


















Selected Questions and Answers

All Beings Are Linked by the            
    Invisible Force of Love


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stockholm, Sweden, May 31, 1999
(Originally in English)
Videotape #655 (Part II)

Q: What is your view, dear Master, of humankind’s role in the universe? Are we equal to all other intelligent and emotional organisms, even those who eventually prosper in other planet systems?

M: We are all equal, spiritually. But some of the other planets are more advanced in spiritual progress than us, and some are less advanced in spiritual progress. Some are more advanced in technology, while some are less advanced in technology.

There are all kinds of beings in the universe, and God made them just as God made us. Some are coarser; the energy of their being is denser than ours. Some have less density so they are more invisible. But every being in this universe is necessary and has a very essential part in the whole creation, just like every brick in this building is very important. We are all linked together by an invisible force of love.

That’s why we should love one another and should not make war; we should not cause hatred or suffering because we depend on each other to live. It’s just that we have forgotten. That’s why we should be kind also, even to animals; we should be vegetarian.


Cherish the Spiritual Value of Family

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stockholm, Sweden,
May 31, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #655 (Part II)

Q: What is your view of family?

M: Family is very good for you. Life can be lonely and a struggle without the support of loved ones. The family should be your cherished treasure. You should love them, appreciate them and make them feel happy the way they want, not just the way you want. The more love and sacrifice you put into your family, the more you will get in return, and the more you will all be happy together.

You can live alone, but you can also live with family. And if you have family, you should be the best family member. The family is the foundation of the world. We should take care that it stays intact and beautiful.



Renewing the Soul’s Connection

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stockholm, Sweden,
May 31, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #655 (Part II)

Q: Dear Master, You are as beautiful as the eternal Queen. I am a very bright and eternally happy soul, who sees more than other people. This makes me attract very dark forces. Because envious people are against me, my life has been very tough. I know that God is there all the time, but why are those dark forces all around my body? I am working actively to know the white Light, so why those dark forces?

M: Get initiation and get the protection. Some people are very sensitive souls, and they’re open. Their heart is open, their spiritual center is open, but they don’t know how to deal with or how to screen the different forces that come through the open gates. So I will teach you at the time of initiation how to protect yourself. That’s why you should learn properly; don’t just meditate alone or learn from a book, because the book doesn’t empower you; it doesn’t awaken the spiritual protection from God. So you might be prone to danger or all kinds of attack from different forces, good and bad, that are all coming because there’s no guard at the door.

Also, during our life we should raise our consciousness to more noble goals, helping others to know God, helping others in need and aiming to think of God all the time, thinking of a more noble way of life. Then we will rise up to a higher level, where the lower level cannot reach us. Because the more we think negatively, the more we attract the negative force; and the more we attract the negative force, the more we can’t think positively. And so we keep being pressed down, and that’s no good.

I know it’s easier said than done, but you can try. Try to associate with more noble souls who have a higher purpose in life. Then they will also help you by holding your hand and lifting you up, so then you will become strong again and you can walk alone. Our people are a very highly energetic and positive group! Associate with them for a while, and it definitely will help you elevate your spirit. Sometimes if you keep dark or bad company when you’re not strong enough to help them, they will also “help” you and drag you down. So it’s better to be with positive people, at least in the beginning. That’s why we have things like group meditation weekly, so you can support one another until you can be free and walk as a Master yourself. You can also share problems, because a problem shared is a problem halved; and then they can help you.

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