


清海無上師透過視訊會議以中文與福爾摩沙讀者對談 2007.08.24

問: 師父,可否請您談談您編寫《真愛奇遇--我的鳥羽兄弟》這本書的主要目的?

答: 第一,就是要跟所有的有緣讀者分享我們世界上美麗的朋友們,像小鳥就是其中之一,因為他們真的很漂亮,靈魂也非常、非常美麗,而且非常聰明,他們的感情很深,跟我們沒有差別,所以想讓大家一起欣賞。第二,就是也許我們透過這些小鳥朋友,可以多了解一些別的眾生。只有這兩個目的而已。

問: 這本書要傳達給讀者與大眾什麼樣的訊息?

答: 就是希望人類多了解動物的世界,對他們更有同伴的感覺,更加照顧他們,彼此多互相了解。目前有些人不了解動物,認為動物比較笨、比較不懂事,其實他們真的很聰明,靈性很高。

記者: 師父您好,我想請問您是用什麼方式去治療動物憂鬱症,可不可以為我們說明一下?

答: 就是跟對待家人、朋友一樣,用這種愛心、用朋友之情互相了解,這樣他們不會不快樂的。我天天問我的鳥兒:「你快樂嗎?」他們都說:「是!好快樂!」(師父笑)他們都很高興。


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From a videoconference in Formosa between Master and readers of Her new book,
on August 24, 2007 (Originally in Chinese)

Q. Master! Will You please talk about Your main objective of writing “The Birds in My Life”?

M. Firstly, to all readers with affinity I wish to introduce the magnificent animal friends of our world. One of them is the birds, which are really beautiful, and their souls are also very, very beautiful. As well, they are highly intelligent and have deep feelings, just like us. Therefore, I hope everyone can appreciate them. Secondly, perhaps through these little bird friends, we can understand more about other sentient beings.

Q. What is the message that this book intends to convey to the readers and the general public?

M. We hope that humans will understand more about the world of animals, and will treat them as partners, take better care of them, and try to understand each other. At present, some people do not understand the animals; they think animals are stupid and unintelligent. In fact they are very clever and intelligent.

Reporter: Hallo! Master! May I know in what way can symptoms of depression be healed in animals? Will You please explain to us?

Master: Just treat them as your family and friends. Understand each other through love and friendship, and they won't feel unhappy. Every day I ask my birds: “Are you happy?” They always reply: “Yes, very happy!” ( Laughs ) They are all very happy.


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