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All illnesses stem from our minds. Originally the so-called "I" didn't exist. Therefore, the concept of "I am ill" didn't exist. When an illness first begins, if we have a firm attitude about rejecting it, don't allow the concept of "I am ill" to come into being, then the illness will run away immediately.

However, you're all too weak. You often feel, "Oh! I have a pain here. I have discomfort there." Frequently, having these thoughts is like pushing a door open. The door is open only a little bit in the beginning; however, since you keep thinking about "becoming ill," the slightly opened door will be pushed wide open by the power of your negative thinking. As soon as the door is wide open, the illness will quickly invade your body. If you always have a clear consciousness at every moment, and don't allow any bad things to come in, then nothing can invade you.

Getting sick is like digging a hole on our outside layer first. Originally, there's a layer of protective energy covering our bodies. It guards us against the invasive negative power outside. When we get sick, it's just like having a hole poked in the layer of protective energy, so that the illness can directly enter our bodies, through the hole. That's how we get sick. If the layer of protective energy remains intact, the illness can't get in. Spiritual practitioners are generally healthy, so they don't get sick; whereas, non-practitioners are easily disturbed by outside influences, and that is equivalent to opening the door first, and inviting illnesses to come in. Therefore, if we keep calm, a disastrous atmosphere can be resolved naturally. Our "fixed karma" can be changed in this way, just like a light can dispel darkness.

Some people believe in fortune teller's predictions; like on such-and-such a date they will get such-and-such illness, or have such-and-such an accident or disaster. Then they'll have fearful thoughts in their minds. As soon as they have fearful thoughts, it's like opening a small door in their bodies, and then all kinds of bad things can come in naturally.

If a practitioner has a pure spirit and concentrated mind, the protective layer of energy around his body is like a diamond shield, and it can't be penetrated by any illness. Even if we really have some illness, we shouldn't let it perplex us. When we know that we're ill, we should practice even more diligently, and use our power to drive it away. This body is our house, and we are the owners. Without the invitation of the owner, how can anyone come in? If you can drive it away with a firm attitude, no illness will stay. Even if it's the invasion of a small cold, a sensitive person can feel it at a very early stage. However, those who don't practice and aren't sensitive, won't be aware of such things.

If we want to sense the invasion of illnesses, we must keep an absolutely clear consciousness, and let our bodies stay in a highly alert state. Once we feel the invasion of an illness, we should immediately meditate, recite the Holy Names, and firmly tell ourselves, "I don't want the illness. Illness isn't the Truth. I don't want anything that's forced upon me. I only want the Truth." Then the illness will run away. Those who have practiced a long time, and have strong minds, can eliminate an illness in one or two seconds. Those who don't practice don't have this will power, and therefore they don't believe that they have healing power.

In fact, our bodies naturally have resistance to illness, and can heal themselves. Many doctors tell their patients, "These medicines are for you. But you should mainly rely on yourself to cure the illness." It's because we're great beings, and there's nothing we can't do. However, the amount that you can do depends on how much you believe it. In other words, this latent and limitless power can appear differently, because of the extent that each person applies it.

We Quan Yin practitioners are more powerful than others are. This involves the power that we use to drive illnesses away. If you get ill, it's because you want to be ill. Your mind may not want it, but your body does. Therefore, we should educate our actions, speech and thoughts. If certain parts of our bodies like to be ill, we should gradually teach them with the correct concepts, like we teach children. If they don't understand, we can give them some medicine and tell them, "Okay, you're safe now." When we let our bodies truly give up the illness, they'll recover.

However, people normally do the opposite. They try to look after their bodies in every way, but ignore their spiritual practice. That's why I teach you to keep your actions, speech and thoughts, clean. If your thoughts are clean but your body isn't, you'll be in the situation that your mind is perfect, but your body is still vulnerable and can get ill. Therefore, we should use our minds to teach our bodies. We should teach them that there actually isn't a so-called 'I' who can get ill, to let them truly give up everything, and give up the idea of "getting ill," and then they won't get ill.

Illness is actually not karma. The real karma is our ignorance. Because of ignorance, we have dark and impure souls. If our souls are purified, there will neither be God nor Maya, not to mention illness. Originally, we didn't have illness. Therefore, in the Heart Sutra, it's stated, "All dharmas amount to emptiness." They neither arise nor cease, are neither tainted nor pure, and neither increase nor decrease. Hence in emptiness, there are no forms, no feelings, no perceptions, no mental formations, and there is no consciousness; there are no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; there is no vision, no hearing, no sense of smell, no sense of taste, no sense of touch. If there is nothing, how can we get ill?

Because we cling to our bodies, we have so much trouble. We should do more Quan Yin and meditate more, and then we won't have any trouble.


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