

Every Peaceful Plan Will Be Done

Download :Part1(238M)  
Download :Part2(251M)  
Download :Part3(253M)  

















We are honored and so happy to share with you some exciting news! On

April 14, 2013 our beloved Master had a teleconference with Supreme

Master Television staff during which She revealed new, fascinating

information, including:


• the extended life of our planet

• more wondrous secrets of the universe

• the Positive and Negative Qualities in humans and animals

• how peace will prevail in the Korean peninsula

• the sacrifices Master undergoes for disciples’ karma and the world


Master also shared a loving message for the world. She said, “Should

concentrate on doing good things. Pray and meditate whatever way you

can to the highest possible spiritual power. Eliminate evil tendencies

in all corners of your life. Remember God at all times. Be grateful to

whatever you have and all the blessings all over around you and in

your life. Pray for the world’s wellness. Be vegan, make peace. And,

be grateful for your beautiful life and enjoy your short but beautiful



The entire 3-hour conference, titled “Every Peaceful Plan Will Be

Done,” will soon be airing online at www.SupremeMasterTV.com. The

conference will be available to watch within the next few days with

English subtitles only. The conference with full multi-language

subtitles will be available to watch within the next two weeks. Exact

dates for the airing of both versions will be announced soon.



IMPORTANT: Please help share this precious conference with as many

people as you can. Ways to share include:


• Emailing the SMTV link to the conference: www.SupremeMasterTV.com

• Embedding the conference video in or linking to the video in your

blog or webpage

• Using social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. to let people know

about the conference

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