編號: 725
日期:2001.12.22, 23
字幕:英、中文(正體)、中文(簡體)、悠樂、韓、日、印尼、泰、德、法、西班牙 (11種) |
清海無上師以英文講於美國佛州小中心 2001.12.23(DVD#725)
Lead a Life in God’s Way and Everything Shall Be Added onto You
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Florida, U.S.A. December 23, 2001
(Originally in English) Videotape #725
As practitioners, we don’t just sit there. We have all kinds of things to do. We have theories to study, we have precepts to keep, and we have meditation to practice. We have the Master to see, and that’s a bonus. But we also have to put what we learn into action, to exercise our wisdom and power of spiritual achievement, and the compassion we develop along with our spiritual improvement.
So we do many things; we don’t just sit there. We do sit there, contemplate the most High and connect with the power within ourselves, which is the highest of all beings. But then we also keep our moral standards high, being a good person, a good boy and a good girl. And then, from the spiritual power inside, we also develop love, compassion and wisdom so that we live a more comfortable life and a simple way of living. And from simple living, we don’t have to work as hard as before, but we earn even more because one penny saved is one penny earned.
Now you live more simply and have more money than before, even though you work the same job. Or maybe you work a less busy job because you can organize your life; you can be contented with whatever life gives you, without wanting more and more things that cost you more trouble, more headaches and more money. More money means more work; more work means more health consumed, more time consumed, more energy wasted. Instead of having time to meditate and to direct our energy to good causes, we have to waste it on earning money and paying more taxes because we earn more or have to take care more, paying more to the accountant because we have too much work.
So now that we have a simpler life, we have more time, and more time means more meditation, more wisdom. More time also means more charitable actions and more happiness for everyone around us and for ourselves. More time also means less work, more health and more time for family members, more happiness within our marriage and family.
So much good comes out of this spiritual practice. If the whole world’s people knew, they would forsake everything to do meditation and follow our way of life, because this is really the only way of life that we should follow. It’s not that we forsake every other way of life, but by following this way of life, we improve in every other way of life, and we enhance all kinds of other ways of life that we didn’t have time for before.
Therefore, when you work less, you have more health and that saves even more money. More money means you can go on retreat sometimes and recuperate in terms of your spiritual standard and your state of health. And then the money you save you can use to help other people. Before, you thought you didn’t have enough money to even do charity work. But now, look! You do it everywhere. You help America, you help Argentina, you help Chile, you help Afghanistan, you help Africa.
You help everywhere, and with the same amount of money you earned before. Not only can you help, but you can have time for yourself so that you can even recover yourself for anything you lacked during the busy hours of working and serving the world. And more and more you become wiser, kinder, more affectionate, more loving, more tolerant and more understanding. So much more has become of you! You become richer and richer, both inside and out. And you also look even better. You stay young longer and have less illness, and even if you have an illness, you have a quick recovery.
Everything is so good just because it’s a good way of life and the only way of life, the Kingdom of God’s way of life. Follow the Kingdom of God, seek the Kingdom of God, and everything will come into fulfillment.
This is the practice of the Bible and the Buddhist doctrines. There is nothing else to do but to practice it. The Buddha emphasized compassion, wisdom and love. You have it all. Jesus emphasized the Kingdom of God, of course: Love thy neighbor. The Kingdom of God: Love thy enemy. The Kingdom of God means you have wisdom. You achieve the Kingdom of God; you contact the Kingdom of God, meaning you’re wise like God or God-like at least, or moving toward God, more and more toward God. You have it all. Whatever the Bible names, demands, or emphasizes, you have. The more you practice this, the more you have it. And that’s why you look so happy.
Name: The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association Publishing Co. Ltd.
No: 19259438