1999.11.27 (影帶編號#669)







Prepare Yourself Daily
for the Life Hereafter

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Cape Town, South Africa, November 27, 1999 
(Originally in English) Videotape #669

All of us will leave this physical world one day, but not all of us are prepared for the final departure. That’s why most of us feel very uneasy and fearful about that day. Even though some of us are still very young, like me, we already worry about this fearful day of departure because we haven’t prepared very well for it. We prepare insurance for sickness, for the house, for the mortgage and for everything else but we haven’t prepared for the day when we’ll depart from this world. In the Bible it’s stated, “Forsake the flesh for the spirit; learn to die so that you will begin to live.” We might read this every day or even more than once a day, but many of us don’t know how to die daily so that we can know life as it truly is. Of course, that’s also all right because we all have eternity to make our choices, again and again.

I’m not here today to show you how to live your life but I’ll show you how to die. Because it’s only when we learn how to die and face death squarely that we’re no longer afraid of the unknown. Once we die, it’s the same as living now, except with much, much better conditions. We’re freer. We can move anywhere at a speed faster than light. We can have anything we want in an instant. We’re freer than a bird and we can have access to God at any time because we’re one with God. But that’s only if we’ve prepared for it because our thoughts are very powerful. In everyday life, whatever we think about or desire the most will come to us. If at the time of our departure from this world our thoughts are dwelling on something and it hasn’t come true yet, we’ll return again to this physical planet to live out our desires or fulfill our wishes. So for those who don’t wish to come back here again, or who would like to master the destiny of their future existence after this one, there’s a way to prepare for that.

At the time of our departure from this world, if our thoughts about something are very powerful, we’ll be drawn to that thing, that event or that desire. So when we’re alive we should train our thoughts in a very positive way every day, as much as we can until it becomes second nature, until it becomes us. Then at the time of death, we’ll go where our thoughts lead us. We’re the essence of God and we have the God power within us, whether we’re aware of it or not. So our thoughts are, practically speaking, very, very powerful.

 Prepare Yourself Daily for the Life Hereafter 


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