清海無上師著作《曠世情人》中文版 新書發表會 暨與福爾摩沙(台灣)第十至十一任 副總統呂秀蓮視訊會議

日期:2011.01.01, 08.16

字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、泰、印度、旁遮普、希伯來、波斯、阿拉伯、土耳其、俄、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、德、法、義、西、葡、荷蘭、烏都 (26種)

在福爾摩沙西湖道場舉行的視訊會議 2011.08.16



清海無上師: 現在都很亂啦,哪一種天災都有。不是地震,就是颱風;不是颱風,就是水災;不是水災,就是旱災;不是旱災,就是熱浪。不然的話,我們現在還有一個很大的危險,那就是太陽!太陽也許會改變自己,然後影響我們很大!如果太陽爆發,或是送太多它的熱量給我們,那就不用談地球別的災難了。還有,宇宙也送過來給我們一種很大的能量。


清海無上師: 是。還有一種是從宇宙中送過來給我們的能量。


清海無上師: 大概是破壞性的,因為我們沒辦法承受這種能量,地球的人太弱了。除非全球都改吃純素,而且每個人都整理自己內邊的道德,我們才能抵抗這種宇宙爆發的能量。


清海無上師: 是,是。還有太陽的方面--如果我們沒有道德力量的話,沒有任何科技或科學方法能夠保護我們。所以我才一直提醒大家要返回我們內邊道德的佛性,也就是善良的本性。不過不是那麼容易。副總統您很清楚,所以您才勸人少吃肉,如果不能完全戒除的話。我是不能只告訴人們少吃肉的。


清海無上師: 我們還是有希望,不可能沒有希望。所以我才繼續每天打坐十幾個小時,幾乎整天整晚。有時休息1小時或半小時,因為要整理自己、照顧狗、擦洗房子,比方說這樣。不然的話,我都在打坐,求上天保佑我們,還有從內邊提醒大家要返回我們的本來面目,就是有慈悲心,也就是佛性。




線上觀看清海無上師懇請全球世人共同加入「純素世界,世界和平」打坐行列的訊息: http://www.suprememastertv.com/worldvegan/


Hope for Humankind and the Planet Through Meditation and Prayer

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference
with Her Excellency Lu Hsiu-lien, Hsihu Center, Formosa,
August 16, 2011 (Originally in Chinese)

In a conversation with the 10th- and 11th-term Vice President of Formosa, Ms. Lu Hsiu-lien, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of forces that are threatening the Earth and the only way that humanity can counter them.

Ms. Lu: A lot of problems are happening on the planet. Master, according to your insight, is there any safety concern related to natural disasters to which we should pay attention in the near future, like by the end of this year?

SM: It is very chaotic right now. We have all kinds of natural disasters. If we don’t have earthquakes, we have typhoons; if not typhoons, we have floods; if not floods, we have droughts; if not drought, we have heat waves. If not that, there is still another great danger, which is the Sun. The Sun may change itself, which will have a major impact on us. If solar flares arise, or if too much heat is sent to us, then we don’t need to talk about other disasters on Earth. There is also a very strong energy sent to us from the universe.

Ms. Lu: Scientists say that at the end of next year, or in the following year, there might be a big solar eruption. Is this what you are referring to?

SM: Yes. There is also a kind of energy sent to us from the depth of the universe.

Ms. Lu:  Is it good or bad energy? Is it destructive or constructive?

SM: It is probably destructive. It is because we cannot withstand this kind of energy. Earthlings are too weak. Only if the entire planet changes to a vegan diet and everyone takes care of his/her inner moral standard, can we withstand this energy from universal eruptions.

Ms. Lu:  Humans have too much bad karma (retribution). Is that what you mean?

SM: Yes, yes. Also the Sun – if we don’t have moral power, no science or technology can protect us. That’s why I have been reminding everyone to return to his/her inner virtuous Buddha Nature or original benevolent quality. But it is not that easy. Ms. Vice President, you know it very well, and that’s why you advise people to eat less meat, if not cutting it off completely. I cannot tell people to eat less meat only.

Ms. Lu:  So in other words, Master, are you not very optimistic about the future of humankind? Is that right?

SM: We still have hope. It cannot be hopeless. That’s why I continue meditating more than 10 hours every day, almost all day, all night. Sometimes I have a one- or half-hour break because I need to take care of myself and my dogs, to clean the house, for example like that. Otherwise I meditate all the time, praying for Heaven’s protection and also reminding people from inside to return to their original Self, which is compassion, and which is Buddha Nature.

To remind all people of this aspect from inside, I have to communicate with them through meditation. Outer speech is only a little bit effective, not completely. The power of meditation is more effective, because inside we are the same. Our souls are the same; our Buddha Nature is the same. That’s why inner communication is more effective.

Also we are asking all spiritual practitioners and non-practitioners in the whole world to meditate every day during various common times, or at any time. We should meditate and pray. This is the message we are promoting on Supreme Master Television. On the one hand, we are reminding people with the spoken language, and on the other hand, we are communicating with them inwardly. I still keep my hopes up. We still have hope.

To view Supreme Master Ching Hai’s message asking that people across the globe join in World Vegan, World Peace meditation hours, please visit: http://www.suprememastertv.com/worldvegan/


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