清海無上師以英文講於新加坡共修會 1994.09.28(影帶編號#446






事實上,要過簡單、健康的生活很容易,並不需要吃這麼多藥、打這麼多針。很多人把有毒的物質吃進體內,自己傷害自己。要是我們知道如何過一個簡單、營養、健康的生活,我們真的不需要常看醫生。這樣醫生就會有更多的假日, 雙方都可以保持健康。























Master Says







Positive Thinking, 
Healthy Life

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Singapore, September 28, 1994
(Originally in English) Videotape #446

Nowadays many sicknesses still kill millions of people. About 18 million a year die from different diseases because some of us do not take precautions to guard our precious body, which is given by God to do some mission on earth for some purpose and also to realize our almighty power. For example, we smoke too much, we drink too much, we eat too much flesh and invite all these bacteria from the flesh into our systems, etc. All these killing factors make our lives a miserable time. Actually, we could live a better life if we organize more, if we appreciate our body more. And if we eat just nutritious food for our body, and not eat because of the taste, and eat just a reasonable amount, then of course, our health will not be so much endangered. Most of the vegetarian people become healthier. Many of you became healthier after taking initiation and switching to a vegetarian diet. Is that not so? (Audience: Yes!) Actually, the hospital is full of meat-eating people. No problem. We can see the proof there. Not only because the vegetarian diet is healthy in itself, but also because the vibrations are very harmonious to our body whereas the vibrations of the animals are not that harmonious, not so peaceful.

Actually it is very easy to live a simple and healthy life. There is no need for so much medicine, no need for so many injections. Many of us harm ourselves because we bring poisonous substances into our body. If we know how to live a simple, nutritious, healthy life, we really don’t need doctors so much. The doctor can have more holidays and both stay healthy.


The More Energy We Use, 
the More We Receive from the Universal Power

Don’t worry about hard work; you should work and spend your energy because in our bodies, there are about seven chakras which can draw in the energy from the universe. They are just like a battery automatically charged by Universal Power. That’s why we can run our machine all the time. And when we meditate, this power is even in more abundance. The more we give, the more it comes in; it will never stop, so we don’t worry.

Don’t worry about karma; helping people and taking the karma and all that. If people need help, you help. It’s only when we try to interfere with the people’s minds, like trying to control them, or trying to tell them to do what we want them to do for a selfish purpose, then we will create karma. Otherwise, if we love people and we want to help them in their time of need, even if we truly get karma from them, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter at all because we should sacrifice for each other. We should live with each other in love and don’t mind the karma.

We must always keep positive energy because even if you think positive, even just thinking positive, if you can see your body, you will see each positive thought will change the pattern of the aura, change your outlook, and change your energy inside. It becomes more over-flowing and healthy. But if you think negative, just think anything negative, bad or miserable, and then your pattern changes immediately. Any psychic person can see this. That’s why some people can read your mind, because when you come in, they can see your aura. They can see the pattern change in the energy counterpart of your body. The energy counterpart is the shape of energy which looks like the shape of your real organ. For example, your heart is like this. Suppose someone took your heart away and that heart-place is empty, but still, it has the shape of your heart in it - something is there. That is the energy counterpart of the heart. Sometimes this energy counterpart has problems, not the real heart, and so they have to fix it. You are the best doctor for yourself if you think positive, live a healthy and simple life -- simple living and high thinking. Always think positive. Even just thinking changes your pattern of living, changes your day and changes your fortune. So always try to keep being positive. Then a lot of accidents, a lot of illnesses can be avoided.

God is always around you. Masters from the ten directions are always protecting you. It is true that we are not left alone in this world to do all things ourselves. We are always protected by angels, everyone of us. And we are always guarded by the Master’s spirit even though we don’t see it. Even if you don’t believe in angels and spirit, you must believe there is a God who exists. Otherwise, we don’t exist.

Most of the problems are our own making because we think negative, we act negative and we let the negative influence from the people affect us. Sometimes, if you go to see the doctor, they will tell you that some of the diseases are self-made. Not because you want the disease only but you are run down in resistance. For example, like an allergy. Sometimes you never get it, but every time you get run down, you are depressed, you are overworked, you are exhausted, then the allergy will come. You eat the same food every day and have no allergy. But one day, you have it. It’s because, at that time, probably your resistance is very low. Your defense system temporarily broke down or something like that; whereas if you think positively, the disease will also go quickly.

Sometimes the defense system is so run down, it’s like broke down, and it’s very difficult to fix it. At that time, then it’s too bad; either we live or we die. So try to take care of your system and don’t let it break down. Try to take care of your system by acting positive, thinking positive, talking positive. That is very simple. Even just thinking positive is already a tremendous help to you. Actually, when you practice very hard, sometimes you don’t feel the body. Is that not so? You have this experience? (Yes.) You feel very light, right? Like you are driving but it is not you who drives; it is someone else. No effort. That’s how we achieve effortlessness in the physical dimension. And then we can do many things in a lighter way and we don’t feel so exhausted any more. The more we meditate, the better we feel, and the faster we work, and no problem.

You must also try to pass on the news for our fellow beings to rescue them from their misery. Try to comfort them and bring them the good news that they could be lighter, greater, happier in their lives if they practice the age-old wisdom, getting in contact with the kingdom of God within themselves, with the Buddha-nature within themselves. Then they don’t feel so miserable, worn-out or blocked, and lonely in this world. That’s the only cure for mankind. Actually it looks like so many disasters are coming to the world, but I don’t feel like the world is going to end so quickly. Maybe it will end in some parts; maybe there will be a great destruction for different people, but the virtuous people, the blameless persons, will be preserved for the next generation. And with the help of the positive energy from you during your meditation, during the group gathering, during your silent prayers time, our world is preserved in a greater degree than we might have hoped for. And that’s why I hope that you spread more good news to people.


Go Back to the Righteous Way of Life

One person makes a lot of difference. If you truly believe in your goodness, in what you are doing, you will influence other people. But if you don’t believe, they will influence you. Then try to make a strong person out of your personality. Whatever you believe is good, stick to it and don’t let other people make you waver because a good example in this world is rare. So make yourself a good example. Try your best in everything so that people will know that, because you practice, you have become better. And you really are being useful for society. That’s how you improve. That’s how you help other people. That’s how we rescue the world from the great destruction that may be coming because of a lot of self-destructive drugs and weapons, the way we live our life and the way we infect each other. It could be the end of the world. There is no doubt about it. No need to see the moon, the sun or anything. If we love this planet— we think it’s a beautiful place, which it is—it takes billions, trillions of years to make one until it is beautiful like today, so beautiful like this. So we have to also make a contribution. If we can, we fix it. Of course after all, if we try our best and still the end of the world comes, then let it be. But if we can fix it, we do it. So spread the good news and let the people go back to the natural way of life, the righteous way of life; that is, being vegetarian, being virtuous, keeping precepts, living a simple life and positive thinking. Then our world will be no problem. And we will probably live a few more thousand years in a better condition. There are two choices now: one is total destruction; another is to go ahead with progress in all ways of life, including spiritual. And the future is in our hands, really. There are no aliens who can do anything about it. There is no God who punishes us. There is no Buddha who blesses us. It’s only ourselves. We have to make a choice. That’s how we grow: by making good choices.


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