
問: 既然生命的目的是為了記起我們的本來面目,那死亡的目的又是什麼?

答: 這個肉體只能讓我們使用一段時間,當它不堪使用時,我們就必須換另外一個,才更方便學習新的事物。


答: 不!靈魂永遠不死,我們只是換件衣服罷了。比方說,你今天穿一件藍色的襯衫,穿了兩天後,衣服髒了,你會怎麼做?當然是把它脫下來清洗,要是衣服太破舊的話,就把它扔掉,換件新的,如此而已。死亡只是換個身體,就像換衣服一樣。


答: 沒有人會告訴我們,是我們自己的行為和果報決定我們將成為什麼。如果我們想掌控自己下一世的生命型態,就必須要有足夠的智慧,找到自己原來的路,尋回自己的大智慧和大力量,才能做得到。但是現在我們還太軟弱了。


答: 是!不過我們如果沒有開悟,就沒有控制的能力。要想恢復控制權,就必須先成為高貴偉大的人。


答: 我可以每天往生。


答: 我死了又復活。

問: 我也能做到嗎?

答: 當然可以,我會教你怎麼做。聖保羅曾說:「我每天往生。」當我們入定時,就可以切斷與這個世界的關聯。


答: 不!不只是淨化而已,也包括肉體方面。


答: 是的。往生的時候,我們切斷和這個世界的關聯;回來時,再重新連接起來。


答: 我不是想死,而是為了真正活著才死。


答: 是的,沒錯。我們暫時切斷和這個物質世界的關聯一會兒,也許半天,也許好幾個小時,然後再回來這個世界繼續工作,因為我們真正往生的時間還沒到,所以必須回來完成這裡的工作。等時間到了,我們才會真正切斷,那時候如果不想回來,就不會再回來;如果還想回來,也可以回來服務人類。我們可以掌控自己的命運,差別就在這裡,那時候我們很清楚自己在做什麼。


 清海無上師以英文接受美國加州KQSB廣播電台「Novas Report」節目電話專訪 1995.03.17

答: 對那些等級較高的修行者而言,他們不知道所謂的死亡是什麼,他們只是從一個空間進入另一個空間,而另一個空間總是比前一個空間來得好。以基督教用語來說:「在天父的國度裡有許多不同的殿堂」,意思是說那裡有許多不同的意識層次。在整個宇宙中,有很多美麗的境界,我們只是離開前一個境界或較低的層次,一步一步往上走,這就是一般人所說的「死亡」。對多數人而言,如果他們沒有體驗到上帝的這些美麗殿堂,那他們很可能會體驗到一些比較黑暗的境界。但儘管如此,他們也是從一個空間走到另一個空間,根本沒有死亡這回事。

答: 是,沒問題,每天隨時隨意都可以體驗得到。

答: 是,他們也能體驗得到。

答: 喔!我很高興你記得這句話,正是如此!我們不需要放棄這個物質的世界,也能進入另一個境界,我們只是把這件「肉體的外套」留下來,就像你把外套留在外面一樣。



1998.06.02 (影帶編號#623)





Dying Daily

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 27, 1989 
(Originally in English) Videotape #101D

Q: Since the purpose of living is to remember who we are, what’s the purpose of dying?

M: The body is created for us to use for only a period of time. So when it’s worn out we have to get another that’s more suitable to use for the new learning.

Q: Is there dying in terms of the body and also dying in terms of the soul?

M: No, the soul never dies. We just change clothes. For example, today you might wear a blue shirt, but if you wear it for two days and it gets dirty, then what do you do? Wash it, or maybe if it’s too worn out, throw it away and put on a new one. That’s all; we just change bodies like changing clothes.

Q: Do we have control over what we want? You talked about karma. Do we control what we want to be in the next life or is it that someone tells us who we’re going to be?

M: No one tells you who you’re going to be. It’s your own actions and the fruits thereof that tell you who you’re going to be. If you want to control your next life’s incarnation, you have to have wisdom to get through the process of finding the way back to your own path and regaining your own greatest wisdom and strength, and then you can control it. But for now we’re very weak.

Q: So we have consciousness and control even when we’re dead?

M: Yes, but not controlling power if we’re not enlightened. If we want to have control again we have to be great.

Q: Have you experienced death or do you remember a death experience?

M: I can die every day.

Q: How do you mean?

M: Well, I die and come back.

Q: Can I do that?

M: Yes, you can. I’ll teach you how. Saint Paul said, “I die daily.” When you’re in samadhi you can sever your ties with this world.

Q: By dying, do You mean cleansing?

M: No, not that. It’s not only cleansing, but also physically.

Q: Physically dying?

M: Yes! You sever your ties and connections with this world; that’s when you die. But when you come back, you reconnect again.

Q: Why do you want to die so many times?

M: I don’t want to die! I just have to die in order to live.

Q: When you say “die every day,” is that through meditation?

M: Yes, that’s right. You sever your connection with the physical world for a while, maybe half a day, maybe many hours, and then you come back and resume your work again because it’s not yet your time to die. We must go back and finish our job here, and when the time comes we truly sever the connection and never come back if we don’t want to. If we want to, we can come back again and do good work for humanity. But we can control our destiny; that’s the difference, and then we know what we’re doing. 


Quan Yin Practitioners Die Daily

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai in a telephone interview 
for the Novas Report on KQSB Radio, CA, USA, March 17, 1995 (Originally in English)

Q: Master, in one of Your books is the question “Have You ever experienced death?” So I’d like to ask You about that as a Master.

M: The practitioners of a little higher level don’t know what so-called death is but just walk from one room to the next, and the next room is always better than the last. In Christian terminology, “There are many mansions in the Father’s kingdom,” meaning many levels of consciousness; so there are many beauties in the whole universe such that we just step on and on and leave the last or lower level behind. And this is so-called “death.” And for most people, if they don’t experience these beautiful mansions of God, they might experience a little bit darker kind of region. But then there’s also walking from one room to another and no death in any sense at all.

Q: You’ve personally experienced death?

M: Yes, no problem, every day at any time I want to.

Q: Do Your followers do this through meditation?

M: Yes, they experience it, too.

Q: Is that what Saint Paul meant when he said, “I die daily”?

M: Oh, I’m glad you remembered! Yes, exactly, because we can just step into another dimension without having to quit this physical realm. We just leave our coats behind like you leave your coat outside. 


The Essence of Dying Daily

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
the University of California, Irvine, CA, USA, June 2, 1998 
(Originally in English) Videotape #623

What does it mean to die daily? When we withdraw ourselves inward to enter the Kingdom of God, that’s when we die. We die temporarily and then we come back to life again. So, resurrection can happen any time during our ordinary life if we follow the process of Jesus, of the ancient Saints. Since we die once or die daily, we do know there’s another life, there are other worlds besides this physical one. Then we’re free to roam around the universe, to explore the mysteries of the cosmos, and we know that dying is no big deal. In fact, we know that we don’t ever die. We also know that we don’t even have a physical body.

 Dying Daily 

 Quan Yin Practitioners Die Daily 

 The Essence of Dying Daily 

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