清海無上師以英文講於馬來西亞 1992.02.25(影帶編號#219

問: 聽說藉由光和音,我們便可以和上帝溝通。那麼如果我們能夠製造光和音,是不是就可以和上帝溝通?又該如何溝通?

答: 光和音並不是由我們製造出來的。光和音就是上帝本身,你無法製造祂,這不是人類的產品,而是來自天堂,祂是上帝的振動力、是上帝的代表。我們無法製造這種光和音,不論你願意花多少錢,或是多麼聰明,都做不到,只有透過印心才能傳給我們。光和音是來自較高等的天堂境界,同時也存在於我們自己內邊。

問: 所以您的意思是透過印心,我們便可以製造出光和音,以便直接和上帝溝通?

答: 不是製造,祂自然就會來,而且毫不費力。光和音就是上帝本身,如同聖經所說「太初有道」,「道」指的就是音流或是振動力。「道與神同在,道就是神。」我們在內邊所聽到的,就是這個「道」,那是上帝本身,也是我們真正的自性,並非需要我們去製造。當你開悟的那一剎那,在你和祂溝通的那一瞬間,自然就會了解。現在講這些都只是理論而已,要解釋那種日常生活不曾體驗過的抽象事物,是十分不容易的。



The Sound and Light are the God Self

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Malaysia,
February 25, 1992 (Originally in English) Videotape #219

Q: It was mentioned somewhere that we communicate with God through Sound and Light. If we can produce this Sound and Light, is it possible to communicate with God and how?

M: It’s not that you produce them. The Sound and Light are the God Self. You cannot produce them. They’re not produced by humans; they’re from Heaven. They’re a vibration of God or a representative of God. We can’t make this kind of Sound and we can’t make this kind of Light. It doesn’t matter how much money you want to give or how clever you are because it is only transmitted through initiation, and it comes from the higher levels of Heaven, which are also within yourself.

Q: So do You mean that with initiation we can produce direct Sound and Light in order to communicate with God?

M: We don’t produce it: It comes naturally, without your effort. That is the God Self. Just like in the Bible it’s said, “In the beginning was the Word,” meaning the Sound or Vibration. “And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That is the Word we hear inside; that is the God Self; that is our real Nature. It is not that we have to produce it. You will understand at the moment you are enlightened, the moment you make contact with it. Right now it’s only theory because it’s difficult to talk about abstract things that haven’t been experienced in ordinary life before.


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