結果6月份的帳單竟然多了一筆美金$79(台幣2480)的Amazon Prime Club年費???!!!(還是朋友先提醒我的)
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Customer Service
Thank you for writing to Amazon.com with your concern.
First, please allow me to extend my apologies for any inconvenience
this has caused.
After researching the account associated with your e-mail address, I
have discovered that the charge of $79.00 was processed on May 07, 2008
for your Amazon Prime Membership.
On researching our records, I see that you signed up for the Amazon
Free trial Membership on April 07, 2008.
Please understand that due to a technical glitch in our system, the
e-mail reminder about your Free Trial period was not sent to you. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
We value our customers trust above all else--it is the foundation upon
which Amazon.com was built. Please know that this situation was the
result of a technical error, and that in no way did we intend for this to
Your Amazon Prime membership has been cancelled, per your request.
Our records indicate that you haven't used your Amazon Prime membership
benefits, so I've requested a full refund of $79 for the membership
The refund should be processed within the next 2-3 business days and
will appear as a credit on your next credit card billing statement.
Again, we are sorry for the technical error that caused this trouble.
Please be assured that this is not a typical Amazon.com experience and
in no way did we intend for this to happen. I hope that you will give
us another opportunity to prove the quality of our service to you in
the future.
Thank you for shopping at Amazon.com.
Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question:
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To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section
of our web site.
Best regards,
Chandan A.
Amazon.com Customer Service
Check your order and more: http://www.amazon.com/your-account
First, please allow me to extend my apologies for any inconvenience
this has caused.
After researching the account associated with your e-mail address, I
have discovered that the charge of $79.00 was processed on May 07, 2008
for your Amazon Prime Membership.
On researching our records, I see that you signed up for the Amazon
Free trial Membership on April 07, 2008.
Please understand that due to a technical glitch in our system, the
e-mail reminder about your Free Trial period was not sent to you. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
We value our customers trust above all else--it is the foundation upon
which Amazon.com was built. Please know that this situation was the
result of a technical error, and that in no way did we intend for this to
Your Amazon Prime membership has been cancelled, per your request.
Our records indicate that you haven't used your Amazon Prime membership
benefits, so I've requested a full refund of $79 for the membership
The refund should be processed within the next 2-3 business days and
will appear as a credit on your next credit card billing statement.
Again, we are sorry for the technical error that caused this trouble.
Please be assured that this is not a typical Amazon.com experience and
in no way did we intend for this to happen. I hope that you will give
us another opportunity to prove the quality of our service to you in
the future.
Thank you for shopping at Amazon.com.
Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question:
If yes, click here:
If not, click here:
Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept
incoming e-mail.
To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section
of our web site.
Best regards,
Chandan A.
Amazon.com Customer Service
Check your order and more: http://www.amazon.com/your-account