問:清海無上師,去年11月愛爾蘭科克(Cork)舉行了一場氣候變遷合作會議(Partnership for Climate Change Conference),其中一位演講嘉賓是美國太空總署戈達德太空研究所(Goddard Institute for Space Studies)的主任暨頂尖氣候專家詹姆斯‧韓森教授(James Hansen),他指出人類需採取緊急行動,我們只有一年就會到達臨界點,而2009年將是世界關鍵的一年。依您之見,減少溫室氣體排放,讓我們不至於超越這些臨界點的最快又最有效方法為何? 答:好,女士,那就是採取不含動物成分的純素飲食。不僅要吃純素,我們還要避免使用所有的動物性產品,也就是過一種更慈悲的生活方式。這種飲食或生活方式不僅慈悲,也簡單、容易、經濟又環保,從嬰兒到老年人每個人都能做到,而且百分之百有益健康。這不只是我的見解,也是所有專家、科學家、醫療顧問、環保人士的看法。 ![]() 問:愛爾蘭經濟部經濟社會研究組的理查‧托爾博士(Richard Tol)是頂尖的環境經濟學家,他說如果真正想要減少愛爾蘭的碳排,國內的牛肉和奶製品將會沒有前景。他也說,如果愛爾蘭未達到 《京都議定書》設定的目標,未來預計每年將繳交近十億歐元的罰款,直到2020年。愛爾蘭的農場經營者除了生產乳製品和牛肉外,還有什麼其他的選擇? 答:我們可以改成有機耕作,那很容易、簡單、成本低又省水,而且經濟又環保。如果所有的可耕地都採行有機耕作,甚至可以吸收四成的二氧化碳,可能還更多。根據 《京都議定書》,如果哪一個國家的農民種植有機蔬果,那就無需支付補貼。有機食物和產品是以嚴謹的永續方式種植與加工,僅用少量的化學物品,或甚至不用任何化學物品,因此有機食品也不含基因改良成分。有機農業可以保護表土,而密集使用化學肥料與農藥,是造成表層土壤遭到沖刷流失的重要因素。科學家發現有機耕種的土地,其土壤穩定度高出多達六成,而且較不易受到侵蝕。目前有超過三分之一的愛爾蘭河川已被污染,主要是因為農場廢水外流;或許比三分之一更多,但在此我們想保守一點。有機農業可以減少有毒的農場廢水和污染物,它們會污染我們的水源、土壤和空氣,因此有機農業對農場工人、周遭社區和野生生物都比較健康。
所以農場經營者可以在自己的土地上這麼做,這樣也能幫助地球冷卻。至於造林則可幫助美化大地,對愛爾蘭的觀光業有好處。 問:每秒鐘就有一個足球場大小的熱帶雨林被摧毀,以生產257個漢堡。您覺得如果大眾知道這個信息,他們會改採比較永續的飲食嗎? 答:是,我認為他們會。問題是,像這些資訊很少傳播給大眾知道。我們被很多其他的新聞淹沒了,它們當然不是全部都像拯救森林和拯救地球那麼緊急。依我的淺見,世界領導人必須在這項重要議題上共同努力,媒體也一樣。順便謝謝您,貴報也是肯定的媒體之一,我們很感謝。您們正在幫助環境。 純素飲食能治癒許多疾病 問:心血管疾病是全球和愛爾蘭的頭號殺手,幾乎佔死亡總數的40%。這類疾病使歐洲經濟每年付出1,920億歐元的代價,其中57%用於醫療保健,21%為生產力損失,而22%為非正式的看護。有沒有證據證明素食能幫助治癒心血管疾病? ![]() 答:這些年來,頂尖專家的研究提供了大量的證據。舉幾個例子,例如美國加州大學(University of California)的狄恩‧歐尼斯博士(Dean Ornish)、俄亥俄州克里夫蘭診所(Cleveland Clinic)的寇威爾‧艾索斯丁醫生(Caldwell Esselstyn)、紐澤西州的喬爾‧傅爾曼醫生(Joel Fuhrman)等,還有很多專家也都提出蔬食療法,這比手術或藥物更能有效又迅速地治癒這類疾病。患者在痊癒後,即使是過了幾十年仍不再復發。(註1) 問:愛爾蘭估計有二十五萬人被診斷患有糖尿病,另外預計還有十萬人尚未被診斷出來。治療糖尿病每年讓愛爾蘭付出大約六億歐元的代價。純素飲食對糖尿病患有何影響? 答:純素飲食可以治癒他們。有許多研究與臨床治療證實純素食能有效逆轉、控制與治癒糖尿病及相關的健康問題,諸如心血管疾病和肥胖症。 在美國,至少有三位醫生研發出三種不同的蔬食療法,可適合不同的需要和飲食偏好。喬治華盛頓大學(George Washington University)的尼爾‧巴納德醫生(Neal Barnard)說:「只要是純素、低脂和低糖,你想吃什麼、要吃多少都可以。」那些採行他的飲食計畫的病患,都非常成功地控制和逆轉糖尿病的病情,他們不僅減少糖尿病和其他相關疾病如心血管病變的藥物攝取量,而且在實施飲食計畫大約一年左右就痊癒了。美國紐澤西的喬爾‧傅爾曼醫師有另一套相當成功的計畫,稱為「營養飲食計畫」,他強調應該注重攝取高度營養的食物。例如在他的飲食計畫中,微量營養素如維生素、礦物質和植物化學成分,含量最高的食物是綠葉蔬菜,其次是水果、豆類和堅果。他的飲食計畫強調蔬菜應作為我們飲食的基礎,而且應偏重豆類多於穀類,豆類非常有益於平衡血糖。在他的著作《為生活而食》(Eat to Live)及《為健康而食》(Eat for Health)中,他提到凡是遵循他的飲食計畫的人,都能很輕易地克服糖尿病,甚至在大約三個月內就復元了。另一位醫生蓋布瑞爾‧庫森博士(Gabriel Cousens)也有一套生食飲食計畫,先是百分之百生食,不久後再改成20%非生食。他還強調排毒的重要,如戒煙、戒咖啡因。庫森博士曾見證遵循他飲食計畫的人,僅二十一天就治癒了糖尿病。(註2) ![]() 問:懷孕期間吃純素有什麼好處嗎? 答:當然,如果我們吃純素,母子都會很健康,生產也會很順利,甚至不會害喜,這是她們跟我們說的。我要同修們對此做些研究,結果發現吃純素的孕婦真的不會害喜。多數孕婦都會害喜,這是因為她們吃肉、魚等等,嬰兒太敏感而受不了。所以孕婦如果想吐,就表示身體試著要排去這些毒素,以保護母親也保護孩子。這是身體以自然的方式告訴我們,我們所吃的東西對身體和孩子不好,但我們多數人都不聽。從很多現有的研究和參考資料來看,純素飲食也保護孕婦免於罹患妊娠毒血症。這是懷孕造成的高血壓,有可能會致命。而孕婦吃越多豆類和蔬菜,就越不會害喜。 營養又可口 問:很多人不願意吃純素,他們說太喜歡肉和起司的味道了。您對他們有什麼忠告? 答:如果我們必須在生命和口味之間作選擇,那我們應該選擇生命。如果我們因為吃肉而生重病或死亡,那味覺也會被破壞或喪失,反正我們已經往生了。再說,素肉和植物性乳製品也很美味,而且現在各地的健康食品店都買得到。只不過是嘗試一種新的生活方式,有何不可呢?新的食譜、新的發現,令人快樂驚喜的新口味、新生活。與一些吃素或吃純素的鄰居、網友結識。是的,在生活中嘗試新的事物,反正我們都有不同的品味,但可以試試不一樣的。大約一週左右,任誰都會習慣新的口味。許多人馬上就放下肉,並開始吃純素,沒有人有口味的問題,因為現在素食有太多選擇了。但吃純素應該注意均衡的飲食,謹慎地吃,確保飲食中含有必要的營養,如脂肪酸、鐵質、蛋白質等。 動物對我們的安康很重要 問:從動物這方面來說,顯然動物對我們的生活十分重要。您認為他們對我們有多重要? 答:非常重要。動物對於人的安樂,無論是情感、心理或精神方面,其重要性再怎麼強調都不為過。想像一下,假如我們的世界完全沒有動物會是什麼樣子。任何有養狗、貓、鳥、火雞、雞、鴨、鵝或任何其他動物作為寵物的人,他們會更深刻了解動物對我們的身心安樂有多麼重要。根據醫學研究,那些有貓和狗為伴的人比較健康、長壽,即使他們生病,也會很快就痊癒;甚至只是和動物在一起,摸摸他們、拍拍他們、關愛他們、照顧他們,就會增進你的健康。科學家和醫學研究都這麼說,可見動物多麼重要。動物會散發一種療癒的能力,就連野生動物也會對身邊的同伴或人類散發出治療的能量,他們的重要不在話下。 創造一種仁慈的氛圍 問:「無上師電視台」是建設性的正面電視頻道的先驅,節目內容翻譯成四十種語言在全球播放。您為人們帶來許多啟迪,因此世界各地有越來越多的正面頻道,您是否有同感?這表示世人的意識等級正在提昇嗎? 答:這無疑顯示世人的意識正在提昇。人的自我會表現在言行思想和寫作上。意識提昇又思想肯定的人,他們會寫正面的題材、樂觀看待事物、行動積極肯定。心地善良的人看別人都很善良,反之亦然。我們內心如何,就會有那樣的想法,然後表現在各方面,比如電視、戲劇和寫作。所以整體而言,如果世上有更多正面的頻道和媒體,那必然表示世人的集體意識已更提昇、更健全。此外,我相信每個人都能啟發世人,都能貢獻己力,創造更美好、更優雅、更值得嚮往、更高尚的生活,讓大家一起享受。因為當我們創造出肯定、仁慈的氣氛,自己也會受益,我們就生活在其中。所以我們必須為自己創造仁慈的氣氛,這點人人都該牢記。 註2:線上觀看「無上師電視台」所播出的專訪--糖尿病的純素療法:與尼爾‧巴納德醫師及蓋布瑞爾‧庫森醫師的深度訪談:http://video.Godsdirectcontact.net/magazine/AW641s.php |
Vegan Lifestyle – The Solution to Climate Change
Selected Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by Journalist Andrea Bonnie
from The Irish Independent newspaper November 21, 2008
(Originally in English)
H: Supreme Master Ching Hai, last November the Partnership for Climate Change Conference was held in Cork, Ireland. One of the guest speakers, Professor James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and NASA’s top climate expert stated that urgent action is needed. He said we only have one year before we reach tipping points, and that 2009 is going to be a crucial year for our world. What in your opinion are the most effective and fastest ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to stop us going beyond these tipping points?
M: Well, madam, that would be vegan/vegetarian diet without any animal product. Not just vegan, but we avoid all the animal products, means we live a more compassionate lifestyle. And this diet or this lifestyle is not only compassionate but is easy, simple, economical and ecological. Everyone, from a baby to the elderly, can do and it’s 100% healthy. It’s not just my opinion; it’s also the opinion of all the experts, the scientists, the medical advisors, the environmentalists, etc.
Organic Farming- the Natural Choice
H: A top Irish environmental economist, Dr. Richard Tol from the Economic and Social Research Unit of the Department of Economics, stated that if you are serious about reducing emissions in Ireland, there is no future for beef and dairy in the country. He also said that with Ireland failing to meet the target set out by the Kyoto agreement, that penalties are expected to run close to one billion euros a year in the lead-up to 2020. What alternatives do Irish farmers have to dairy and beef?
M: We can turn to organic farming. And it’s easy, it’s simple, cost- and water-effective. And it’s ecologically, economically sound. It will absorb even 40% of CO2 if all the tillable lands are organically cultivated. It could be more than that. According to the Kyoto agreement, if in any country where the farmers grow organic fruit and vegetable, then there would be no need to pay subsidies. Organic food and produce are grown and handled according to strict sustainable procedures, with limited chemical input or we could even use no chemical input at all. So, organic food is also GM-free (free of genetically modified organisms). Organic farming preserves top soil. Chemically intensive practices are a key factor in the erosion of top soil. Scientists found that soil in organic plots were up to 60% more stable and are less prone to erosion. So, over 1/3 of Irish rivers are now polluted, mainly due to farm run-off, could be more than that, but we want to try to be conservative here. Organic farming reduces toxic farming run-off and pollutants that contaminate our water, soil and air as well. So, organic farming is healthier for farm workers, the surrounding communities as well, and for natural wildlife.
Now, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) considers 60% of all herbicides, weed killers, or 90% of all fungicides, that means mold killers, and 30% of all insecticides, that means insect killers, are potentially cancer-causing for humans and animals of course. Organic farming keeps harmful chemicals and pesticides out of the food that we eat and the beverage that we drink. So, farmers may apply for a grant from the Department of Agriculture, for up to a maximum of €60,000. So, organic sales in Ireland have increased, you see, by 82% already, reaching a value of €104 million in the year up to July 2008.
So farmers can use their land to do that, and this will help to cool the world also. And forestry, it also adds to the beauty of the landscape, and that’s good for Ireland’s tourist industry.
H: Each second, an area of the size of a football field of tropical rainforest is destroyed to produce 257 hamburgers. Do you feel that if the public were to know this information that they would move to a more sustainable diet?
M: Yes, in my opinion they would. The problem is, very little of this information, such as this, is propagated for the public knowledge. We are inundated with a lot of other news, which is not all as urgent as saving the forests and saving the planet, of course. The world leaders, I think, in my humble opinion, should work together in this important issue, and so should the media. And by the way, thank you, you are one of the positive and we are grateful. You’re helping the environment.
Vegan Diet Cures Many Diseases
H: Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer both globally and in Ireland, causing nearly 40% of all deaths. It costs the European economy €192 billion per year, 57% of which is used on healthcare, 21% in productivity losses and 22% for informally looking after people. What evidence is there to suggest that a vegan diet would help cure people of cardiovascular disease?
M: Plenty of evidence through all the years of study and research by the top experts. To name a few: for example, in the USA, Dr. Dean Ornish, University of California; Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, from Cleveland Clinic, Ohio; Dr. Joel Fuhrman, from New Jersey; and many more all offer plant-based programs that cure this disease more effectively and quickly than surgery or drugs. The patients are cured and never have this symptom again, even after decades passed.*
H: Ireland has an estimated 250,000 patients diagnosed with diabetes and another 100,000 who are estimated to be undiagnosed. Treating diabetes costs the Irish economy about €600 million per year. How does a vegan diet affect people with diabetes?
M: It will cure them. There are many researches and practices proving the effectiveness of a vegan diet to reverse, control and cure both diabetes and related health issues such as cardiovascular disease and obesity.
In the United States, there are at least three doctors, who have developed three different plant-based approaches, suiting different needs and dietary preferences. Dr. Neal Barnard of George Washington University stated that, “You just eat whatever you want and as much as you want, as long as its vegan, low fat and low sugar.” People who follow his program are very successful in controlling and reversing their diabetes, lowering their medications for both diabetes and related illnesses such as cardiovascular. And they were completely cured within about a year on the program. Dr. Joel Fuhrman in New Jersey, USA has another highly successful program which he calls a nutritarian program. He emphasized that you want to focus on eating the most nutrient-dense food. Like in his program, the foods with the highest degree of micro-nutrients like vitamins, mineral and phytochemicals are leafy green vegetables, followed by fruits, legumes and nuts. His diet has an emphasis on vegetables as being the foundation for our diet, and a preference for beans rather than grains. Beans are very good for balancing blood sugar. In his books, “Eat to Live” and “Eat for Health,” he mentioned that people who follow his program get over diabetes very easily, within about three months even. Another doctor, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, has a raw food diet program that is 100% raw; and 20% non-raw, a little bit later. He also focuses on the importance of removing toxins from the body, like stop smoking, stop caffeine. Dr. Cousens experienced that people who are following his program are medically cured from diabetes within 21 days only. *
Healthy Vegan Pregnancy
H: Are there any benefits to eating a vegan diet during pregnancy?
M: Of course, if we are vegan, the mother and the child will have a healthy life and have a good delivery, easy. No morning sickness even, that’s what they told us. I asked my people to do research on it and truly, no morning sickness. Most of the pregnant women, they have morning sickness, because they eat meat, fish and all that, and the baby cannot bear it, being too sensitive. So, when we have morning sickness, that means the body tries to get rid of the toxins, to protect the mother and the child as well. That’s a natural way of telling us that what we have been eating is no good for the body and for the child, but many of us don’t listen. From many of the research and references we have, the vegan diet also protects the mother from pre-eclampsia, which is pregnancy-caused hypertension and potentially fatal. And the more legumes and vegetables a mother eats, the less morning sickness she will experience.
Nutritious and Great Tasting
H: Many people state that they are reluctant to eat vegan, stating that they basically like the taste of meat and cheese too much. What would you say to them?
M: If we have to choose between life and taste, then we should choose life. If we are gravely ill from meat diet or if we are dead from it, then the taste will be ruined or gone. We are gone, anyway. Besides, veggie meats and vegan dairy are delicious, and available in all health food stores everywhere nowadays. Just try a new lifestyle. Why not? New recipes, new discovery. Happy, exciting new tastes, new life. Meet new vegetarian, vegan friends in the neighborhood or online. Yes, just try something new in life. We all have different tastes anyway, but we can try a different one. After a week or so, anyone will get used to the new taste. Many just drop the meat diet immediately and start out on the vegan diet and nobody had any problem with taste. Because nowadays, we have so much to choose from the vegetarian diet. But being vegan, we must take care to have a proper balanced diet. Eat responsibly. Make sure meals are including essential nutrients like fatty acids, iron, protein, etc.
Animals are Important to Our Wellbeing
H: In terms of animals, obviously, animals are very important in our lives, how important do you think they are to us?
M: Very important. We cannot even over-emphasize how important the animals are to our wellbeing, emotionally, psychologically, mentally. Imagine our world with no animals at all, just imagine it. And if anyone who has dogs, cats, birds or any other animal, turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, if they have them as pets, they would understand more than I can express how important the animals are to our wellbeing. And anyone who has cats and dogs, according to medical studies, they are healthier, they live longer. Even if they are ill, they get cured quickly. Even just by being with animals, stroking them, petting them, loving them, taking care of them makes you healthier, according to scientists and medical research. That is how important it is. The animals, they emit some kind of healing. Even the wild animals as well, they emit a healing energy to anyone around or to humans as well. They are more than important.
Create a Benevolent Atmosphere
H: Supreme Master Television is the pioneer of constructive and positive television, airing globally and translated in up to 40 different languages. Do you feel that you have been an inspiration to others as more and more positive channels are appearing all over the world? Does this show that the level of consciousness of the world is rising?
M: It’s a sure sign that the consciousness of the world is rising. People present themselves by acting, thinking, talking or writing. People who are elevated and have a positive mind, they write positive things, they see things in the positive way, and act positively. People who are good at heart think good about others and vice versa, etc. Whatever’s in our heart, we will think like that; then we express it in different ways, in television, theater and writing. So, if we have more positive channels and media as a whole, that is a sure sign that the collective consciousness of the world is more elevated and more wholesome. And by the way, everyone, I believe, can be an inspiration to the world, to contribute to a better life, a more elegant life, a more desirable life, a nobler life on this planet for all to enjoy. Because if we create a positive atmosphere, a benevolent atmosphere, we are also benefited, we live in it. So, we have to create benevolent atmosphere for us. And that, everyone should remember.
http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/202/ Master Says