













Following Your Intuition is Better than Following Predictions

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, USA,
February 15, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #635b


I’ve been studying astrology as a hobby and I think to some degree it can help you analyze people’s potentials and shortcomings, not only in a material way but also spiritually. I started it as a hobby, but now I’m not sure as a practitioner if it’s right or not to tell other people what I see. I’m not sure if it really helps them or if on the other hand maybe it’s the opposite and it creates karma for me.

Well, sometimes we can influence people in a bad way. For example, if something good is coming and you tell the person, "Your luck is changing. Oh, my God! You’re going to win a million dollars!" That person might have a heart attack right there and die. Or if something bad is coming and you say, "Your girlfriend is going to kick you out and get another boyfriend." What is the use of that? Because maybe they can make up with each other due to their spiritual strength; it’s possible they could alter destiny or at least postpone it. But because you say that, they fixate on it. Then they give up and are miserable.

So what is the point of telling people their future? It’s good enough to take care of today! And the past we don’t even care to think about. Even if you tell someone, "Before, in your last life, you were a butcher. That’s why you look like a pig right now." (Laughter) So what’s new? He still looks like a pig, and his temper won’t change just because you told him that he was a butcher in his last life. So, what’s new in the universe?

Q:But Master, what if I can analyze people’s potential, say, in a spiritual way?
M:Do you mean outside people?

M:Do what you like; nothing is forbidden, OK?

Q:It’s just that many people are concerned about their karma. Especially recently I notice that many people are not just concerned about worldly things like marriage or relationships but also about their future in terms of spiritual practice.
M:If they want it, you can let them know, but I don’t know if it will be accurate or not.

Q: I think it is.
M:But things can always change, always! Even the weather can change according to some person’s consciousness or the group consciousness or someone’s magical touch. So it doesn’t matter if we predict that something will happen; it might not happen. Or it might happen, but so what? People still do what they do. A lot of people go to fortune tellers and become sad or happy accordingly.

So I think you should just live naturally. Most of the time if you practice the Quan Yin Method you have an intuition about what is going to happen and you just do the most correct thing. Even if you do not know it at the time, later you discover, "Oh! I did that and it was right."

Q:Yes. That’s true.
M:And so sometimes even though the astrology is really correct, if you’ve already matched your thinking and doing with the astrology, it’s also good. You can feel that it is correct. You don’t have to read the astrology; you just do the correct thing all the time.

So your intuition is enough. That way, you don’t read beforehand; you read afterwards to confirm. We do not need astrology. We can do the right thing ourselves.

Q:Do you mean that in some sense astrology can be helpful?
M:No, it’s not. There is no need for it! We are practitioners; we don’t worry much about tomorrow or yesterday. We’re just hanging in there waiting to die; we’re just hanging on. Meanwhile, we eat a lot of candy and cake because we’re not attached to not eating. (Laughter) And we can do what we like for fun.

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