


清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典 1999.05.20 (影帶編號#653)


問: 人如何能克服人性中軟弱與畏懼的弱點,並感覺自己像上帝一般呢?這也許有點膽大妄為,敢認為自己是上帝!

答: 當然現在我們不敢,因為我們尚未記起自己的本來面目,我們已經忘記了。等我們喚醒內邊的上帝之後,祂自然知道自己就是上帝,你就不會再把這個軟弱的肉身、這個肉體的牢獄當成自己。你在這個房子裡待太久了,便認為自己就是這個房子;一旦你開門走出去,就知道自己不是這間屋子。這間屋子不論看起來多糟糕、多破舊、多簡陋都沒關係,畢竟它不是你。這間屋子裡有一個電腦系統,我們稱之為頭腦。就是這個頭腦告訴你:你很軟弱、老是犯錯、很麻煩、愚蠢、無明等等,因為頭腦把你每天的行為、反應、感覺等都錄了下來,每次一直重複播放,讓你覺得自己就是那樣。









The God Within Knows the True God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #653

Q: How can a person overcome his human existence or his humanity, which has within it so many frailties and so many fears? And how can he then feel like a God? Perhaps, it would be daring to feel that you are God.

M: Of course, we dare not now because we are not yet. You have forgotten. After reawakening the God inside, then God will know that God is God. You will not identify yourself with this weak body, with this prison of the flesh any more. You stay too long in this house, and you will think you are the house. But once you open the door and walk outside, you know you are not the house. It doesn’t matter how bad the house looks, how damaged, how terrible the condition of the house, it’s not you. Inside this house, there is a computer system, which we call the brain. And it is the brain that tells you that you’re weak, that you’re mistaken, that you are trouble, you are stupid, you’re ignorant and so on and so forth. Because the brain records all the data every day of what you’re doing and how you react, how you feel, etc., so every time you keep playing the recording out again, and it makes you feel you are that.

After the awakening we can, every day, at least temporarily for some time, detach ourselves from the physical body and the physical brain and know our true Self - which is all perfect, all glory, all love and all wisdom. But this is all talk! You have to experience it. Talking about cake doesn’t make you taste anything. You should come in and eat the cake yourself. Then you know what it is.

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