

 清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662

問: 祈禱和打坐有什麼不同?

答: 好,我告訴你:祈禱是我們仍覺得上帝在我們外邊或在天堂裡;而打坐則是我們可以看到內邊的上帝,直接向祂問問題,或得到直接的教誨。當我們尚未認識上帝,還沒有直接的溝通時,才必須向祂祈禱,才會一直呼求祂。但是在打坐時,我們可以直接獲得上帝的教誨或指示。比方說,你們通常都祈求什麼?世界和平?內邊的和平?好,這是因為你們還沒有獲得和平,所以必須為此祈禱。你們會說:「上帝,請賜給我和平,賜給我和平!」





Prayer and Meditation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
London, England, June 9, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #662

Q: What’s the difference between prayer and meditation?

M: I’ll tell you: Prayer is when we still feel that God is outside us, or in Heaven. Meditation is when you can see God within yourself, and ask direct questions or receive direct teachings. Prayer is necessary when we don’t know God yet, when we don’t have the direct contact, so we keep calling Hirm. Meditation is when you can receive Hiers teaching or advice directly. For example, what do you normally pray for? For peace in the world? Within yourself? Alright. You see, it’s because you don’t have peace yet, so you have to pray for it. You say, “God, please grant me peace; grant me peace.”

I don’t know about other meditations; I tried. But this one is the one that gives you peace right away. So you don’t even have to pray for it. It’s strong, yes, because you have a direct link with God. Your telephone to Hirm is re-opened, fixed again. Now, the connection between ourselves and God is kind of severed or blocked. During initiation, I will fix that for you, or God will do it through this being, and then you will see Hirm. Then, daily you can see Hirm in different forms: in the form of Light, in the form of a past Master like Jesus, or in the form of another human being within you. And they will teach you things.

So, you don’t even need to pray. Everything you think of is immediately reported, and then it will manifest to you. That’s why it is said, “Seek you first God, and everything else will come to you.” But now, because our connection is severed or blocked or damaged, even if God talks to you and tells you what to do to get the right answer, you won’t hear. So you have to pray and pray, and maybe your prayers will come true, but maybe not, because you don’t hear what God tells you to do. For example, if you come to me for advice, but you keep asking all the time, “Oh, Ching Hai, Ching Hai, Ching Hai, Ching Hai,” then I cannot tell you what to do. But if you’re quiet, I can tell you.

It’s the same thing. I just teach you how to quiet down, so you can hear God telling you. You don’t even need to pray; Hes knows it already. That’s why in the Bible it is said, “The Father knows everything before you even pray.” But that is only effective for the initiated people, the ones who connect with God.


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