編號:DVD874 日期:2009.01.04, 03.08, 07.25 地點:法國 性質:國際研討會 用語:英文+中文
字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、 馬來西亞、泰、印度、旁遮普、波斯、阿拉伯、俄、波蘭、 保加利亞、匈牙利、捷克、德、法、義、西、葡(24種) |
(一位同修向師父報告,他們在約翰尼斯堡開了一家素食餐廳。 )
http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/205/index.htm.....................................................................................................Consider Others As
We Would OurselvesSpoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Seminar, July 25, 2009 (Originally in English)
In this world, it’s easier to practice and to improve because there are suffering people, there are suffering animals, and there are suffering situations and imperfect situations that will touch our compassion and awaken our merciful heart. Then we can bring it out, improve the situation, and help others. That’s how we create Heaven. That’s how we say Heaven will be on Earth. In the Bible, there is a prayer that says, “Hallowed is Thy name in Heaven as well as on Earth.” So we have to bring that to Earth. We are here to do it. If we think we are the children of God, then we have to bring God’s love here. We have to make Heaven here. We can’t just keep waiting for Heaven to appear or ask Heaven to help us. Of course, when truly in time of need or emergency, we can pray, “Help me today for meditation or to smooth some things.” Of course we can pray like that, but not always like that. It’s not always about us. It has to be about other people as well. Otherwise, we are going nowhere with our spiritual practice.
We have to think of the other end, not only this end. For example, when you talk on the telephone, you talk so that the person at the other end of the line listens to you, not to listen to yourself. When you talk to your friend, you speak loudly and clearly, so that your friend at the other end of the telephone can hear you. You have to consider how you talk so that he or she understands. This is the same. We have to consider other people, the other end. Always consider the other end. If everyone on this planet considers the other end, then we will never have hunger, we will never have war. We could never kill anyone. How can anyone still kill anyone at this time in our civilization?
At this time in human evolution, a person cannot go out and get a gun and just kill someone else just like that, in the name of religion, in the name of country, in the name of whatever! This is never right. How can we do that? He is just like you. Both have to defend their own country, and yet you kill him because he defends his country. That’s not right. Or, you kill him because he doesn’t want to believe what you believe. That’s also not right.
Killing Is Never Right
War is never right. Killing is never right. So if we all consider other people the way we consider ourselves, just put ourselves in their position, then we know perfectly what to do. There’s never an excuse to harm anyone, to harm fellow beings or animals, our co-inhabitants, never any good excuse at all, even in the name of science, in the name of health, nothing. Nothing! If we did not kill animals or we did not kill each other, we wouldn’t be where we are today, with a lot of trouble, a lot of disasters, a lot of suffering, a lot of war, and a lot of sickness. The more we kill animals, even for experiments in the laboratory, the more sickness we have. Look! We just cure one sickness and another comes, worse than before.
The law of karma (retribution), the great law of the universe, never fails. That is the problem with humans because they don’t understand this. They think of what they can do today, and they do it. They think that they can harm someone and then they gain something: some money, some promotion, some glorification or whatever. But that’s not right. It’s never right.
So if you’re in Heaven, it’s difficult to practice, but if you’re in hell, it’s also difficult. Because if once we create a hell, such as war, then it continues forever like that. Someone dies or is injured, and then later they come back. If they cannot come back in this lifetime because they’re weakened or they’ve been destroyed or killed, they come back in the next lifetime. Life continues forever. It’s not like you kill one person today and he’s finished with you: No, no, no! The great law of the universe does not allow anyone to overpower anyone unjustly. Even if we have the right to defend, it’s also not good for us because that means we don’t trust in God’s power to regulate things for us. We don’t trust in the great Law to justify the actions of others. If we take matters into our hands, then Heaven will ignore us. “You want to kill him back? Right, then you both have to take care of each other.” If you kill him, he comes back and kills you, and then later you die. And then you come back, kill him in the next life, and then again, again and again.
Better to Run than to Seek Revenge
So that’s why I’ve told you, even if people kill you, let them. There are worse things than death. Ignorance is worse, worse than death. If we die with enlightenment, we go straight to Heaven. We die with forgiveness in our heart, compassion in our soul, and we go straight to the high level. But if we seek revenge, if we kill them back or we injure or hurt people in some way, that will come back to us again, again and again. And we go nowhere. You can have another physical body any time, if you desire it. The difficulty is to get away from it, not to worry that we don’t have one. However, I wouldn’t tell you to go out and try to provoke someone so that he kills you. It’s not like that. Don’t try to go home and say something like that. What I mean is truly, if we have this physical body, that means Heaven still wants us here to work. Of course you try to defend yourself. But defense doesn’t mean you kill other people. Run away or reason with him; just defend but don’t hurt them. If you can defend yourself that way, it’s fine. Running away is the best. The Chinese say that of the thirty-six strategies, the best one is to run away! I run away all the time, and it’s truly like that! It’s true; that Chinese saying is the best. I use it all the time, and I’m still here. It’s a cool strategy. It doesn’t mean that tomorrow I would run again, but it means that whenever I have to, I just run. Why stay around and explain to people: “I am innocent! I’ve done nothing wrong.” Some people don’t listen.
If we think we are the children of God, then we have to bring God's love here. |
Being Human Means Being Humane
It’s just that this life is still not very elevated. But it’s getting better and better all the time. I’ve heard that many governments encourage people toward less meat and more organic farming and so on. Actually, today, we have some good news, like in Ireland, where the government supports organic farming, and a lot of people apply for it now, 85%, isn’t that nice? Soon we will see cows only walking around, like between the green lights, maybe holding hands with the humans. Because the cows, they can cry; when you want to kill them, they cry. Many of them do that. Some even run to the police, to take refuge. For many it happened like that, and later the police also feel sorry for them, and then someone buys them and sends them to an animal sanctuary. They do know what to do. It’s just that sometimes they can’t escape, because the humans control them; they drag them in there, and all kinds of things. I don’t want to talk about it because I will die. It’s terrible, this animal cruelty; how can we call ourselves humans? Human means humane. But the people who kill them do it for a job. Sometimes they don’t have another job to do. If the government would create better jobs, then they would change. And if there is no more demand for meat, or fish, or any animal products, then there will be no one who kills. Perhaps one or two do it by themselves, but not en masse, not confined in a small crate where they could not even turn around. They can only lie down and stand up. This is the utmost cruelty! Imagine if it’s you; imagine if you put yourself in that situation. Imagine if someone put you in a crate like that, where you could only stand or lie down and could not even turn around. Can you imagine? Would you feel good? No! That’s why I said if everyone in this world considers the other end, considers other people’s position, then we will have no war, no cruelty, no animal killing, no hunger even. The problem is we don’t consider others.
If there is no more demand for meat, or fish, or any animal products, then there will be no one who kills. |
Give Whatever Is within Our Capacity
So, as so-called spiritual practitioners, please, be different for me. Please be different. Don’t just clap your hands and say, “Oh Master, you are compassionate, you are merciful, you’re beautiful, you’re this and that.” Do it! Do what I do, or at least some of it. Do it in your capacity. I don’t say that you always have to give money to people, if you don’t have it; but you can give your time, your support, or do something else. Do it in your small capacity.
Like last time, I said to some Chinese that they can make food in a lunch box and sell it at a reasonable price to some neighbors nearby or to some company or office, or something. You don’t have to make a lot; like if you have one office that agrees, then you make it and sell it to them. Twenty boxes or something, of good, nutritious food made with love. First, you earn some extra money. Second, you earn more merit, because this kind of job, which is providing compassionate nutrition to others, is a very meritorious kind of job. Anytime you do something good and offer some necessity to others, even if you earn some profit out of it, you still gain merit from Heaven. It’s not just like you have to give it for charity, and only then you gain merit. It’s not charity alone when you might gain a little more merit, but even if you just do a good job like opening a Loving Hut restaurant, offering this compassionate lifestyle to people so that they have a chance to turn around and save their own lives, save the planet and save the animals. Then you also have merit, even if you earn money with it, because that belongs to the meritorious category of jobs. There are two or three kinds of jobs that earn you merit, or earn points in Heaven. Like what job earns 10 points, what job earns 100 points? It’s like in school. Those are the kinds of meritorious jobs that can earn big merit points in Heaven, apart from meditation. So even if you don’t do meditation, at least you earn some merit to go to Heaven so that you don’t go to hell or a lower level of existence after you die. But apart from meditation, if you earn more good Heavenly points, then of course you go higher in Heaven. And then when you die, you don’t just sit there miserable, seeing people flying past you, going up and you don’t know what to do any more, it’s too late.
Practice Here while We Still Have a Chance
In Heaven, when you go into that lower Heaven, you’re still happy, fine, but it’s difficult to practice then. Here it’s easier, because there is suffering, there are troubles, there are things to do, problems to fix or things to repair. And then you can earn merit, you see? In Heaven, no one needs your vegetarian food. That is just an example. In Heaven, you don’t have a chance to go and hand out SOS flyers. You don’t have a chance to do that. So here, do as much as you can—SOS flyers, Alternative Living flyers, open a vegan restaurant, or cook a vegan lunch box. If you don’t have money to open a restaurant, everyone can cook in their spare time, on weekends and evenings.
In some countries, they have night markets—bring it there. Football games—bring it there. During holiday time, when people go on picnics or to some concert, you bring your cooked food there. You don’t have to bring a lot. For example, you see how many people there are and you think or meditate, to see how many will eat your food and then make just that much. If only 10 people go to watch the football match on your street corner, then don’t bring enough for 50. Even if you make 10 and you sell only five, okay, the other five you bring home and eat together. Even if you’re alone, you put it in the fridge and warm it up; in two days it’s gone. You have to cook for yourself anyway. So instead of going to restaurants and always asking for vegetarian food, which they don’t know or they don’t have, or they cook and mix together with eggs, or there’s the smell from fish on your plate and it’s sometimes not clean—you do the job yourself. You cook and offer it to people.
In this world, you witness suffering, you witness pain and sorrow, and then your compassion arises, and then that's how you earn more merit. |
Everyone can have a restaurant at home, a pocket restaurant, a mini pocket—it means gaining small money for your pocket. Every day you earn a little bit, or every weekend you earn a little. And then you have enough money to go and help people. If I weren’t busy with you, I could go out and sell stinky tofu and earn money. Or, open a small café, rent a corner shop or café shop and sell cookies and candies. Bake them at night and sell them in the daytime with coffee. It doesn’t have to be very fancy coffee. Homemade cookies or vegan muffins—anyone can make them. Just bake a few trays in the evening when you have time. Before, you used to sit and read newspapers and so on. Now you don't; you just bake. It takes a very short time and then you sell it in your coffee shop, or you sell it on the street or whatever. But mostly people like to buy something like a lunch box in those concert gatherings outside, if it’s allowed. If not, make a deal with some company and bring lunch boxes every day for their employees. Think about what to do. Every situation is different, but you can always do something. While you’re selling it, you can hand out SOS flyers at the same time. Buy inexpensive paper and print them out.
Compassionate Acts Earn Spiritual Merit
So while you are here in this world, you witness suffering, you witness pain and sorrow, and then your compassion rises, and that's how you earn more merit. Because you feel sorry for people and then you try to do something to comfort them; that's how your spiritual practice speeds up. In Heaven, you have nothing to do. You can't make buns, even if you want to. You can't even make a vegan lunch box if you want to. No one needs it there anymore. It’s only in this physical world that people still need it. So that's how we earn merit. Don't just sit there and pray for Heaven's help only. You have to help people; you have to bring Heaven to Earth; you have to make it convenient for people to turn around. Sometimes they don't know how. Sometimes they don't know where to buy things. But if you make it easy and inexpensive, then they will buy it and think, "Oh, that’s not bad." Tomorrow, you bring another kind and another, and then they say, “Show me how to do it.” Make it simple and affordable. You earn some money, but it's not as expensive as in the restaurant so people would like to have it. They might ask you to bring it to their home or to their office. All you need is just a few dollars for the bus fare.
(A fellow initiate reports to Master that they’ve opened a vegetarian restaurant in Johannesburg.)
Yes, that's very good news. If we have a lot of vegetarian restaurants, then many more will come—the critical mass or monkey effect: What one monkey does, the others will do.
Feeling the Love of Mother Earth
I’ll tell you something. When I walk barefoot, on the ground, I feel the love from the Earth. Truly, my God, She loves me! I never knew that before. Before, I never felt it. Maybe She loved me all the time, but I never felt it. This time, I feel so strong that I almost cry. So I just put my feet there, I just sit there and put my feet on the ground, enjoy the feeling of love from the Earth. You try it to see if She loves you. I mean, She loves you, but try to see if you can feel it. My God! It feels like a very gentle wave of warmth, of electrical currents. It just makes you feel so… I can’t explain it, I can’t tell you. I just feel it, and it was so touching. Just so, so good! I hope you feel the same, because it’s so nice. It was so beautiful. I felt it so strongly lately, because before I didn’t walk barefoot that much. Lately I like to.
All right: Love you. 
To watch the Supreme Master Television coverage of this international seminar, please visit:http://video.Godsdirectcontact.net/magazine/BMD1058s.php
http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/205/ Master Says