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字幕: 阿拉伯、亞美尼亞、悠樂、保加利亞、中(簡)、中(正)、克羅埃西亞、丹麥、捷克、荷蘭、英文、愛沙尼亞、菲律賓、法文、德文、希臘、印度文、匈牙利文、印尼文、義大利、日文、韓文、寮文、馬來西亞、尼泊爾文、波斯、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、俄文、斯里蘭卡、斯洛伐克、斯洛維尼亞、西文、瑞典、泰文、土耳其(37種) |
清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662)
答:我不太清楚要怎麼給上帝下定義,就像你在談戀愛時,很難給「愛」下定義一樣,不過我會試試看。我只是擔心連地球上口才最好的人,都無法用人類有限的語言來讚美上帝(大眾鼓掌)。我只能很謙卑地告訴你,上帝就是創造我們的那一位。我們來自上帝,而且終將回歸於祂。你可以稱呼祂別的名字,比如:至高無上、天父、聖母、佛菩薩、佛祖、佛性、阿拉等等,而人類所使用的最神聖莊嚴的一個稱呼就是「上帝」,所以我就暫時用這個名字來為各位描述我們的天父。祂化育了所有的眾生,並賜予這個世界愛與生命。 沒有上帝,我們連在這裡呼吸都辦不到,我們身體會無法運作,甚至也沒辦法思考。祂是所有智慧和快樂的泉源,你們一生當中最快樂的時刻,就是最接近天堂至喜、最接近上帝的時候。當你們最有愛心、無條件奉獻時,那就是上帝在你們內邊示現的時候。你們的內邊和外在越顯現這種品質,就表示你們離上帝越近。上帝不是我們可以談論的,我們只能去感受祂、認識祂、享受祂,因為上帝是無邊的愛力和保護力,祂寬容慈悲並賜予平安。一旦我們認識上帝並信靠祂,就會無所畏懼。正如聖經所言:「上帝就是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。」唯有我們認識上帝時,才能那樣說。
Q: Could you define God? You use the word “God” very often. What is your meaning?
M: I don’t really know how to define Hirm. It is as difficult as to define love when you fall in love. But I’ll try. I am just afraid that even the most eloquent person on this planet cannot glorify God with this limited language of humankind. (Applause) I can only tell you very humbly that God is the One who created us. From God we came out, and to God we will return. You can call Hirm another name: the Most High, the Father, the Mother, the Buddha, the Chief Buddha, the Buddha Nature, the Allah or whatever. The most holy or sacred name that humankind uses is “God.” So I also temporarily have to use that name to describe our Father to you, the Creator of all beings, the One who gives us all love and life in this world.
Without God, we could not even breathe here! We could not function and we could not even think. Hes is the source of all wisdom and all happiness. When you’re in the most happy moment of your life, that’s when you are very close to the happiness of Heaven and close to God. When you’re most loving in your heart, when you give unconditionally, that is when God manifests within you. And the more this quality manifests within and without you, that means the more you are close to God. God is not something we can talk about. We can only feel it. We can know it, and we can enjoy; because God is a tremendous power of love and protection and forgiveness and safety. Once we rest in the knowledge and the recognition of God, we fear nothing. Just like the Bible says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Only when we know God, can we say that.
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