
  • 如果我們一直奉獻自己,專心敬愛上帝,我們要什麼就有什麼,什麼都不缺。



  • 開悟不是說要將情緒完全消滅掉,而是知道怎麼運用情緒。



  • 真正能讓我們自由的只有真理,如果我們不了解真理,我們就會一直憂慮。



  • 我們只有在想念上帝、藉著光和音直接接觸上帝的時候,我們才會知道所有的事,那時不必向任何人學習,也不必閱讀書籍,不必看報紙,而我們會深切永恆了解一切。



  • 無條件地付出愛心,就是我們每個人所應遵循的生活之道,不論有沒有印心,不論信不信上帝。





By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally in English)

  • After we meditate, we know that nothing is so important, and we just feel happy and blissful.

  • If we always devote our lives to, and concentrate our love on God, everything we need will come, everything, absolutely everything.

  • We are free to express our inner feelings, our appreciation, and move. As long as we move with the rhythm of the universe and know God all the time, everything we do is perfect.

  • Enlightenment doesn't mean we should all together eliminate the emotions. We just know how to use them.

  • Every time we meditate, we thank God first, we pray for the less fortunate, and then we remember God with all the sweetness and devotion.

  • The only thing that sets us free is the Truth. If we don't know that we always worry.

  • That's how the world will become paradise. Everyone shares with each other. Everyone becomes happier. Then no one will want to steal from the neighbor, to hurt the neighbor, or to do anything else, because everyone will be happy.

  • Only when we meditate on God - have direct contact with God through the light and sound, do we know. We know everything without even learning from anyone, without reading books, without reading newspapers. We understand profoundly, and ever-lastingly.

  • The best thing is always simple and unconditional.

  • Unconditional and loving, that is the way everyone of us should lead our lives. With or without initiation, with or without the consciousness of God.

  • http://magazine.godsdirectcontact.net/english/51/



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