清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙屏東三地門 1992.12.26

你們常說師父無所不知、無 所不在,但我什麼也不知道,是裏面的主人知道,但這個「我」不必知道,所以我們為而無為;如果每件事我都要知道,那就太忙了,因為要同時做千百件工作,你 們以為這個頭腦能同時將千百件工作匯報給這個所謂的「我」知道嗎?我沒有這個「我」,我們沒有這個「我」,我告訴過你們,我們只是思想的集合,所謂的 「我」只是一個接一個的念頭,只是垃圾、習慣和記錄下來的資料,其實並沒有「我」。

真正的「我」只是清醒的在旁邊觀看,看著我們收集一切,看著我們一連串的行動和反應,明白只是在觀看,而並不是行動,也不是反應,只是看而已,這才是真正 的「我們」,才是真「我」。但我們一直都把觀看的「我」和發生的事情混在一起,我們太執著在事情上面,太執著在我們所知的事物的感覺上面,以為那就是 「我」。現在「我」生氣、「我」快樂、「我」不快樂,事實不是這樣,那些只是反應而已,不是「我」在生氣,「我」只是在旁邊觀看生氣的發生,「我」在看這 齣戲的演出,一會兒好笑,一會兒悲傷,如此罷了,那些只是舞台上的行動和反應而已。

當我們為自己做事時,不會認為有什麼大不了,如果餵自己吃東西,難道也期望任何回報嗎?或者當你替自己洗澡時,會認為自己了不起嗎?(大眾笑)如果不洗 澡,自己會受不了,如果不吃東西,自己會覺得很虛弱而不能動,所以吃東西本身是一種自我回報,洗澡本身也是一種自我回報。同樣的,為師父、人類、同修及非 同修做任何事,都是自我回報,當然,替師父工作,也就是為人類工作,因為師父就是全人類,而不是一個個人,師父是大眾的工具,任何人都可以使用,這個你們 很清楚,你們可以要求師父做任何工作,不論多卑下或多偉大的事,你們總是要師父去做,而師父也會去做,無論你們是否看得到,師父不必一一向你們報告做了哪 些事。

因此,有時你們用智慧眼看到後會知道,但有時不知道,也許智慧眼在睡覺(大眾笑),有這種事,然後你們說:「師父沒為我做任何事,我從來都沒看過。」你母 親在你睡覺時打掃、洗衣、煮飯,你會知道嗎?(大眾答:不會。)但並不表示你母親沒做家事,當你醒來看到家裏乾淨、整齊,就知道有人整理過,如果家裏沒有 其他人,就一定是母親做的。


所以只有師父包辦一切,還有其他人嗎?除了無上力量以 外,還有誰一直和你在一起、為你做任何事呢?你以為是自己在打坐、吃素、持戒,其實都是師父做的,是裏面師父在找師父,並不是你。是誰在尋找師父?是那些 一個接一個的念頭嗎?是它們在尋找師父的智慧嗎?不是,是我們的智慧知道該是認識自己、見識自己力量的時候了(大眾鼓掌)。你們打斷了我的靈感(大眾 笑),沒關係,另一個靈感又來了。因此如果我們還認為是自己在做、在尋求,那就錯了,所以我們才無法和師父合而為一,所以我們才不能認得自己是誰、不能認 得師父是誰;其實師父就是我們自己。

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/117/sl3.htm 「我」是誰?


Who Am 'I' ?

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Santimen, Pingtung, Formosa
December 26, 1992 (Originally in English)

You said the Master knows everything and is omnipresent. But I don't know anything! The Master knows. 'I' don't have to know. We are doing without doing. If I have to know everything, I am too busy, because I have to do a thousand and one jobs at the same time. And you think the mind is capable of flushing out one thousand and one jobs at the same time to report to the so-called 'me'? I already have no 'me'; we have no 'me'. I told you already that we are only thoughts. The so-called 'me' is only one thought after another, all garbage, all habits, and all recorded information. There is no 'me', actually

'Me' is the awakened one, the witness, the one who sees everything that we collect or we react to. There is a chain of action and reaction, and the one who knows that is the witness. It's not the action or the reaction; it's the witness. That's the 'We'; that's the 'I'. But then we always mistake the witness for the event. We are so attached to the event or the taste of all the things that we know, and then we think that's 'we'. Now 'I' am angry, now 'I' am happy, now 'I' am not. It's not true! It's just the reaction. It's not 'me' who is angry; 'I' am witnessing the anger; 'I' am seeing the drama that is going on. Now it's funny, and now it's miserable, but that is all, just the action and reaction on the stage.

Therefore, when we do some work for ourselves, we never think it's a big deal. If you put some food in your mouth, do you expect any reward? Or when you wash your body, do you think you are fantastic? (Audience laughs) If you don't wash, you cannot bear it. If you don't eat, you feel very weak, and you cannot move. So eating itself is kind of self-rewarding. Bathing itself is kind of self-rewarding. Similarly, doing any work for the Master, for human beings, for fellow initiates or non-initiates, these are self-rewarding.

Of course, when we do work for Master, it means it is for human beings, because the Master is a human being. He is not a private person; He is a public instrument. Anyone can use it - you know this already - to do any kind of job, it doesn't matter how humble or how great. You always let the Master or tell the Master to do it, and the Master will do it, whether you see it or not. The Master doesn't always have to report to you about what the Master does. Therefore, sometimes you know, you see it with your wisdom eye, and sometimes you don't. Maybe your wisdom eye sleeps. (Audience laughs) Yes, it happens like that! And then you say, "Master doesn't do anything for me. I never see anything." When your mother is cleaning, washing and cooking while you are sleeping, do you know anything? (No!) That doesn't mean the mother doesn't do the housework. When you see your house is in order, neat and tidy when you wake up, you know someone has done something. And if no one else is in the house, it must be the mother!

The Supreme Power Does Everything

So only the Master does everything. Who else is there, who else is with you except the Supreme Power who does everything for you? And then you think you meditate, you sit, you eat vegetarian, you keep the precepts, etc. Actually, it's all the Master who does it. It is the Master who seeks the Master; it's not you. Who is it that seeks? Is it all the thoughts that are jumping, one after the next, is that the one who seeks the Master wisdom? No! It's the wisdom who knows that it is time to recognize itself, to appreciate its own power. (Audience applauds) You cut off my inspiration! (Audience laughs) Never mind! I have another one. So if we still think we are doing something or seeking something, we are wrong. That's why 'we' cannot mix with the Master. That's why we can not recognize who we are, and who the Master is. The Master is ourselves.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/117/sl3.htm  Who Am 'I'?

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