



幾乎已經克服了所有這些困難,在材料 方面他認為完全不需要現代航天那樣的耐高溫、高壓,因為 他的航行原理與現代航天的火箭推動原理完全不同,不會產 生任何的高溫、高壓,也不需要厚重的航天服,他的系統甚 至可以讓他裸身行走在火星表面。
在維生方面M.T.Keshe可以在太空中製作出你需要 的任何食品,甚至牛肉和麵包。而在醫療方面M.T.Ke she已經做的相當完美,他不需要醫生以及現代醫學中用 到的任何醫療器械及藥品,他的能量療法幾乎可以醫治任何 的疾病。他曾經讓一位癱瘓15年的病人下地行走自如。他 並且早已製作了他自己的航天器,我甚至相信他已經做過太 空遨遊。..........






新反應器與 人類社會之改變

作者: Dr. Keshe

中文翻譯: 林琚月20130514

經過多年研究, 我一直在觀察一些現象 --- 現在它們對我而言 --- 很清楚了! 但是我一直不想處理這個概念, 因為我太忙碌著其它的科技工作了.

在最近這幾個禮拜以來, 已經讓我們進入了 ‘最強的能量’ 以及 “Magravs systems”(磁重力系統機器)的開發--- 這是在 ‘創造的領域’ 裡已經知道的事情.

這系統只可以在地球上生產 ---由於它目前的物質的化學成分之故.

--- 我一直攜帶著這機器在身邊多年, 但這知識需要被成熟完整起來, 而且適當的環境氣氛 也必須被創造出來才能大量生產這機器.

這意思就是光明會必須處理掉, 所有阻擋免費能源機器的人都必須解決掉, 否則機器無法上市, 賣或免費, 貴或便宜還其次問題.)

我很高興可以告訴大家 --- 就是我們現在 ‘已經’而且 ‘可以’生產人類歷史上最強的 ‘非核能’ 的能量系統了!!!

整套模式版本系統在幾天內即可生產出來, 但是以 ‘機械化量產’ 而言 --- 需要花到六個月 來完成全部的控制系統!!!

要建核電場的混蛋 --- 你在搞笑嗎? 非常不好笑!)

‘系統提升能力’ 可以在一個幾千噸位的區域, 而這 ‘磁重力系統’的邊界可以包涵好幾公里的範圍.

我在八年前就看過這縮小版反應器的運作狀況, ---
實在很驚人! 但那時我無法在那時處理這事情.

已經沒有其它選擇餘地而必須生產, 並完整的測試這新科技的力道.

我去年在我們研究中心在Tesla的講課(in Tesla meets Keshe)中有談到,

‘完成設計’ ‘開發’這個科技 --- 的所有 ‘使用潛力’ 以及 ‘使用方法’!

--- 可以滿足 大部份國家的電力需求, 汽車能源需求, 太空運作需求, 環境清潔保護需求, 醫療, 解決水源短缺問題, 饑荒問題, 等等! 等等!

請朋友們注意全世界政府手上都已有Keshe基金會免費贈送的此科技. 溫總理還親到比利時去上過課.
臺灣與美國與歐洲政府手上都早有資料. )

‘反應器’ 的過程其實非常容易! 我們目前正試著與全世界某個 ‘領導國家’ 在未來幾個月, 一起工作, 跟他們一起, 製造一個縮小版的系統機器.

‘系統機器’ --- 可以生產 ‘足夠能源’來提供一個舒適的生活 --- 這我在講課中已經談過了 --- 現在已經 ‘完全實現’ --- 可以發生在 ‘地球任何地方’ --- ‘一杯咖啡’ 的錢或是一杯汽水的錢 --- 就可以生產出來了!

--- 而且可以生產一個家庭所需要的清潔用水, 以及能源 --- 只要使用一個 ‘手機大小’ 的機器 --- 在地球的任何地方.

這會完全改變人類的命運, 因為即使在最偏遠的村莊也有一隻手機, 那就可以生產整個村莊所需要的 ‘能源需求’ 了!

--- 就是宇宙 ‘磁重力’生產文化的夢想, 而這會讓人類成為宇宙力量以及太空運作科技的先驅 --- 正是由於地球物質‘磁重力’結構的獨特性質!

--- 所以成為了宇宙提升與運動系統的中心 --- 因為這系統無法在太空中輕易的被生產出來, 即使其它文明族群也有這個 ‘物質生產知識’!

因為我必須先生產一個新版本的物質機器出來, 但這個 ‘新反應器’在技術上已經讓目前時代所有的 ‘能源危機’ ‘不存在’ 了!!! --- 所有國家’的 ‘全部能源供應’ 現在在幾個月之內 全部都可以滿足 --- 而且 ‘不需要’電線或是小的衛星能源系統.

意即不需要各區的小發電場, 轉壓電力中心, 電線或電線杆或衛星協助!)

--- 像法國與美國, 以及 Suez之類公司 --- 他們多年來曾經積極嘗試著要阻擋我們污蔑我們 --- 在大學院校中與國家政府之間 --- 在全世界各地 --- 我們邀請他們來參與一個討論會, 以及這個 ‘新科技’ 的商業推廣問題研討 --- 因為從現在開始 --- 再也沒有 ‘能源危機’ 了!!!

但我需要時間來確保我們的人身安全問題, 現在我們已經準備好了要對抗 全世界主要國家了 --- 關於 ‘能源能量’的平衡 以及 ‘太空運作’的平衡問題!

這種國家 ---- 可以 ‘能源自足’!!! --- 在幾個月之內就可以!!! --- 因為他們有所有他們需要的材料來生產這 ‘反應器’ , 並且滿足他們內部的 ‘能源需求’ ‘水源生產’所需!!!

--- 已經確保了我們的知識的安全 --- 即使把我殺了所阻擋不了這科技的流通!!! 許多領導國家與科學家們 --- 一直與我們一起工作, 開發 ‘太空計畫’的發展的人們, 全都完全擁有這個科技, 而且我們已經準備好了要釋放這系統機的 ‘全套設計’ 給幾個國家 --- 所以他們可以集體的合作 --- 他們可以帶給這個世界的 ‘能源’以及 ‘太空計畫’ 的平衡存在與使用!!!



這是一個新型的反應器’!它沒有一般的物質結構, 但它運作起來很像人腦結構’!

2000年初我們發展出了最初的模型, 但這整個程式並還無法被完全理解.現在, 我們已經理解清楚這系統了!在未來幾個禮拜我們會準備好來發表幾個關於各個技術層面問題的新發現’ --- 而第二份醫學報告也很快就會發表出來!從現在開始, 我們會透過科學實證以及提供新科技的接觸機會來增加壓力 --- 鼓勵全世界的科學家的合作 以及政府的支持!!!我們現在是在一個正確的國家之中, 與它的新政府合作 --- 來確保這個科學能夠被推展到社會的前端 --- 來開發出更多新科技!

這新的義大利總理已經清楚表明 --- 就如同我們被告知的 --- ‘假如他無法把這新科技很快的推出去的話 --- 他會從他的總理位置上辭職!!!

我們在這裡鼓勵這種正面的發展 --- 因為我們現在已經是一個以義大利為基地的機構了!

這第二部份的醫療報告會是對全世界醫藥界的完全震撼! --- 人體科學的新革命開始 --- 談到我們需要的新科技與新系統機器來協助人類!這個新反應器會帶來一個新的醫療界的彈性作法 --- 對我們幾世代的醫療界的祖先醫生們而言--- 這只是夢想中的事 --- (現在是事實!)

M T Keshe
The director of the Keshe Foundation Keshe






【自由能源全球普及】20130223《倫敦帝國學院對凱史的採訪》 all



Keshe Update: The New Reactor and Change in The Course For Human Race
Posted By: Jordon

Date: Monday, 13-May-2013 14:39:00

The new reactor and change in the course for human race

In years of research, I have been observing phenomenon which was clear to me, but somehow I did not want to deal with this concept as I was too busy with other matters of the technology.
But eventual this nagging knowledge had to be dealt with.

The result of some forty years of research in the past weeks has led us to the development of one of the most powerful energy and Magravs systems known in the world of creation.
To my knowledge this system can only be produced on earth due to its chemical composition of its present matters.

I have seen the work of the miniature version of the system working as I have been carrying it for years, but it needed maturity of the knowledge and creation of the right environment before its release.

Now I am pleased to inform the forum, that we have and can produce one of the most powerful non-nuclear energy systems ever known.

Theoretically the full scale version can be done in days, but mechanically it can take up to six month to complete full control system.
The system will weigh less than 100 grams and its power production can be in the region of 1-10 MW or even more.

The systems Lift capability can be in the region of several thousand tones and the system Magravs boundary can be made to cover several kilometers.

I have seen this reactor in miniature working about eight years ago and it was so amazing that I did not want at the time to deal with this.

But through the medical research in the past weeks, there are no alternative but to go ahead and test the power of this new technology in full.

I talked about this in my lecture in Tesla meets Keshe in our center last year, and no one in the audience grasped the concept.
Now we are ready to fully design and develop this technology with its full applications and implications.

This new system once operational can meet most of nation’s needs for power, energy for automotive, space motion, environmental cleanup; medical, water shortages, hunger and so forth.
The process of production of this reactor is very easy and we try to make the system in miniature reactor in collaboration with one of the world leading nations in the coming month in our work with them.
I can see that the two mobile phone systems to produce as much energy as one needs to live a comfortable life, which I have been talking about in my lectures, is now fully realizable anywhere on this planet at the cost of a cup of coffee or a can of soft drink.
The home unit should not be hard to make that it can produce as much as one's needs for clean water and energy using a mobile phone anywhere on this planet.
In Africa this will change the course of humanity as even in the remotest villages there is a mobile phone, which it can produce the energy needs of the whole village.

This system has been the dream of universal Magravs producing cultures, and this puts human race at the forefront of the universal power and space motion technology, due to uniqueness of the earth physical Magravs structure.
The earth now with this technology becomes the center of universal lift and motion systems as this systems cannot easily be produced in space even though the knowledge to produce materials are known to other civilizations.

I will try to explain this in details in the near future, as I have physically to make a new version, but this new reactor technically make energy crises of the present time irrelevant and the whole energy supply of all nations can be met in a few months without a need for overhead cables and small satellite energy systems.

We invite the major power producing nations like France and USA and companies like Suez which has been actively trying to discredit and blocking us for years in universities and governments across the world to arrange a conference for discussion and the commercialization of this new technology as from now on there is no more energy crises.
I was going to announce this development in Varna-Bulgaria last week in the three days conference, but I needed time to secure some points that our lives will not be in danger, now we are ready to take on major world nations for the balance of power in energy and space motion.
This new technology makes a nation like China energy self-sufficient in matter of month as they have all the materials they need to produce and meet their internal demand for energy and water production.

We promised the course of change through world peace, now we deliver the tools of peace to every nation and man on this planet.

We have secured our knowledge through appropriate channels that this technology by taking me out will not be blocked.
Leading nations and scientists whom have been working with us in development of the spaceship program are now fully in possession of this technology and we are ready to release full design of systems to a number of nations that they can collectively in collaborating they can bring balance in the world energy and spaceship program.

The second medical paper will be a total shock to the world of medicine.This is a new type of reactor.
It has no physical structure as such and it works very much like the brain structure.
It was originally developed in early 2000’s but the whole process was not fully understood. Now we understand the system.
In the coming weeks we are getting ready to disclose a number of new discoveries in all aspects of technology and second medical paper is in line to be released soon.
From now on we will increase pressure through science and accessibility to it that encourage world scientist’s collaboration and governmental support.
We are in the right nation with its new government to see the science to be pushed to the front for society to develop new technologies.

The new premier of Italy has made it clear as we have been told that if he cannot bring development of new technologies into the front quickly he will resign from his post.

We are here to encourage this positive move as we are now an Italian based organization.

The second medical paper will be a total shock to the world of medicine and start of a new revolution in the science of human body and need for new technologies and new systems to be able to help the mankind.
This new reactor brings a new flexibility into the world of medicine which has been only a dream for my forefathers whom been medicine men for generations.

Interview with Mr Mehran Keshe December 10, 2012

Interview with Mehran T. Keshe on January 13th 2013

Interview with Mehran T. Keshe on April 21th 2013


Interview with Mr Mehran Keshe  20121216


Interview with Mr Mehran Keshe 20130223 / April 11th 2013

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