清海無上師以英文講於2006.06.12 DVD 771 年少情懷






這些全都是因為我們過度開發,沒有仔細考慮如何在發展與環境之間取得平衡的緣故。不過我想各國政府現在已經開始擔憂了,甚至連美國也正考慮從巴西進口由甘蔗提煉的乙醇,或用氫氣、瓦斯這類天然能源來作為車子的動力,以代替現今所使用的汽油,如此就能減少一些由汽車排氣管或其他機器、甚至飛機所排放的廢氣和毒氣。那些作研究的人說,紐約只要一天或幾天沒有飛機飛行,天空便會很晴朗。那裡已經有很多年沒見到晴朗的天空了!是的,好像是頭一次,還有些更積極正面的消息 :天空真的很藍! 



Working Together to Save Our World

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, June 12, 2006 
(Originally in English) DVD #771

The plastic bag is produced by some of the poorer countries, and some people have to work in such an industry. I saw many years ago on TV that the people who work in the plastic industry are very sick because of the smoke that comes out of that city. The whole city was enveloped in clouds and smoke – it really looks so dark. Also, they have respiratory problems and the children are already affected. It's very terrible to work in such a plastic industry. That's why I told you I don't like plastic bags too much. If we have to use it, we use it; but try to economize in anything you can, anything at all, even white paper. Everything is made from something. People have to suffer for it, work for low wages and work long hours to support their family, because that's the only job they can get. Some people really have no choice.

So, when I remonstrate you about wasting something, it's not because I worry about my money; it's not that. The least thing I worry about is money. We have money. If we don't have, I can make it. It's not about money. It's for the ecology of the whole world that we have to really take care of the planet, in any small way we can; because if everyone takes care in small ways, then it's big. But if we deplete the resources of the planet, for example, if we cut too many trees to make paper or to burn or to build houses or things like that, then the planet's climate will change. We already have global warming, which has been researched and is said to be because of us.

So it's not just about money. It's for everyone, for the future of our children and grandchildren, and further on. We want it to last long. And that's not to even talk about so many things we do: We use the resources of the planet to make guns and to make suffering; this is not right. It's not only the resources; it's the humanpower that's concentrated on that. Of course, some people have jobs because of it, but in the long run, it's a killer. The killing karma will rub off on everyone who is involved in weapons of any kind. And if we used all that resource and all that money, the whole world would never go hungry, no one! No children would ever have to go hungry! So you understand when I say to economize something, try to reuse it again and again. It's not because I am strict with you. It goes far beyond that, far beyond our relationship. It's something bigger than me and you. I've hardly told you about these things, but they're everywhere. Everyone has to try to save whatever you can.

So now you understand that I don't like plastic bags. It just reminds me of too much suffering, of the people who make it. In some of the supermarkets, they ask you if you want paper or plastic bags. I guess it's because of being environmentally conscious. No wonder they predicted that in 2000 the world would come to an end! By the look of how we waste the planet's resources and we pollute the air and all that, we could have - not to talk about karmic or anything. It's just like your car or your body; if you overuse it, it's going to be kaput, no? Ruined!

I watched the other day on BBC or something; they say that about global warming, it's very scary. Really, if it continues that way, I don't know. We could die from many different things; it doesn't have to be an atom bomb. It doesn't have to be a bomb. For example, natural gas from the ocean: If it all comes up, it is enough to kill us; no need for an atom bomb, or anything. Or, it could be the global warming and floods from the ice, from the poles. Or, it overheats or something, and we die from heat, or from the gas because of the heat. The heat makes the gas come out of the ocean. Or many things, like the forest and no more air. The forests could all burn off or we could use them all up, and there would be no more air, or no more good air, just carbon dioxide from the cars or the airplanes or whatever - all the toxins from the industries that are producing this or producing that, and all the bombs and everything all together. Earthquakes even affect each other; they affect the volcano and the volcano affects all kinds of things.

All of this is because we are overdoing our development, without reconsidering how to balance development and the environment. But I think the governments are beginning to worry now. Even America is considering importing ethanol from Brazil, which is made from sugarcane, or some natural energy, such as hydrogen or something to run the car, or gas instead of the gasoline used right now. So it reduces some of the emissions and some of the toxins from the exhaust pipes, exhaust fumes of the cars, and other machinery, and even airplanes. Those who do the research say that if the airplanes don't fly in New York for only one day or a few days, the sky is so clear, as it has never been for many, many years. Yes, it's like the first time ever, and something else more positive: The sky was so blue.

With deep compassion for animals and concerned about repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases among animals and humans, Master has offered the world a fundamental solution to the problem by personally designing a friendly but convincing leaflet entitled “Alternative Living” to remind people to choose the vegetarian diet and stop killing in order to overcome global medical crises and save our fellow beings. Master has also instructed all initiates to share this message with their brothers and sisters in every corner of the world. In response, the practitioners have initiated an all-out effort to share Her words of love. 

Master's Words

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