It's very touchingAmazing... 

有兩個人在英國養了一隻小獅子, 後來因為政府不允許,

他們就把牠帶到非洲野放, 一年之後又去看牠, 但別人告訴

他們小獅子不會認得他們了, 結果如何呢? 請看附檔影片,

令人感動 ......

There's no sound, but look at the picture first and then watch the video
These two guys reared this lion from a baby in England but the authorities would not allow them to keep it once it reached maturity so they were forced to give it up.
They took it to Africa and placed it in a wildlife sanctuary.  A year later they went to see it and were told it would not remember them.  
True love never dies, however ... gorgeous affirmation 

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