清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)







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Let God Be the Healer

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, 
November 21, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #671

Q: Having been informed that as a healer I am not fit to be initiated, I would very much like the Master to advise me how I could join the spiritual experience.

M: I am not telling you to stop your healing, as a healer. I just want to show you a greater way to be a healer, to be a greater healer, the one that Jesus was, the one that when people just touched His garment, they were healed. And Jesus did not even claim it! He said, “Your faith has healed you,” and “My Father has healed you,” because He had no more ego. He didn’t lay hands on people any more; He didn’t pray for people any more. He didn’t do anything!

Everything is the Father’s doing. Hes is the greatest Healer of all time, and that is the status where we should be: all of us, because we are the children of God. We have all this power; the whole universe belongs to us. Anything you want to do, you can, but you have to be One with this power, be One with God and let God do it, not be just one individual healer who has to use physical means to heal people.

So I want to show you to be a greater healer. If you are ready for that, join us. If you are not ready for that, stay where you are and enjoy your work. If you enjoy it, do it. Do whatever is best for you; do whatever makes you feel happiest. You don’t have to come to me, if you are happy where you are. Do whatever suits you at this moment. If you want to join us, we welcome you. There’s no attachment, no condition, no money, now or hereafter, nothing! I am here to serve you. But if you enjoy where you are, it’s OK, too. We are all OK in the eyes of God. Depending on what we want to do, Hes helps us. If you want to stay a nurse, it’s good. But if you want to learn to be a doctor, you have to forsake this work and study further. (Applause)

In all the Bible, you don’t hear that any Prophet heals anyone by physical means. Anyone who is in their presence, if it is the will of the Father, they will be healed through being near the Prophet, or near the Master or through praying to the Master, even if they’re thousands of miles apart. If God wills that person to be healed through the Master, it will be done. But the Master doesn’t do physical things. That’s why Jesus didn’t claim any of the miracles He made. People claimed! People said, “Oh! He healed the sick. He healed the blind.” In fact, it was because they knew it was through Him that they were healed.

But Jesus or any Master such as Abraham or Mohammed never deliberately did things to claim, “OK, it’s me; I healed you.” No, because to do that would defame our Father; it would be very arrogant, I’m sorry to say. If you are near our brothers and sisters who learn the same method and who practice the same way as me, you will hear a lot of miracle stories like that from them, and they will tell you that it’s I who do it. But I always tell them again and again, and now, that I don’t do anything. If there’s any benefit that comes through me, it is the Father who does it! I can’t ever do anything without Hiers will. So every time my people come to me or write me a letter and thank me for any cure of sickness, any miracle or whatever great illness they have escaped, I always thank the Father, because I know it is Hirm and Hiers doing. I know for sure! No one else is there except Hirm, or the Mother, the Mother or the Father. 


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