清海無上師以英文講於德國杜易斯堡歐洲禪三 2007.01.02


No Need to 
 About That!





Master Tells Jokes

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
January 2, 2007, Duisburg, Germany 
(Originally in English)

There was a herd of cows in the field, and two of the cows were talking together. Cow A said to Cow B, "Wow, it really makes me worry, all this mad cow disease news going on. I don't know if we are safe, if it's already here and if we're OK or not. Do you know of any sign, to know if we get mad cow disease?"

And the other cow said, "I have no idea, really, but I think it's still far away, no?"

So the third cow nearby, Cow C, chipped in and said, "Oh, that shouldn't worry us ducks, you know!"   >>


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