how much you want to help.

For the people living here, working for me every day, the more they do my work, the more they need to meditate. At least four hours. In your case, two-and-a-half hours to three-and-a-half hours is okay. Anytime you want to help more, you need to meditate more on that day. Simply meditate diligently at all times and save it up for use in case you are in need due to shortage.   

Spiritual Tips


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答: 他們有機會。以地球的時間來算,他們大約廿年前就已收到警告,最後一次收到緊急警告是在毀滅發生前五年。他們在事發前有五年的時間,但他們改變得不夠快。他們沒有改變,所以沒有機會拯救火星。他們是有機會,但他們不做。


答: 他們之所以改變得不夠快,是因為他們不知道素食能扭轉情況。那時沒有足夠的人站出來宣導火星的緊急情況,以及諸如素食這類解決之道,像我們現在做的這樣。


答: 有些人不知道該怎麼辦。當然,有些人知道怎麼做,因為我們告訴他們,或聯合國、科學家告訴他們,但他們仍未改變習慣。所以,如果我們繼續因循舊習而不改,那麼地球將會毀滅,就像火星被毀滅一樣。 



A Chance to Shape Our Future

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Videoconference with Supreme Master TV staff, Los Angeles, California, USA,
July 31, 2008 (Originally in English)

Q:Master, You’ve spoken on several occasions about the parallels between the history of Mars and Earth. Is it true that Mars experienced climate change at the hands of its inhabitants like our planet? Did the Martians have a chance to save their planet?

M: They did. The warning came 20 or so years earlier in Earth time to them, and the last urgent sign they had was about five years before the destruction. They had five years in advance, but they did not change quickly enough. They did not change, so they didn’t have a chance to save the planet. They did have a chance, but they did not do it.

Q:Why is that, Master?

M: The reason they did not change fast enough was because they did not know about the vegetarian diet that could change the situation. In those times, there were not enough people to stand up and communicate the urgency of the planet, as well as the solution like the vegetarian diet, the way we are doing now.

Q:And Master, how about our planet? Do people know the chance?

M: There are some people who don’t know what to do. And of course, some people know what to do because we inform them or the United Nations informs them or the scientists inform them, but they still have not changed their habit. So, if we continue not changing our habit, then the planet will be destroyed, just the way Mars has been destroyed. 



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「無上師電視台」的現場開示 2007.11.16



Animal Companions’ Care Is Beyond Measure

That is the very touching thing about the animals, that whenever I find myself in a sad situation or some unhappy circumstances or feelings, the dogs and the birds are always there to comfort me. They just come by themselves, either licking toes or sitting around or jumping or playing the fool, like playing stupid, ‘dropping dead,’ or chasing each other – any trick just to make me happy. And the birds maybe just grab me by my hands or even by my clothes and want to kiss me and tell me that I’m beautiful and so on. They are very touching, very sentimental and extremely sensitive to your feelings. And of course, every time I think of these things, it makes me happy.

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Live Videoconference, Supreme Master TV, 
Los Angeles, California USA, November 16, 2007 
(Originally in English)


Master Says


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清海無上師透過視訊會議以中文與福爾摩沙讀者對談 2007.08.24

問: 師父,可否請您談談您編寫《真愛奇遇--我的鳥羽兄弟》這本書的主要目的?

答: 第一,就是要跟所有的有緣讀者分享我們世界上美麗的朋友們,像小鳥就是其中之一,因為他們真的很漂亮,靈魂也非常、非常美麗,而且非常聰明,他們的感情很深,跟我們沒有差別,所以想讓大家一起欣賞。第二,就是也許我們透過這些小鳥朋友,可以多了解一些別的眾生。只有這兩個目的而已。

問: 這本書要傳達給讀者與大眾什麼樣的訊息?

答: 就是希望人類多了解動物的世界,對他們更有同伴的感覺,更加照顧他們,彼此多互相了解。目前有些人不了解動物,認為動物比較笨、比較不懂事,其實他們真的很聰明,靈性很高。

記者: 師父您好,我想請問您是用什麼方式去治療動物憂鬱症,可不可以為我們說明一下?

答: 就是跟對待家人、朋友一樣,用這種愛心、用朋友之情互相了解,這樣他們不會不快樂的。我天天問我的鳥兒:「你快樂嗎?」他們都說:「是!好快樂!」(師父笑)他們都很高興。



Sharing the World of Animals  >>

From a videoconference in Formosa between Master and readers of Her new book,
on August 24, 2007 (Originally in Chinese)

Q. Master! Will You please talk about Your main objective of writing “The Birds in My Life”?

M. Firstly, to all readers with affinity I wish to introduce the magnificent animal friends of our world. One of them is the birds, which are really beautiful, and their souls are also very, very beautiful. As well, they are highly intelligent and have deep feelings, just like us. Therefore, I hope everyone can appreciate them. Secondly, perhaps through these little bird friends, we can understand more about other sentient beings.

Q. What is the message that this book intends to convey to the readers and the general public?

M. We hope that humans will understand more about the world of animals, and will treat them as partners, take better care of them, and try to understand each other. At present, some people do not understand the animals; they think animals are stupid and unintelligent. In fact they are very clever and intelligent.

Reporter: Hallo! Master! May I know in what way can symptoms of depression be healed in animals? Will You please explain to us?

Master: Just treat them as your family and friends. Understand each other through love and friendship, and they won't feel unhappy. Every day I ask my birds: “Are you happy?” They always reply: “Yes, very happy!” ( Laughs ) They are all very happy.


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清海無上師以英文講於韓國首爾小中心 2000.05.17(DVD#705)





Scientific Development Must Be Balanced by Spiritual Understanding

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Seoul Center , Korea, 
May 17, 2000 (Originally in English)
DVD #705

Q: Since science is so highly developed, even the human can be copied. Some say this is the high development of science, but some say this is the end of the world. What do You think about that?

M: Together with the scientific development, we must develop spiritually. Otherwise we will be imbalanced and in danger of destroying ourselves. And that could be the end of the world, for sure! If we don’t have the moral strength and the spiritual knowledge of how to be a good human being, and we create all kinds of dummies and we make bad use of them - for instance, we can make war because these dummies don’t know how to be afraid of death, and they don’t know any moral standards so they can kill anyone at random - then of course, our world will be ended. Scientific development, if not controlled by spiritual power and understanding, is like a knife in a kid’s hand. He could kill himself or kill other kids and other people.


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清海無上師以英文講於愛爾蘭都柏林 1999.06.07(DVD#656)






Vegetarianism: Compassionate Respect for the Oneness of All Life

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Dublin, Ireland, 
June 7, 1999, (Originally in English) DVD #656

Q: I’m glad to read that You are a vegetarian. Can You explain why it is so important in life to be vegetarian?

M: It is important because we and all life on this planet are linked together by an invisible chain. And if one piece of the chain is broken, things go wrong. But because it is invisible, we do not know. Otherwise, how do we explain all these disasters, all the killing and all the war on this planet?

When you go inside and meditate on God, Hes will show you that compassion is very important and that compassion extends to all beings as well, even animals. Then you will know how important it is. In the Bible, God has said that Hes makes man and makes all the herbs in the field and all the vegetables for us as our food. And then Hes said, “Then I made animals also, to befriend you, to help you, and you will rule over animals.” But Hes did not mention that we should eat them.



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Spiritual Focus Is the Best Agent for Attitude Change

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Malaga, Spain, 
October 1, 2006, (Originally in English)

Q: Can illness be karma?

M: It can be attitude.

Q: Negative attitude?

M: Yes, both are karma. Because if you don’t have bad karma, you wouldn’t have the negative attitude. But if you discover or if you know about the negative attitude, you can change the attitude and you can help yourself. But you have to be very strong in attitude. Sometimes the heart is not strong enough, and sometimes the mind is not strong enough. They want to be positive but are very weak. So try your best to be positive. Reciting the Holy Names is the best. Don’t bother thinking about attitude, nothing! Just recite the Holy Names and meditate. The Light and the Sound help a lot.


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清海無上師以英文講於西班牙馬拉加國際禪四 2006.10.01










Ego Can Be Dissolved through Oneness with the Greater Self

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Malaga, Spain, 
October 1, 2006, (Originally in English)

Q: Master, yesterday morning you were telling us how we have to become more humble and get rid of our ego, and I understood all that. But I wondered if You had some tips about how we actually do that. If you’re working in the world, and you are in a situation where the ego is always coming to the front, how do we actually go about suppressing it?

M: Actually, you don’t have to try too hard. It also comes with the inner realization that we all are one; and that in some way in the past lives, we might have offended someone, which is a part of our one-togetherness Self. So, if that particular part of our togetherness Self wants to correct it, it’s alright. It’s all our Self.

Suppose yesterday you banged yourself into some stone and you’re bleeding somewhere. So you fix it a little bit, but it’s not complete. And then you go to sleep and you forget all about it. But the next morning you wake up and your eyes see the still-bruised and bleeding areas again, so the other hand puts some bandages on it and it hurts. Sometimes the antiseptic stings; it hurts your skin and hurts your wound, but it helps, and in the long run, it heals your wound. Would you blame the left hand for treating the right hand with the stinging, hurting antiseptic? No! Would you blame the eyes that see the whole body and tell the hand to help? No! The eyes are the all-seeing of your many lifetimes. The hand is the law of karma that works through different people to address the wrong of the past and make it better. Now you understand, yes? (Q: Yes, thank You.)

All right, no complaints. Just always be polite and try to accept the situation, or try to make it better later on or immediately in some diplomatic or good way if you can. If not, just accept it.

Q: Just overcome the mind, yes?

M: Yes. It’s very difficult, but at least if you get into that situation again, you’ll remember the bandage. It’s easier to remember when I give a concrete example. And it’s all in the universe. Also, even if the negative power attacks you through that person, it will not harm you in any way. It will only boost you up. It only makes you greater. It’s like the fertilizer that glorifies the roses, like the digging of the farmer and the weeding and the trimming only glorify the flowers.



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清海無上師以英文講於德國杜塞道夫杜易斯堡 2007.01.02









Quan Yin Meditation Helps You to Renew

You ought to do more Quan Yin. I observe that most of you just sit there and do a lot of Light, and don’t do the Sound. The Sound will make you more comfortable and with less sickness, even physically. When you feed it back to your body, it recycles your energy. Most of the energy is lost through the outer apparatus. When you sit in the Quan Yin position, you recycle it. You withdraw all the energy within and not too much is wasted outside. So one of the reasons to cross the legs is to preserve the energy, really.

If you know something about white magic, they will advise you to do something like that, too, even if they are not a yogi or anything. One protection white magicians use is that when they sense or when they see some bad aura or energy from other people who sit in front of them, they cross their legs and maybe cross their hands as well, if they can. So, actually it is natural also when you don’t feel like talking or when you feel defensive, that you cross your arms, too. It’s a kind of closing in. And when you feel lovely, when you want to greet someone with your heart, you just open your arms in a gesture of defenselessness, openly. But when you feel bored or you don’t like the person, you tend to just cross your arms. It seems to be that way.

So even though you don’t know why you cross your legs, it’s still good. And Quan Yin conserves the energy even more. It’s good for you also - physically, psychically, everything. But if you are tired, of course you can stretch your legs a little bit. As long as you can meditate well and enter samadhi, it’s fine. Position is not really that important. Just physically speaking, it helps to also preserve the physical energy. And it helps you stay more well and more healthy. In the morning, or after the Quan Yin meditation, if you look into the mirror, you will see yourself with very clean pinkish skin and bright eyes.

When you do Quan Yin for a while, and then you go look in the mirror, it looks like your skin has renewed itself. You feel different and you look different. You look bright and smooth; you’re glowing after some time of Quan Yin - Quan Quang also, but Quan Yin is more obvious. Whenever you meditate alone with Quan Yin, then if you happen to go into the bathroom and have a look, you look different. Your skin looks new, more tender and you glow with pink, even if you never had pink color before. And your eyes sparkle! Anyway, these are some techniques that really do help; they help you stay young.

With deep compassion for animals and concerned about repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases among animals and humans, Master has offered the world a fundamental solution to the problem by personally designing a friendly but convincing leaflet entitled “Alternative Living” to remind people to choose the vegetarian diet and stop killing in order to overcome global medical crises and save our fellow beings. Master has also instructed all initiates to share this message with their brothers and sisters in every corner of the world. In response, the practitioners have initiated an all-out effort to share Her words of love. 


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~清海無上師以英文講於馬來西亞 1992.02.25(影帶編號#219

問: 基督徒相信世界末日就要來臨了,可否請您做個評論?

答: 那有可能是不好的世界即將結束,而黃金時代即將開始,你認為呢?如果你還沒準備好,不論是結束或開始,對你都無所謂;如果你一直因循守舊,那就沒什麼差別。所以要想辦法「更新」自己,結束自己舊的世界。我目前所能預測的就是:我的世界已經結束,並展開了另一個新世界。我們隨時都可以結束這個世界,換一個新的,而不是等到世界末日來臨。你可以把它結束,變自己為主人,好嗎?如果沒有這樣,那就只好讓世界來結束你。有可能明天你就會死 去,那就是你的世界末日。我不是占星家,也不是預言家會未卜先知,但我可以用邏輯的方式來預測事情。


~清海無上師以英文講於尼泊爾加德滿都 2000.05.01(DVD#689

問: 有人說西元2000年時整個世界會毀滅,(師父:是的)您有何看法?

答: 西元2000年之前,我在倫敦就說過了,什麼都不會發生,我還會在,而我現在還是好好的!我已經這麼說過了,當時是5月還是什麼時候,也有人問同樣有關2000年的問題,我說:「沒問題,不用恐慌,不會有事的!」結果真的沒事,我們還在這兒,感謝上帝!只因為幾百年前的一些預言,大家看了之後就開始擔心世界末日。當然,世界有可能會毀滅,但因為有這麼多人修行--這麼多團體、這麼多人祈禱,而且我們也將靈性的訊息傳播到世界每個角落,這些靈性能量在某種程度上幫忙中和了世界的否定氣氛,因此我們才會沒事。所以我邀請你們加入修行的行列,讓世界在未來成為更美好的天堂。


~清海無上師以英文講於澳洲布里斯本 1993.03.21(影帶編號#337



You May Not Know 

The End of the World, or the Beginning of
the Golden Age?


~ Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Malaysia, February 25, 1992
(Originally in English) videotape #219

Q: The Christians believe that the end of the world is coming. Can you comment on this, please?

M: It might be the end of the bad world, and beginning of the Golden Age. How about that? If you're not ready for it, then it doesn't matter if it ends or it begins. It makes no difference, if you are always the old self. So make yourself new; end your old world. That's what I can predict for now: my world has ended and I begin a new one. We can always end the world and make a new one. Don't wait for the world to end! You end it; you become a master, OK? If you're not, then the world will end you. Maybe you might die tomorrow, and that's the end of your world! I'm not an astrologer or a prophet making prophesy, but I can predict things in a logical way


~ Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 1, 2000 
(Originally in English) DVD #689

Q: And someone said that in the year 2000 the whole world will be finished. (Master: Yes.) What do You say about that?

M: I already said in London, before the year 2000, that nothing will happen and that I will still be around. And I am still around! That's what I said. It was in May or something. People ask the same question about the year 2000. I say, “No problem! Don't panic! It's no problem.” And it is no problem - we're still here, thank God! Just because of some predictions a few hundred years ago, people read those predictions and worry about the end of the world. Of course, it might have ended. But because so many people practice spiritually - so many groups, so many prayers, and we also spread our spiritual message to every corner of the world - this spiritual energy helps to neutralize the negative atmosphere of the world to some degree. So we are OK. And we invite you to join and make the world become even a better Heaven in the future.


~ Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Brisbane, Australia, March 21, 1993
(Originally in English) Videotape #337

In recent years, thousands, millions, even trillions of people are practicing the Light and Sound method, so the world has become better. Our world's political conflict has diminished in all the nations, and the people have less fear about the end of the world, or at least about a world war. We can heave a sigh and relax, to rebuild where there is ruin. It might look a little bit chaotic at the moment, but this is just the way it looks after pulling the entire house down; it is messy for the time being. But we will clean it, and we'll make a new house. Whenever you move house or you make some drastic change in your environment, it looks messy at first. It looks very untidy, and unclean, but that is only the changing interim period. I am sure if all of us walk God-like on Earth, we do not need to seek paradise elsewhere. 

You May Not Know

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靈氣和光不一樣,靈氣有不同的顏色,有時候是黑色,有時候是咖啡色、黃色或紅色,依人們當時的身、心、情緒狀態而定。但是當你看到一個人的靈光很強時,你就知道那是與眾不同的。  ~清海無上師以英文講於美國紐約聯合國1992.06.26(DVD#260


開悟的人周圍有很強的光,這與靈氣不同。每個人都有靈氣,但是開悟者身上的強光不一樣,它更大、更清楚又很明亮。 ~清海無上師以英文講於德國慕尼黑1993.05.01(影帶編號#366


圍繞在佛陀和耶穌周圍的光叫做光環,那是開悟者的磁場。越開悟的人,周圍的光也會越亮。但只有當你打開智慧眼之後,才能看到一個人是否有光。能看到內在光的人,外在也會有光;而看不到內在光的人,他們外在的光非常模糊、陰暗、黯淡,我們稱這個為靈氣。一位完全開悟者的靈氣非常、非常光亮,徒弟能夠看到這個光,因為他們已經開悟了。徒弟的智慧眼已經打開了,他們能看到佛陀或耶穌有光,因此他們依照自己所見到的樣子來繪製祂們的畫像。…有些人也有一點通靈的力量,他們雖然沒有修觀音法門,但是智慧眼有打開一些,所以也能看到誰有強光、誰有金光、誰有深咖啡色的光。但最好是認識你的自性,了解你就是師父、你就是佛,而且我也要讓你們了悟自己偉大的智慧。  ~清海無上師以英文講於斯里蘭卡可倫坡2000.04.29(影帶編號#687


問: 您能看到並分析周遭人們身上的靈氣嗎?
答: 我對這個沒興趣,我只對靈魂有興趣,祂永遠光輝、明亮、永恆不朽、無所不在。  ~清海無上師以英文講於美國夏威夷1993.03.28(影帶編號#343


當然修行的人能看到其他人的靈氣,但那只是阿修羅身體的氣場。高等進化的眾生只看一個人的靈魂,不一定要看靈氣。靈魂永遠都是完美的,比好幾百萬個太陽合在一起還要光亮,只是有時被遮住罷了。  ~清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典1999.05.20(影帶編號#653


使用靈力治療違反自然,這會擾亂人們的靈氣、能量中心及磁場,以後會很難導正回來,而且也會擾亂人們的心靈及天性。  ~清海無上師以英文講於美國哈佛大學1991.02.24(影帶編號#155


事實上,我們過去或現在所做的任何事,即使沒人知道,沒有人看到我們做這些事,甚至他們也從沒見過我們,但他們仍然能從我們的靈氣、能量場、磁場察覺到一些事情,然後做出相對的反應。因此我們必須時時謹慎,保持自己純淨,完全單純乾淨,而且要警醒,努力維持下去。否則,如果發生了什麼事,都不能責怪任何人。  ~清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙西湖1996.02.19(影帶編號#527


我們必須保持高雅純潔的另一個理由是因為人們可以看得到我們,先知、聖賢和心靈純潔的人可以看到我們的靈氣。如果我們行事正當、了悟上帝,像上帝一樣慈悲博愛,並與上帝同一體,那麼我們的靈氣會是金色的,並且非常明亮。假如我們做了不對的事,傷害別人的感情、身體、心理或靈性,我們的靈氣就會變得很暗。人們可以看得到,我們騙不了人,因此我們必須讓自己保持完美。  ~清海無上師以英文講於印度普納1997.11.23(摘自本刊第91期DVD#600




Auras are different from light. Auras are different colors: sometimes black, sometimes coffee-colored, and sometimes yellow or red. It depends on the person’s temperament at that time. But when you see a person with a strong spiritual aura, you know it’s different. ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, United Nations, New York, USA, June 26, 1992 (Originally in English) DVD #260

The enlightened people have a great light around them. That is different from the aura. Everyone has an aura. But the great light of the enlightened person is different. It is bigger, clearer, and brilliant. ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Munich, Germany, May 1, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #366

The light around the Buddha and Jesus is called the halo, the magnetic field of the enlightened one. The more enlightened a person is, the brighter is this light around him or her. But only when you have opened the wisdom eye, can you see if a person has light or not. The person who sees the Light inside has light outside also. The person who does not see the Light inside has very dim or very dark, or very low light outside. We call this the aura. The aura of the person who is completely enlightened is very, very bright. The disciple can see this light, because he or she is enlightened. The disciple has the wisdom eye opened, and he or she can see that the Buddha or Jesus has light. So they paint the picture just the way they saw it…. Some people also have some psychic powers; they don’t even practice the Quan Yin Method, but they have the wisdom eye opened a little. They can also see who has the great light, who has golden light, and who has dark coffee-color light. But the best knowledge is your Self. You are the teacher; you are the Buddha. And I want to show you your great wisdom.

~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Colombo, Sri Lanka April 29, 2000 (Originally in English) Videotape #687


Q: Can you see and analyze auras on people around you?

M: I am not interested, I am only interested in the soul, which is always effulgent, always bright, always everlasting and omnipresent.

~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hawaii, USA, March 28, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #343


Of course the people who practice spiritually can see the auras of other people. But that is only the aura of the astral. The highly evolved beings just look at the soul of the person, with or without the aura. The soul is always perfect, brighter than millions of suns put together. It’s just covered sometimes.

~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece, May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #653


Healing by using spiritual force is unnatural. It messes with people’s aura, with people’s chakras, with people’s spiritual, magnetic field. And it’s difficult to correct later. It also messes up the psyche and Nature of people. ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Harvard University, USA, February 24, 1991 (Originally in English) Videotape #155


Actually, whatever we did or we do, even though no one knows it, even though no one has ever seen us doing these things before or has never even met us, they will still detect something from our aura, from our energy field, our magnetic field, and then react accordingly. That’s why we must take care all the time to keep ourselves pure, impeccably pure and clean, and consciously strive to keep it always like this. Otherwise, whatever happens to us, we cannot blame anyone else. ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa, February 19, 1996 (Originally in English) Videotape #527


There’s another point about why we have to keep ourselves noble and pure. Because people can see us -- the seers, the sages and the pure in heart -- can see our aura. If we do something right, if we are God-realized, we are God-loving and one with God, our aura is golden, brilliant. If we do something wrong – if we hurt other people emotionally, physically, mentally or spiritually -- our aura is dark. People can see us, so we cannot cheat. That’s why we have to keep ourselves beautiful.

 ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Pune, India, November 23, 1997 (Originally in English) News #91, DVD #600

Pearls of Wisdom

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清海無上師以英文講於愛爾蘭都柏林 1999.06.07(DVD#656)




The Inner Melody of Heaven Contains
All the Wisdom of the Universe 

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, June 7, 1999,
Dublin, Ireland (Originally in English) DVD #656

Q: Dear Master, You talk about the inner Melody that can heal all wounds. What does this Melody sound like?

M: It sounds almost like outside instruments, sometimes. For example, if you hear the Scottish bagpipes, the harp or the flute, they also resemble the inner Sound. The outer sound can relieve our stress and sorrow to some extent, for a temporary period. Sometimes it doesn’t. But the inner Sound, the inner Melody of Heaven, will play continuously, 24 hours, once we open our so-called spiritual ear. Then we can hear it all the time. And it heals all wounds, and it will teach us all the wisdom of the universe. Whereas, the outer music only makes us happy temporarily but does not teach us any wiser things, and does not change us to become a more intelligent or more loving or more compassionate person. The inner Music will do all that, yes!



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日期:2002.09.01, 07
















Use Your Heart and Change Your Perspective in Dealing with Others

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference with initiates
from the Midwest Centers, USA, September 1, 2002
(Originally in English) Videotape #753

Q: My colleagues and I recently worked on a project where the client was very demanding and sometimes even unreasonable, making us work long hours and sometimes blaming us for mistakes even though it wasn’t our fault.

So, at first we became angry, talked badly about him and were very confrontational, but it created a very negative atmosphere. So we tried to talk and understand why he made certain demands and also tried to help him understand us.

But in my heart I still had a very uneasy feeling about work and felt I didn’t like him. So I want to know whether through our spiritual practice we can treat people with love even though we’re treated badly by them.

M: I understand. It’s just your brain that reacted to that special circumstance. It’s not that your heart didn’t love him. Your heart is different than your brain. You use your brain a lot so when you deal with people you also use the brain. The brain says, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” but the heart is different. You do have love; it’s just that you use the brain. Try to use your heart the next time.

He also has his problems, which you don’t understand. His wife may be divorcing him or having an affair with someone else and he comes and takes it out on you. You’re working like mad there, and then here he comes and doesn’t know anything about your labor, about your concentration, about your efforts. He’s just pouring everything on you because he’s also stuffed. He’s depressed and he also may have pressure from his higher boss or maybe his wife or children. The world always puts pressure on everyone and in turn we pressure each other, and that’s the problem.

So maybe in meditation, you can try to send love to him. Tell him, “I wish you all the best and that you’ll become more enlightened soon so that you don’t have to endure all this frustration and anger.” And then meditate and try to understand that he also has problems.

My neighbors also give me problems for nothing all the time. Actually, when I live alone, I don’t have any problems with neighbors or anyone. But sometimes I need to have other disciples around to help me with work because I can’t always do everything by myself. If I’m not working for you guys or for the whole world, I don’t need anyone. But because I’m working, I sometimes need physical help. And then, because of their karma interacting with the neighbor’s karma we have conflicts, sometimes over very small things.

But I always try to understand the neighbor’s point of view and also understand that it’s not his fault. It’s the fault of my attendants or workers or helpers, whoever comes to work in my house. Sometimes they attract this kind of karma to themselves and because it’s my house, my place, I’m in the middle of it. So I never blame the other party. I see into the root of the problem and even tell some of my assistants, “Look, it’s your fault. It’s your combative karma that attracts his combative karma or this kind of reaction from the neighbor. So don’t get angry with him or feel angry inside because from that you create more karma for yourself. And in turn, like a cycle, you’ll attract more of this combative kind of energy and we’ll never be finished with it.”

It’s not just physical. It’s not just mental. It’s not just a verbal argument. It’s the karmic root from somewhere that we sometimes don’t have the ability to see through. And also of course, physically speaking or simply logically speaking, he himself, the boss or whoever, is also human. He has his own problems and sometimes he’s in a bad mood so whatever’s nearby, he just throws at it.

So forgive him and maybe don’t argue with him. Just keep quiet; pray and recite the Holy Names instead. Sometimes he just lets out his air and then later he feels foolish. Because if you don’t answer and don’t react maybe he’ll feel bad and come and apologize.

Try to change your perspective. That adds to the pressure of work for sure. Try to change your perspective of thinking instead of changing the job or changing the person. Try. But you never know: Sometimes we have better karma with someone and sometimes we don’t. We just have to try until it fits.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/182/   Master Says


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編號: 690

字幕:悠樂、阿拉伯、保加利亞、中簡、中繁、丹麥、荷蘭、英、法、芬蘭、德、希臘、匈牙利、印尼、義大利、日、韓、寮、菲律賓、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、斯洛維尼亞、西文、泰文、土耳其 (26)

清海無上師以英文講於香港 2000.05.02(DVD#690)




http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/179/    問答精選


Everything Has

Energy and Effect

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
May 2, 2000, Hong Kong (Originally in English) DVD #690


Q: Is evil just another form of goodness? Does that mean there is no evil after all?

M: No, you cannot say there is no evil. And yet, evil is also born from us. Originally, there was no evil. It's just that when we think something bad or negative, when we do something bad or negative or when we speak something bad or negative, these things also affect us and affect other people around because they are not of a good nature. Anything we do, say or think that's good and is of a good nature has a good effect on us and on everyone else. And everything we do, think or say that's bad, has a bad effect. Everything has an effect, or energy. For instance, the rose is beautiful and it smells nice because it's a rose. But cheese smells a little bit like feet that you didn't wash for a long time! So, everything has its own quality and its effect. When you put a rose in a small room, you feel that the whole room is filled with rose fragrance. But if you put the cheese or something bad like excrement from an animal or yourself in the room, the whole room will smell bad.

Everything has an effect; everything has energy. And because we are God, we have the power of the Creator. We are one with the whole creation, and whatever we create affects ourselves and everyone else. That's why the devil or evil was born, because of our bad energy. And sometimes such a big, vast, massive lump of energy accumulates and stays in one place that the country will have a disaster or trouble; the whole nation will be affected. The people may be in bad shape, such as having epidemic sickness or disease, war, disaster or whatever. That's when the bad energy or the devil is at work. It's all man-made; so we should take care that our thoughts are always pure, noble and good; then we don't have to experience this. That's why we have to practice, to be good for ourselves and to benefit everyone.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/179/     >>


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清海無上師以英文講於法國巴黎 1993.4.25(影帶編號#360)









>>    http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/178/


Stay Away from 
Addictive Activities
 and Atmosphere

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Paris, France, 
April 25, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #360

Q: In the sample book it mentions that gambling is one of the things that is forbidden. Does this only refer to gambling in the casino, or any game?

M: Any game that involves a large sum of money and is involved with the kind of competition between people that breeds an addictive and also a kind of competitive atmosphere is considered gambling.

Q: So, football, for example?

M: Football is OK! If you play football with an attitude of sport, as companions, for pleasure only, then it’s all right. But when they play football and they hit each other when they lose, it’s no good.

I think in any game, we should just remain with the attitude of a gentleman. In the casino, when you lose too much money, you tend to lose your dignity. Also, many people who lose money in the casino come home and then even sell the house, sell the property, sometimes sell the children and wife, just because they get crazy.

There’s also another invisible side to gambling. For those people who like gambling, there are many astral beings or disembodied spirits who hang around them all the time and always push them to do more. So they can never get out of it. Therefore, we had better keep away from such atmospheres.

That’s why the people who begin to gamble, they hardly can get out. Because those disembodied spirits who love gambling always stand around them and sometimes use their bodies to satisfy their desire for gambling. That’s the reason why people find it difficult to quit. It’s the same with alcohol and other heavy drugs, even cigarettes. That’s why we should stay away from these harmful addictive substances and atmospheres. If you have the eyes to see in such places where drugs are heavily used or there is heavy gambling, there are a lot of “mauvais” (meaning bad or immoral) astral beings.

The people who love gambling or drugs or other addictive activities, even if they struggle to stop, they cannot do it. This would be harmful to us. But, for example, if you are very spiritually developed, and then for some special reason you play a game once or something like that, of course it’s not that terrible. You will not be affected by it. But for ordinary people or spiritually weak persons, it’s better to stay away from that, because it becomes addictive. 


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清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)







>>  http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/178/


Let God Be the Healer

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, 
November 21, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #671

Q: Having been informed that as a healer I am not fit to be initiated, I would very much like the Master to advise me how I could join the spiritual experience.

M: I am not telling you to stop your healing, as a healer. I just want to show you a greater way to be a healer, to be a greater healer, the one that Jesus was, the one that when people just touched His garment, they were healed. And Jesus did not even claim it! He said, “Your faith has healed you,” and “My Father has healed you,” because He had no more ego. He didn’t lay hands on people any more; He didn’t pray for people any more. He didn’t do anything!

Everything is the Father’s doing. Hes is the greatest Healer of all time, and that is the status where we should be: all of us, because we are the children of God. We have all this power; the whole universe belongs to us. Anything you want to do, you can, but you have to be One with this power, be One with God and let God do it, not be just one individual healer who has to use physical means to heal people.

So I want to show you to be a greater healer. If you are ready for that, join us. If you are not ready for that, stay where you are and enjoy your work. If you enjoy it, do it. Do whatever is best for you; do whatever makes you feel happiest. You don’t have to come to me, if you are happy where you are. Do whatever suits you at this moment. If you want to join us, we welcome you. There’s no attachment, no condition, no money, now or hereafter, nothing! I am here to serve you. But if you enjoy where you are, it’s OK, too. We are all OK in the eyes of God. Depending on what we want to do, Hes helps us. If you want to stay a nurse, it’s good. But if you want to learn to be a doctor, you have to forsake this work and study further. (Applause)

In all the Bible, you don’t hear that any Prophet heals anyone by physical means. Anyone who is in their presence, if it is the will of the Father, they will be healed through being near the Prophet, or near the Master or through praying to the Master, even if they’re thousands of miles apart. If God wills that person to be healed through the Master, it will be done. But the Master doesn’t do physical things. That’s why Jesus didn’t claim any of the miracles He made. People claimed! People said, “Oh! He healed the sick. He healed the blind.” In fact, it was because they knew it was through Him that they were healed.

But Jesus or any Master such as Abraham or Mohammed never deliberately did things to claim, “OK, it’s me; I healed you.” No, because to do that would defame our Father; it would be very arrogant, I’m sorry to say. If you are near our brothers and sisters who learn the same method and who practice the same way as me, you will hear a lot of miracle stories like that from them, and they will tell you that it’s I who do it. But I always tell them again and again, and now, that I don’t do anything. If there’s any benefit that comes through me, it is the Father who does it! I can’t ever do anything without Hiers will. So every time my people come to me or write me a letter and thank me for any cure of sickness, any miracle or whatever great illness they have escaped, I always thank the Father, because I know it is Hirm and Hiers doing. I know for sure! No one else is there except Hirm, or the Mother, the Mother or the Father. 


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