
靈氣和光不一樣,靈氣有不同的顏色,有時候是黑色,有時候是咖啡色、黃色或紅色,依人們當時的身、心、情緒狀態而定。但是當你看到一個人的靈光很強時,你就知道那是與眾不同的。  ~清海無上師以英文講於美國紐約聯合國1992.06.26(DVD#260


開悟的人周圍有很強的光,這與靈氣不同。每個人都有靈氣,但是開悟者身上的強光不一樣,它更大、更清楚又很明亮。 ~清海無上師以英文講於德國慕尼黑1993.05.01(影帶編號#366


圍繞在佛陀和耶穌周圍的光叫做光環,那是開悟者的磁場。越開悟的人,周圍的光也會越亮。但只有當你打開智慧眼之後,才能看到一個人是否有光。能看到內在光的人,外在也會有光;而看不到內在光的人,他們外在的光非常模糊、陰暗、黯淡,我們稱這個為靈氣。一位完全開悟者的靈氣非常、非常光亮,徒弟能夠看到這個光,因為他們已經開悟了。徒弟的智慧眼已經打開了,他們能看到佛陀或耶穌有光,因此他們依照自己所見到的樣子來繪製祂們的畫像。…有些人也有一點通靈的力量,他們雖然沒有修觀音法門,但是智慧眼有打開一些,所以也能看到誰有強光、誰有金光、誰有深咖啡色的光。但最好是認識你的自性,了解你就是師父、你就是佛,而且我也要讓你們了悟自己偉大的智慧。  ~清海無上師以英文講於斯里蘭卡可倫坡2000.04.29(影帶編號#687


問: 您能看到並分析周遭人們身上的靈氣嗎?
答: 我對這個沒興趣,我只對靈魂有興趣,祂永遠光輝、明亮、永恆不朽、無所不在。  ~清海無上師以英文講於美國夏威夷1993.03.28(影帶編號#343


當然修行的人能看到其他人的靈氣,但那只是阿修羅身體的氣場。高等進化的眾生只看一個人的靈魂,不一定要看靈氣。靈魂永遠都是完美的,比好幾百萬個太陽合在一起還要光亮,只是有時被遮住罷了。  ~清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典1999.05.20(影帶編號#653


使用靈力治療違反自然,這會擾亂人們的靈氣、能量中心及磁場,以後會很難導正回來,而且也會擾亂人們的心靈及天性。  ~清海無上師以英文講於美國哈佛大學1991.02.24(影帶編號#155


事實上,我們過去或現在所做的任何事,即使沒人知道,沒有人看到我們做這些事,甚至他們也從沒見過我們,但他們仍然能從我們的靈氣、能量場、磁場察覺到一些事情,然後做出相對的反應。因此我們必須時時謹慎,保持自己純淨,完全單純乾淨,而且要警醒,努力維持下去。否則,如果發生了什麼事,都不能責怪任何人。  ~清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙西湖1996.02.19(影帶編號#527


我們必須保持高雅純潔的另一個理由是因為人們可以看得到我們,先知、聖賢和心靈純潔的人可以看到我們的靈氣。如果我們行事正當、了悟上帝,像上帝一樣慈悲博愛,並與上帝同一體,那麼我們的靈氣會是金色的,並且非常明亮。假如我們做了不對的事,傷害別人的感情、身體、心理或靈性,我們的靈氣就會變得很暗。人們可以看得到,我們騙不了人,因此我們必須讓自己保持完美。  ~清海無上師以英文講於印度普納1997.11.23(摘自本刊第91期DVD#600



Auras are different from light. Auras are different colors: sometimes black, sometimes coffee-colored, and sometimes yellow or red. It depends on the person’s temperament at that time. But when you see a person with a strong spiritual aura, you know it’s different. ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, United Nations, New York, USA, June 26, 1992 (Originally in English) DVD #260

The enlightened people have a great light around them. That is different from the aura. Everyone has an aura. But the great light of the enlightened person is different. It is bigger, clearer, and brilliant. ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Munich, Germany, May 1, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #366

The light around the Buddha and Jesus is called the halo, the magnetic field of the enlightened one. The more enlightened a person is, the brighter is this light around him or her. But only when you have opened the wisdom eye, can you see if a person has light or not. The person who sees the Light inside has light outside also. The person who does not see the Light inside has very dim or very dark, or very low light outside. We call this the aura. The aura of the person who is completely enlightened is very, very bright. The disciple can see this light, because he or she is enlightened. The disciple has the wisdom eye opened, and he or she can see that the Buddha or Jesus has light. So they paint the picture just the way they saw it…. Some people also have some psychic powers; they don’t even practice the Quan Yin Method, but they have the wisdom eye opened a little. They can also see who has the great light, who has golden light, and who has dark coffee-color light. But the best knowledge is your Self. You are the teacher; you are the Buddha. And I want to show you your great wisdom.

~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Colombo, Sri Lanka April 29, 2000 (Originally in English) Videotape #687


Q: Can you see and analyze auras on people around you?

M: I am not interested, I am only interested in the soul, which is always effulgent, always bright, always everlasting and omnipresent.

~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hawaii, USA, March 28, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #343


Of course the people who practice spiritually can see the auras of other people. But that is only the aura of the astral. The highly evolved beings just look at the soul of the person, with or without the aura. The soul is always perfect, brighter than millions of suns put together. It’s just covered sometimes.

~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece, May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #653


Healing by using spiritual force is unnatural. It messes with people’s aura, with people’s chakras, with people’s spiritual, magnetic field. And it’s difficult to correct later. It also messes up the psyche and Nature of people. ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Harvard University, USA, February 24, 1991 (Originally in English) Videotape #155


Actually, whatever we did or we do, even though no one knows it, even though no one has ever seen us doing these things before or has never even met us, they will still detect something from our aura, from our energy field, our magnetic field, and then react accordingly. That’s why we must take care all the time to keep ourselves pure, impeccably pure and clean, and consciously strive to keep it always like this. Otherwise, whatever happens to us, we cannot blame anyone else. ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa, February 19, 1996 (Originally in English) Videotape #527


There’s another point about why we have to keep ourselves noble and pure. Because people can see us -- the seers, the sages and the pure in heart -- can see our aura. If we do something right, if we are God-realized, we are God-loving and one with God, our aura is golden, brilliant. If we do something wrong – if we hurt other people emotionally, physically, mentally or spiritually -- our aura is dark. People can see us, so we cannot cheat. That’s why we have to keep ourselves beautiful.

 ~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Pune, India, November 23, 1997 (Originally in English) News #91, DVD #600

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