答: 不要刻意去控制。你越想控制,那些欲望就會越糾纏著你不放,只要讓上帝進入你的生活就行了。每天精進打坐修行,讓你的生活充滿更多上帝的力量和光亮,那些欲望自然會離開你。


清海無上師以英文講於蘇格蘭愛丁堡 1999.06.05 (DVD#648

編號 : 648
日期 : 1999.06.05
地點 : 蘇格蘭愛丁堡
性質 : 弘法


Q: How can I control my desires?

M: Don’t control them. The more you try to control them, the more they’ll chase you all over hell and Heaven. Just bring God into your life. Bring more God, more Light into your life through diligent practice every day in meditation, and then your desires will leave you. And even if you have desires, God will enlighten you in such a way that Hes will modify your desires. Hes will show you which desire is OK and blessed by God. So you won’t feel the burden of guilt, which will weigh you down at the time of departure from this world and make you stay in a lower level of creation. God is the only cure for everything, even physical disease.



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