編號: 644




清海無上師以英文講於西班牙馬德里 1999.05.05(影帶編號#644)










Enlightenment is the Best Antidote to War

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Madrid, Spain,
May 5, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #644

Q: What is your opinion about a third World War?

M: World War won’t happen if you meditate more, if you pray more and if we know God more. That’s one of the reasons I run around even when I don’t feel like it. But I am willing to do it; I lovingly do it because I have hope of awakening people’s consciousness for world peace. Only enlightenment can destroy ignorance. Only God’s love can nullify hatred. Only real brotherhood can dissolve the different conflicts and opinions among our brothers and sisters.

So if you and I don’t want World War Three, then help me bring God’s love to this planet, help me to pray together in silence, to know God, to bring Hiers love and Heavenly kingdom to this planet. I don’t wish for any rewards from you or from Heaven. I just wish for what you wish: a peaceful planet for you and also for me. For that reason I spend my time, money and energy to help to bring about peace instead of spending time, energy and money for weapons used for killing.

To be masters of ourselves, to win over our own weaknesses, our egos and our evil tendencies is the best victory of any war. As I am talking to you now, I’m also talking to the souls in Yugoslavia and all the nations who are still trying to solve conflicts through violent means. That’s the reason I’m in Europe and making a tour around Europe, wishing to bring this message into the souls of these brothers and sisters. Of course I’m also here because of the request of my very loving fellow brother and sister spiritual practitioners. They contact each other and meditate together for the same period of time even though they’re in different countries. In their hope of bringing a more peaceful atmosphere to Europe, they have invited and almost begged me to come here. So that’s why I’m here.

I feel very strongly that all this good will from our brothers and sisters and the good will on my part, together with the silent prayers in our hearts and the spiritually powerful energy will change the course of history and minimize the chance of a World War Three that you’re so fearful of.

So if you worry about War World Three, then do something! Take action: Fight with your Godly love, fight with your spiritual power, fight quietly in the corner of your home and fight with us. That is, get initiation, meditate, contact God and change the history of our planet.


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