

清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)






Knowing God,
We Understand
Hiers Ways

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Tel Aviv, Israel, November 21, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #671


Q: I know God is there, but why doesn’t God help us when we are in trouble or when we are asking Hirm so much to help us? I know that Hes listens, but I pray so much to Hirm, and so often I don’t have answers.

M: Hes answers all the time. Hes always helps us. It’s just that we do not know Hiers way. I have explained before, we must go inside the Kingdom of God to see Hiers workings, to see Hiers plan for the universe. Then we will understand why such-and-such things happen. Things happen always for our best, best, best, best benefit! But we expect differently. We think, OK, now if God loves me, Hes must give me money, a beautiful wife, a good husband, a good job, obedient children, never sickness, never poorness and never trouble.

It is not always in that way that Hes helps us. Hes does help in many, many different ways, and it’s always for the best. But only when we go inside can we see how Hes works. Then we will be only grateful every day, every day!

So you see, when Jesus died, He didn’t blame the Father. He did not! Otherwise, He could have escaped. He knew already before that, but He didn’t go away. He knew; the Father told Him already His time had come and that He would go back to the higher dimension, a better place. So a little suffering physically meant nothing to Him. It’s the same with us: Physical suffering or hardship will mean nothing to us. In the face of death, we will laugh and say good-bye to life. That’s the way of the enlightened person. So, you must be enlightened. Then you know “why” everything is. You’ll never, ever have to ask me or anyone else, whoever that may be, because you have the knowledge. (Applause)

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