清海無上師以英文講於葡萄牙里斯本 1999.05.07 (DVD645與內在上帝溝通 ) 並不是說我們打坐之後,就能百分之百要什麼有什麼。不是這樣!重點是,不論我們能不能得到我們所要的東西,我們都一樣快樂。我們會想辦法變通,不會光站在那裡跺腳,為失去東西或得不到東西而感到沮喪。我們變得比較聰明、比較婉轉,會試著運用各種變通的方法,並且樂在其中,這就是打坐的好處。我們幾乎隨時都很快樂。 |
所以許多人才崇拜聖人、神職人員、出家人等等。人們崇拜那些真正的出家人或神職人員,崇拜那些內邊真正開悟的人,因為他們總是快樂、滿足、值得信賴。許多人跟隨他們,雖然他們並不追求名利,不需要人崇拜,可是大家還是喜歡接近他們,跟這些聖人做朋友 。而那些修行人通常都很有福報。
Spiritual Practice Restores
the Soul’s Complete Wisdom
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Lisbon, Portugal,
May 7, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #645
It’s not that after meditation, a hundred times out of a hundred, we always get everything we want, because that’s not the case. The point is that whether we get what we want or not, we’re still happy. And then we find a way to get something else instead. Instead of standing there and stamping our feet and feeling miserable about the things that we lost, or the things we could not get, we become more clever, more flexible, and then we try many, many ways to get other things and just enjoy the process. That’s the good thing about meditation. We will be almost always happy.
I just don’t want you to have an illusion that when you meditate, everything will just come your way. It does come. But sometimes things are not so good; they don’t come. And sometimes God gives you some very unusual situation, and if we do not meditate, we will not understand the situation. We begin to feel miserable if it doesn’t go our way. So it’s not that if we meditate, everything will always go smoothly. It’s not always like that, but we can always laugh at the situation instead of cry about it. There is always something we can do if we encounter obstructions when we have the stored-up wisdom inside after we have gained it through enlightenment.
That’s why most people worship saints, renunciates, priests and monks, etc. People worship those who really are monks or priests, who are really enlightened inside, because of their consistency in happiness, in contentment and in reliability. And a lot of people follow them, even though sometimes those people don’t seek out the fame, or the fortune, or the followers. But people like to come and befriend them, these saintly people. And most of the time those who practice spiritually are always in luck.
Generally speaking, the students of any Master enjoy happiness, luck and fulfillment of any desire they ever have in life - be it physical, mental or emotional and, of course, spiritual. And on the day they leave the physical body, they go directly to Heaven. There is no doubt about that. So in order to even to be happy in this physical life, not to talk about Heaven yet, in order to be happy here, to live a pleasant life here and to be a more intelligent person here, we should meditate. I hope I do not offend you. We may be very intelligent already, but we have not used enough of our brain power. We use only 5% or 10%, and we are already so clever! We invent so many things. So suppose you meditate and use more of your brainpower; of course you will be more intelligent.
The average person uses only up to 10% of his or her brainpower. That is a fact known to every one of us; it’s scientifically proven. So where do we put the other 80% or 90%? It’s wasted. That’s why we are not complete beings. We don’t feel complete. We feel frustrated and we feel weak because we haven’t used our complete power. So meditation - we can also say it another way - is to make use of our complete power. That is what meditation is for. That’s what the meaning of meditation is: to harness our complete might, so that we become Almighty, just like God, or at least like the children of God. Otherwise, we don’t have enough energy to sometimes take care of the small problems or small things, and we do not always do things completely to our satisfaction because we lack power or lack wisdom. So to know God is to know ourselves completely, and when we know ourselves completely, we know God. Then, because we are one with God, we are just like Hirm the way Hes made us, because God made humans in Hiers own image.