清海無上師以英文講於美國夏威夷 1993.03.27(影帶編號#341)








After Realizing the True Self One
is Never Lonely

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hawaii, USA,
March 27, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #341


Q: Please tell me why I sometimes feel very lonesome and sorrowful. Why can’t I be happy and free of worry?

M: It’s because we’re incomplete. Everyone feels lonely now and again or even often, sometimes to the point of suicide because nothing of this world, even the whole kingdom of the Earth, can satisfy us. That’s because we know we had better things before; before we came to this world, before we got entangled in this maze and forgot our Origin. So, we must go back to where we belong and find our greatest treasure, which will satisfy every great and small need in our life. Even our sexual appetite will decrease; even the greatest beauty on Earth won’t have as enticing powers over us as it did before our enlightenment.

Enlightenment is just knowing our Self, knowing how complete we are without having to be combined with the opposite sex or opposite force because inside we have both Yin and Yang. We have positive and negative; we have the feminine and masculine aspects within our Being. If we unite them both, we balance the Yin and Yang and then we’re complete, we’re whole, we need nothing and we never feel lonely.

I can stay the whole day in my room, every day, for many months. Even if I don’t have anything to do and I don’t have to go out to give lectures, I don’t feel lonely! The more people I have to see, the lonelier I feel, and the more alone I am the less lonely I feel. Because when I’m with people, I have to go outward. My tendency has to go out, my energy goes out and my focus goes out: to take care of people, to listen to their needs, to feel one with their troubles, sorrows and loneliness. Then I become lonely because I forget my complete Self, at least for the time being. I have no time to be one with the Self, or I separate a little from it. In fact, I’m never separated from it but my mind, my focus, my attention is separated from this “complete happiness Self” so I’m lonely. But when I’m alone, I’m playing within my Self and merging with my Self and I’m just complete.

So, I’m never lonely, and that’s the paradoxical question for you. Try it and you’ll understand, but become enlightened first, please!


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