清海無上師以英文講於義大利羅馬 1999.5.22
War, trouble, misunderstanding, anger and hatred are all outcomes of our frustration at not knowing God. All the evil we think humankind is capable of doing, comes from this thirst for the knowledge of God. It is ironic and paradoxical, but it is true. Such acts are a desperate call for help, because the people who commit them just don't know what else to do. So they have to resort to violence, just like when you scream out loud.
Why is this so? Because even though we look like humans and wear this human body, we are all children of God; we are the Holy Spirit. We used to live in Heaven, where we had absolutely everything, anytime we wanted it. "Know that you are the temple of God, and the Holy Spirit lives within you." That means that we are nothing but God inside. Because we are God, we're not used to having to work for the things we need. We're not used to having to ask for the things we want, and maybe even then not getting them. So sometimes we feel frustrated, we feel angry, and we feel hopeless and helpless. And sometimes this frustration breeds violence, breeds hatred and eventually, war.
So the people who make war are the people who are really the most desperate for love and for help. But because they are so fixed in their desperation, it is also not very easy to bring love, wisdom and understanding into their state of being--just like someone who is so sick that he doesn't even recognize the doctors, much less feel grateful to them.
So before we fall into this desperate state, we would do better to take care of ourselves and take care that we find the love of God more closely and practically, so we don't ever need to experience this kind of helplessness or deep desperation. No doubt God loves all of us, no matter what we do. Jesus forgives all of us, no matter what we do--even to Him personally. He forgave His enemies and prayed for them: "Father, forgive them, because they don't know what they do." Every time I read something about Jesus again, I always want to cry. Such a great love could only come from God.
We ourselves are all children of God. So why don't we have this love? We do. It's just that we have not activated it; we've forgotten how. We do have love, but not to the extent of the Lord Jesus. Still, we can try to have this love again. God forgives all of our sins; Jesus forgives us--He died for us. And we will be always equal in the eyes of the Lord.
Then why must we know God? Why must we activate this love? Why should we make any effort at all? Because if we do not activate this love, we ourselves will suffer. And of course we will sometimes bring suffering to our loved ones, to whomever is in contact with us, to our surroundings, and sometimes even to our nation, if we make a wrong or a very unloving decision, like making war.
We must activate this love not just to know God, but to know that we are a part of God--that we are one with God, just like the Lord Jesus said: "I and my Father are one." We cannot be one with God by talking alone, by thinking alone, or by wishing alone. We have to actually be one with God, be God on Earth. We have to join that ocean again, become one with the ocean of love. Then we can represent God on this planet. All of Hiers magnificent qualities, all of Hiers loving kindness, we can represent. And we can bring love, joy, kindness and happiness to all the people around us.