

清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662)

問: 您怎麼知道您所看到的是天堂而不是幻覺?

答: 是,我知道,就像你認得你太太一樣。當你看到一個人像你太太一樣那麼可愛、明媚,而你卻認不出來的話,那才奇怪。我們來自天堂,所以一看到天堂就會認得,這個道理很簡單。你們看我像頭腦有問題嗎?(大眾答:沒有!)好!那我一定是看到天堂,要不然是什麼!那些有幻覺的人,他們的言行舉止都不一樣,就像瘋子一般;而看到天堂的人,他們會充滿活力、愛力、喜悅與正面的能量。你們可以依此判斷,不過這只是外在的部分。至於內在,我會和你們一起坐下來,然後證明給你們看。外在的部分,你們只能看到這麼多,但是如果你的天眼已經打開,你會看到我們現場四周都是光。有沒有人看到我們四周滿滿的光?有嗎?(師父指向現場一位聽眾)是!非常謝謝!有看到嗎?(師父問另一位聽眾)有看到,好!你印過心了嗎?沒有!謝天謝地!(師父開玩笑)否則他們會認為是我叫你這麼說的。你是第一次看到我嗎?謝謝。他第一次看到我,就已經看到我的四周有光!



The Proof of Seeing Heaven

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, London, England, June 9, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #662

Q: How do you know it is Heaven and not just an optical illusion?

M: I know it, just as you know your wife. If you don’t know something so dear and so clear as your wife, then that is weird. So, we came from Heaven, and the moment we are shown Heaven, we will know that. It’s very easy. Do I look crazy to you in any way? (Audience: No!) OK, then I must have seen Heaven, or else what! The person who sees an illusion acts differently, talks differently and behaves differently, as if he’s a lunatic. A person who sees Heaven is bubbling with life, love, happiness and positive energy. So you can judge by that, but outwardly only. The inside, I will prove to you by sitting down with you. The outside, you can only see so much. But if your heavenly eye’s open, you can see Light around us right now. Does anyone see Light around us? Yes? (Master gestures toward someone in the audience) Oh, thanks a lot! Yes? (Master indicates another person) OK, good! You are not initiated? Thank God! (Master jokes) Otherwise they’ll think I told you to say that. Is it your first time seeing me? Thank you! The first time he saw me, and he sees Light around this physical being already.

Can you believe, can you imagine, what it is like inside when you can even radiate Light outside? So, be that person! It’s in you! You can do that. I and you, we’re the same. I eat the same food; I do the same things. So this is how we can attain Heaven. You’ve heard that the Saints in the past have halos of Light around them? So they must have seen Heaven in order to manifest that. They don’t even manifest it; it just happens. It’s just like, physically speaking, if you’re happy or if you’re in love, it’s written all over your face. They say that! So if you see Heaven, all you radiate is just the Light of Heaven. And it’s not only me! Many of our brothers and sisters, if your eye is open, you see Light around their head, at least around the head if not all over the body. And you can be the same.


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