Mark Zuckerberg tops Vanity Fair’s list of 100 Most Influential People recently published on the magazine’s website.

Born in 1984, Zuckerberg co-founded the popular social networking site Facebook, which is valued at $25 billion and because of his 24% share of the network, Forbes recently named him as the youngest billionaire in the world.

According to Peta, Zuckerberg is also a vegan.

There must be something about passing up the steak for the potatoes among influential techies, because two other vegetarians, Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, and CEO and co-founder of Apple Steve Jobs are listed as #10 and #2, respectively.



「浮華世界」(Vanity Fair)雜誌公布年度最有權勢與影響力的百大人物名單(The New Establishment 2010),祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg )榮登榜首。



也許放下牛排改吃馬鈴薯有什麼特別的效果?因為「百大權勢人物」的第二名和第十名分別是另外兩位素食者:微網誌twitter的創辦人Biz StoneApple的創辦人賈伯斯。

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