











我們已經花太多時間追求一些毫無意義的事物,有時事後才感到後悔。然而一旦我們知道如何找到上帝--我待會兒會教你們,知道如何找到內邊的自由和快樂,就可以利用這些原本浪費掉的空閒時間,往內發掘內在寶貴的天國。我們不必特別花時間或費力氣,只需知道如何找到上帝就行了。我們難免會有一些空 閒時間不知道該如何打發,有時會感到很無聊,像是坐火車、搭公車、搭飛機或是在公園裡閒坐、無所事事的時候,就可以善用這些空檔,享受內邊的自由,然後把它應用出來。

















Our Greatest Possession is
the Freedom of
Knowing God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Helsinki, Finland,
May 30, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #663

The country is so fresh, the air so clean, and everything feels so pleasant to the heart. Even the water from the tap you can drink, it’s so clean. I drank it this morning; I hope it’s OK!

I asked the people if I can drink some of the water directly. They said, “Yes, yes.” I was so happy, and I drank it right away. For me, the water in the land that you can drink directly from the tap is a great blessing. Because it feels abundant; it feels like you can drink forever and you don’t have to worry. And nowadays, not every country’s water can you drink. Many country’s waters are very contaminated; you have to limit yourself to small bottles, and I feel very restricted. Everything we can use in abundance, we feel free and very, very happy.

Similarly, if we can make use of the blessing of God, which is inside us, then we will feel very, very free. Then, we don’t even have to pray for God’s blessing; it will always be there automatically. And that’s what I want to tell you about, which is the freedom, the freedom that is not known on this planet unless we know God, unless we know the freedom inside, the bliss and the blessing inside. It’s lucky that you live in a free country such as Finland. And then we can even sit together and talk about the greater freedom of Heaven, which we can attain right now while we are still working in this physical life.

This freedom is the greatest possession, the greatest merit, the greatest treasure we can ever wish to have. Sometimes I am just so bursting inside, and I don’t know how to explain this to people. As I look back at my life before and I look at my life now, there are 360 degrees of difference. I was so bound, so limited, so restricted - by myself, by all kinds of conventions, by all kinds of prejudice, by all kinds of traditional thinking and ways of life, that even though I lived in free, democratic countries, I never felt truly free. And then, when I first got a glimpse of God and first got a taste of enlightenment, I thought, “That’s it! I’m free!” I felt free. But that was just a fraction of freedom, until I kept continuing to recognize this freedom. And then it grew and grew until I cannot explain any more what true freedom is; I just know I am free.

And when I look at some of our brothers and sisters who are still in the stage that I was before, I feel sorry; because this freedom, every one of us can attain, but not every one of us has. Even for enlightened people, it will take a little while to get the complete freedom. This is not outside freedom, and it’s not outward actions like having to jump around or shout on the street or advocate for your own freedom inside. It’s just the limitless feeling of expansion, that you could be anything you want and do anything you want, yet you still remain in virtue, you still remain in God’s love and you still remain in perfection. And yet no one will ever be harmed, killed or suppressed in any way by our attaining our freedom.

We work so hard daily to attain the freedom of living, the freedom of survival, just so we can have enough food and enough necessities to take care of our physical life. So it’s about time, since we have everything already for this physical comfort, it’s about time we work for our spiritual freedom. It is the new season! I think we can begin to do something new, and I come to offer you a new way, a new-found freedom that you will never regret again and that you have never found before no matter how much money you have. Everyone offers what they have; so I offer you the best that I have.

Spiritual Freedom Is Truly ‘Free’

This offering will never cost us anything; not even effort, because we have it inside us already. All we have to do is just to make use of it. It’s even cheaper than the water I drank this morning. Even if we don’t have to pay for the water, we still have to pay taxes in order to make the pipes and the water towers and everything. But to drink the water of life - this means the water of blessing from God - we don’t have to ever, ever pay one penny! And it takes as much time as things like sleeping or resting in a coffee break. We’ve spent a lot of time in some of these useless pursuits, which we sometimes regret later.

So now that we know how to find God, I am going to show you. Now that we know the way to find freedom, the way to find happiness inside, we will make use of this wasting time only, the free time only, to turn inward to the precious discovery of the Kingdom within ourselves. So it’s not time that we need or even effort that we need. All we have to do is know how to find God. All of us know that we sometimes don’t know what to do with our free time. Sometimes we are so bored - for example, during the time we sit on the train, the time we sit on the bus, the time we sit on the airplane, or the time we sometimes just sit in the park, doing nothing. All these times we can turn into conducive moments to enjoy the freedom within, and then manifest it also without.

The people of Finland have nearly everything already. You even have two of the best and most famous telecommunication systems. So actually, I cannot offer you any more material comfort than your country already offers itself. But I can offer you something greater than earthly possessions and success. I can offer you the Kingdom of God, which you have forgotten. And it’s so easy, just like you’re looking at the flowers now. (Master is referring to the flowers on the stage where She is speaking.) And because it is so easy, I am confident that almost all of you would want to have it, because it’s the greatest thing you can have.

Just one thing is a little bit impractical, for which I also share sympathy with you, is maybe the way of life that we are used to. We are, scientifically speaking, originally a vegetarian being, because we have a longer intestine than those who eat flesh - like the tiger, for example. But since we have been taught to be so used to it, eating flesh, it might be a little difficult to go back to the original way of life. And for that we also have a so-called convenient way, so you can try and get used to the vegetarian diet. We also will teach you to cook and offer sample cookbooks for you. Maybe that will help a little bit to facilitate your transition back to the original, noble way of life. We think that we change our way of life from flesh to vegetarian, but in fact we only return to what is right, to what we have forgotten. You can be courageous and decide to follow through from today, or you can say, “Okay, I’ll try it first.”

Once We Know God, We Are Always Protected

Once we have connected ourselves with the God power and we surrender to this power, everything will be taken care of to the minutest detail. That’s how we find the courage and the strength to deal with all kinds of obstacles and problems in this life, once we are connected with God. If we truly have connection with God, we have no fear; we can do anything, and we are always protected. So have no fear even that we won’t have food to eat, or we won’t have a means of transportation, or that any problem in life may arise. We must be courageous and follow whatever our heart tells us is right. You can try to go slowly also, but we are human and we can decide quickly. Besides, the reason is that, once we contact God and we want to become one with God and to be God-like, a walking God on this planet, then we should represent Hiers quality, which is love, and love includes all beings.

Heaven has many levels, just like this society we have different classifications. If we want to go into the highest dimension of Heaven and know the deepest secrets of the universe, we should have the least burdens possible. And those things that we consume, such as alcohol, drug and flesh, these are burdens that are very detrimental to our ascending journey to Heaven. Not that God cares about what we eat or what we take into our physical body; it’s just that we must be purified physically, emotionally and spiritually in order to be unique beings and be glorified as the children of God.

God loves us, no matter how much we sin. No matter how many blunders we have committed, God always loves us, and in Hiers eyes we are always Hiers children. But for ourselves, for our conscience, we must walk the noble way of love, in order to feel free from any guilt feeling, in order to be one with Hirm; because originally, we are God, and eventually we will become one with the ocean of love that is God again. We are God manifested in this physical world. So there is no one to judge whether we are bad or we are good except ourselves, our own wisdom, our own conscience and our own fairness of knowledge that will judge ourselves at the time of our departure from this world. That’s why we must rid ourselves of all these unnecessary burdens, so that we can recognize the pureness essence of original Self, which is from God: which is great, which is all-love, all-light and all-blessing.

Therefore, the wisdom of the old Masters has taught us many things, for example, that we should love one another, we should be honest and we should love God with all our might. But how can we love God if we don’t know Hirm? I am going to show you God so that you can love Hirm, and you can know Hiers love and blessing every day. Every religion talks about God. There’s so much talk about God everywhere, it’s about time we know God! Knowing God not only elevates ourselves, it will elevate the world and bless the world’s atmosphere so that it will have less war and will have more peace, more love and more abundance for everyone around us. Because we will become the living pole of transmission of the love and blessings from Heaven, then this will emit from our being to the surroundings.

Knowing God Reconnects Us with the Entire Universe

So knowing God is not simply because we want to have the God power, it’s because we want to love the world more, we want to bless the world more and cause more happiness to our loved ones and to our planet - even larger, to the whole universe! Because we’re all linked together with an invisible tie that we don’t even see, just like all the atoms are linked together in every material object in order to hold them in one piece. We are also like the atoms of the universe; we make the construction of the universe exist in a solid manner, but invisible to the naked eye. So if the Light, the power within us, is rekindled, then the whole universe will benefit.

We originally came from God, and God has the same essence as we have. Although the Most High has no form, Hes can also manifest in different forms, such as in this physical body or like us sitting here, or in another kind of metaphysical form, which we will see inside while we meditate on Hirm. And this metaphysical form will teach us so many things that we want to know; it will help us with all kinds of problems in this life and the next. We can even have access to Jesus, Buddha and all the Masters of the past. We can converse with them and let them teach us their wisdom until we reach their height.

All of us will wonder, how is it that if we say we are God, how can we become this physical body, which is so helpless and so cumbersome to carry around, so not-free, so limited? In my knowledge, in my meditation, God has shown me how it happened. It’s difficult to explain in the human language, but I shall try my best. For example, do you know how people make butter and cheese from milk? Milk is liquid, but it can be condensed and churned into butter or can be solidified into cheese. So we were originally the essence of Light, the essence of the very fine, subtle vibratory energy, which creates all these particles in the whole universe. By the process of churning, we have become condensed into this physical being.

But I have also been shown that there is always a particle that has never been churned into physical being, inside us. That is the lifesaver within ourselves; that is the so-called Holy Spirit that dwells within this temple of God. We are at the bottom of the churning process of the Creation; that’s why we are a little coarse, a little cumbersome and heavy. There are other finer vibratory energies, which are floating above us, and we could have access to them if we raise our energy up to their standard.

There is still and always has been this little spark within us, which has never been contaminated and has never been processed into physical energy. And that spark we can always have access to in order to return to where we have come from; to reverse the process, to go back to the original state of being, which is Light, which is the fine energy. And this Light, this fine energy, this fine so-called vibration, also called the Word in the Bible - this is God, this is our essence of being. So to get in touch with this original, fine energy, this original Light and original Word, is to get in touch with God..

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