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What one can do to help someone, who’s deeply, poychologically troubled?


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Los Angels, USA, june 7, 1998
(Originally in English) DVD #624


disciple:I had a question that related to something the gentleman back there brought up, which deals with the nature of psychological illnesses. And I’ve thought a lot about it. My grandmother was institutionalized, and heard voices, and spent years banging her head against the wall, and was finally given a frontal lobotomy. So I spent a lot of time trying to understand what happened to her. And she’s dead now, so I’m not interested for her. But just, your booklet says we shouldn’t help people. I was told that she lived on a revolutionary war battle field. Somebody said that maybe she was haunted by the ghosts. Other people told me that sometimes you can have covers to your chaktras that get blown off and lower vibrational frequencies come in.

But I guess one question is, is there anything we can do to help these people, or do we just leave them to their own karma?

And the second question is, can you elaborate a little bit on what goes on, because sometimes you find people who have psychological problems. They try and they try, and they try to get past these, but you can’t stand being around them. But when you are away from them, you have a lot of compassion for them. How would you suggest when we run into people like that, like this gentleman seems to run into them all the time? How do we handle situations like that and not help them? How can we help them? Just by being who we are, and leave them to their own karma?


Master:Did I say you should not help people?


disciple: Well, it’s sort of the way I read it…


Master:You read it wrong. What am I doing here if we should not help people?


Disciple: I guess the way I read it is that you should’t go out and try to heal people.


Master: Oh, spiritual healing is different. I’m talking about spiritual healing, using your magical power to tamper with people’s consciousness. It’s different.


Disciple:Can you address a little bit about what one can do to help someone, who’s deeply, poychologically troubled?


Master: They will help themselves, in time. You help the best you can. The best you know how. We always have to help people if they need you. Doesn’t matter psychological, mental, material, spiritual, we always have to help people. But the amount of acceptance is up to them. Don’t forget, even if they are crazy, they are God. They play fool. They like that. They wake up in time. But you help as much as you can, for your own benefit. Otherwise, you don’t have compassion. It’s no good for you, see? You pray to them, you talk to them, you hold their hands, you bring them food. You do whatever is in your power to make you feel that you’re doing the right thing. That’s important. OK? It’s “you” who are important, not them. Really! They are playing fools to evoke your compassion. Yeah, they choose to be poor, so you can be generous. Hmm? They choose to be crazy, so you thank God that you are awakened. Everything has to have a contrast so that you recognize how good you are, how blessed you are, OK? It’s “you” who are important. Everyone is important to him or herself. Remember that. Whatever you do is for yourself. Nobody in the universe needs you anything. Truly speaking. But at that time, they don’t understand that. When they come to call you for help, they really also think they need you. And you also really think you need to help them. And that’s perfectly all right. That’s the way it is .OK? So do what you can, anytime, anywhere to help people. That’s a must, to evolve. OK? But don’t judge, don’t think they’re really nuts, they’re really poor, they really need you. They do seem that way, but in eternity, they are not. OK? ALL right.

That’s why, that why an enlightened person helps, but not helping. Understand people, sympathize with people, but don’t sink into their sorrow. Very balanced. Because if we drown together with the person who’s drowning, we can’t help them, either. See what I mean? Yes! We have to be very cool. Very cool. Very clear.





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