

~清海無上師以英文講於馬來西亞 1992.02.25(影帶編號#219

問: 基督徒相信世界末日就要來臨了,可否請您做個評論?

答: 那有可能是不好的世界即將結束,而黃金時代即將開始,你認為呢?如果你還沒準備好,不論是結束或開始,對你都無所謂;如果你一直因循守舊,那就沒什麼差別。所以要想辦法「更新」自己,結束自己舊的世界。我目前所能預測的就是:我的世界已經結束,並展開了另一個新世界。我們隨時都可以結束這個世界,換一個新的,而不是等到世界末日來臨。你可以把它結束,變自己為主人,好嗎?如果沒有這樣,那就只好讓世界來結束你。有可能明天你就會死 去,那就是你的世界末日。我不是占星家,也不是預言家會未卜先知,但我可以用邏輯的方式來預測事情。


~清海無上師以英文講於尼泊爾加德滿都 2000.05.01(DVD#689

問: 有人說西元2000年時整個世界會毀滅,(師父:是的)您有何看法?

答: 西元2000年之前,我在倫敦就說過了,什麼都不會發生,我還會在,而我現在還是好好的!我已經這麼說過了,當時是5月還是什麼時候,也有人問同樣有關2000年的問題,我說:「沒問題,不用恐慌,不會有事的!」結果真的沒事,我們還在這兒,感謝上帝!只因為幾百年前的一些預言,大家看了之後就開始擔心世界末日。當然,世界有可能會毀滅,但因為有這麼多人修行--這麼多團體、這麼多人祈禱,而且我們也將靈性的訊息傳播到世界每個角落,這些靈性能量在某種程度上幫忙中和了世界的否定氣氛,因此我們才會沒事。所以我邀請你們加入修行的行列,讓世界在未來成為更美好的天堂。


~清海無上師以英文講於澳洲布里斯本 1993.03.21(影帶編號#337



You May Not Know 

The End of the World, or the Beginning of
the Golden Age?


~ Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Malaysia, February 25, 1992
(Originally in English) videotape #219

Q: The Christians believe that the end of the world is coming. Can you comment on this, please?

M: It might be the end of the bad world, and beginning of the Golden Age. How about that? If you're not ready for it, then it doesn't matter if it ends or it begins. It makes no difference, if you are always the old self. So make yourself new; end your old world. That's what I can predict for now: my world has ended and I begin a new one. We can always end the world and make a new one. Don't wait for the world to end! You end it; you become a master, OK? If you're not, then the world will end you. Maybe you might die tomorrow, and that's the end of your world! I'm not an astrologer or a prophet making prophesy, but I can predict things in a logical way


~ Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 1, 2000 
(Originally in English) DVD #689

Q: And someone said that in the year 2000 the whole world will be finished. (Master: Yes.) What do You say about that?

M: I already said in London, before the year 2000, that nothing will happen and that I will still be around. And I am still around! That's what I said. It was in May or something. People ask the same question about the year 2000. I say, “No problem! Don't panic! It's no problem.” And it is no problem - we're still here, thank God! Just because of some predictions a few hundred years ago, people read those predictions and worry about the end of the world. Of course, it might have ended. But because so many people practice spiritually - so many groups, so many prayers, and we also spread our spiritual message to every corner of the world - this spiritual energy helps to neutralize the negative atmosphere of the world to some degree. So we are OK. And we invite you to join and make the world become even a better Heaven in the future.


~ Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Brisbane, Australia, March 21, 1993
(Originally in English) Videotape #337

In recent years, thousands, millions, even trillions of people are practicing the Light and Sound method, so the world has become better. Our world's political conflict has diminished in all the nations, and the people have less fear about the end of the world, or at least about a world war. We can heave a sigh and relax, to rebuild where there is ruin. It might look a little bit chaotic at the moment, but this is just the way it looks after pulling the entire house down; it is messy for the time being. But we will clean it, and we'll make a new house. Whenever you move house or you make some drastic change in your environment, it looks messy at first. It looks very untidy, and unclean, but that is only the changing interim period. I am sure if all of us walk God-like on Earth, we do not need to seek paradise elsewhere. 

You May Not Know

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