清海無上師以英文講於韓國首爾小中心 2000.05.17(DVD#705)





Scientific Development Must Be Balanced by Spiritual Understanding

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Seoul Center , Korea, 
May 17, 2000 (Originally in English)
DVD #705

Q: Since science is so highly developed, even the human can be copied. Some say this is the high development of science, but some say this is the end of the world. What do You think about that?

M: Together with the scientific development, we must develop spiritually. Otherwise we will be imbalanced and in danger of destroying ourselves. And that could be the end of the world, for sure! If we don’t have the moral strength and the spiritual knowledge of how to be a good human being, and we create all kinds of dummies and we make bad use of them - for instance, we can make war because these dummies don’t know how to be afraid of death, and they don’t know any moral standards so they can kill anyone at random - then of course, our world will be ended. Scientific development, if not controlled by spiritual power and understanding, is like a knife in a kid’s hand. He could kill himself or kill other kids and other people.


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