
編號: 690

字幕:悠樂、阿拉伯、保加利亞、中簡、中繁、丹麥、荷蘭、英、法、芬蘭、德、希臘、匈牙利、印尼、義大利、日、韓、寮、菲律賓、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、斯洛維尼亞、西文、泰文、土耳其 (26)

清海無上師以英文講於香港 2000.05.02(DVD#690)




http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/179/    問答精選


Everything Has

Energy and Effect

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
May 2, 2000, Hong Kong (Originally in English) DVD #690


Q: Is evil just another form of goodness? Does that mean there is no evil after all?

M: No, you cannot say there is no evil. And yet, evil is also born from us. Originally, there was no evil. It's just that when we think something bad or negative, when we do something bad or negative or when we speak something bad or negative, these things also affect us and affect other people around because they are not of a good nature. Anything we do, say or think that's good and is of a good nature has a good effect on us and on everyone else. And everything we do, think or say that's bad, has a bad effect. Everything has an effect, or energy. For instance, the rose is beautiful and it smells nice because it's a rose. But cheese smells a little bit like feet that you didn't wash for a long time! So, everything has its own quality and its effect. When you put a rose in a small room, you feel that the whole room is filled with rose fragrance. But if you put the cheese or something bad like excrement from an animal or yourself in the room, the whole room will smell bad.

Everything has an effect; everything has energy. And because we are God, we have the power of the Creator. We are one with the whole creation, and whatever we create affects ourselves and everyone else. That's why the devil or evil was born, because of our bad energy. And sometimes such a big, vast, massive lump of energy accumulates and stays in one place that the country will have a disaster or trouble; the whole nation will be affected. The people may be in bad shape, such as having epidemic sickness or disease, war, disaster or whatever. That's when the bad energy or the devil is at work. It's all man-made; so we should take care that our thoughts are always pure, noble and good; then we don't have to experience this. That's why we have to practice, to be good for ourselves and to benefit everyone.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/179/     >>


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