
清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典 1999.05.20 (影帶編號#653)

問: 宇宙是什麼時候創造的?如何造出來?

答: 宇宙一直都在創造、生生不息地創造。除了上帝之外,我們也都可以算是創造者,而其他星球和別的銀河系的每個眾生,時時刻刻也都在創造。因此,「宇宙在什麼時候創造、什麼時候會毀滅」這種說法並不正確。每當我們有慈愛的念頭,就會在其他某個世界創造天堂;每當我們起憎恨心,就會在連我們自己都不知道的角落創造出痛苦的地獄。因此,我們必須了悟上帝,這樣才能純粹地創造幸福快樂;我們所創造的一切,將來都會加倍回到我們身上。上帝並沒有創造地獄,那是眾生互動所產生的能量累積了百千萬劫之後,才創造出這類的情況。


清海無上師以英文講於希臘雅典 1999.05.20 (影帶編號#653)

問: 無明是一種陷阱,還是天國計畫的一部分?

答: 無明是天國計畫的一部分,因為這樣才好玩,我們忘了自己是誰,做一些所謂的蠢事,然後享受「重新記起本性」的樂趣。否則,如果我們像萬能的上帝一樣至聖、全知、至愛,那就無事可做了。不過也要適可而止,時間到了,我們就應該放下無明,重新當個有智慧的人。

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/175/   >>


The Secret Behind Creation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape No. 653

Q: When and how was the universe created?

M: The universe is forever creating, creating and creating. Apart from the great Guy Hirmself, we are all creators of some kind. And each being on other planets and in other galaxy systems is creating and creating, every second of our existence. So it would be a mistake to say when the universe was created and when it will end. Every time we have a thought of loving kindness, we create Heaven in a different sphere. Every time we have hatred, we create a miserable hell somewhere that we don’t even know yet. Therefore, we must know God in order to create only happiness, because everything we create comes back to us many-fold afterward. God doesn’t create hell. It’s the energy of the beings that interact with each other - century after century, eon after eon, that creates this thing or that thing.

Ignorance Has a Place in the Divine Plan


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece,
May 20, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape No. 653

Q: Is ignorance a trap, or is it also part of the Divine plan?

M: It’s a part of the Divine plan. It’s there so that we can have fun, forgetting ourselves and doing all the things that are so-called foolish. Then, we have the pleasure to remember ourselves again. Otherwise, as God Almighty - all holy, all knowledge, all love - we have absolutely nothing to do. But enough is enough: When the time comes, we should forget the ignorance and be wise again.

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