清海無上師以中文講於法國國際聚會 2009.02.13










Earth Will Become Heaven 
if All Humans Become Vegetarian

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, France Gathering,
February 13, 2009(Originally in Chinese)

Why are there earthquakes and tsunamis? It is because we have abused the Earth too much, so she is trying to shake it off. The more we mistreat the Earth, the more earthquakes and tsunamis there will be. As our human thoughts become more violent, there will be more typhoons. Such situations are a reflection of our mindset. They are just like fairies who come here to fulfill our desires. If we wish for good, they will give us good weather and world peace; if we wish for bad, they will give us bad things. They are just like our domestic helpers who will do as we want. We don’t have to tell them verbally; our thoughts spread naturally through the whole universe. Therefore, do not blame Heaven or Earth; do not blame typhoons and earthquakes. They are all created by humans.

All those vicious thoughts about war and killing are used as tools by the fairies, because they think that is what we want. We are God, or at least God’s children, and we will have what we wish for. That is why the Bible says that we are the crown of the universe and that humans are the master of the universe. Thus, Shakyamuni Buddha said that humans are the future Buddhas, and the most precious life form is the human body. It is so rare to have a human body that it is like a blind turtle coming up to the surface of the sea one time in thousands of years, and coincidentally puts his head through a hole in a piece of wood that just happens to be floating by at that moment. Therefore, we ought to love ourselves and keep our body, mind and speech pure. Do not blame the climate; do not blame global warming; do not blame God for not saving us. We are God; we are the crown of Creation; we are the most precious.

Many people on Earth are not pure in their body, mind and speech. Thus, animosity, wars, struggles for fame and gain, killing and other negative actions are increasing. Animals also have souls; if we bring upon them the disaster of being slaughtered, or if we encourage killing, of course the climate will change, because the fairies are acting on our command. We are the crown of Creation; the fairies are inferior to us. They only come here to serve us. Whatever we want, they will do it. Our mood, attitude and demeanor are so full of cruelty and turmoil that of course storms and torrential rainfalls will occur.

If the whole humankind were to become vegetarian, the world would be in peace and the Earth would change, because we are the masters and we can have anything we wish for. However, be careful what we wish for! When people become vegetarian because they want to save the Earth, they definitely have a benevolent heart. Besides, after adopting the vegetarian diet for some time, they will have greater love for animals, at least not wanting to kill or eat them. Then they will change very quickly.

If humans change their mindset and display their benevolence, the fairies will also act accordingly, because the ambiance has become harmonious and gentle. And then they will say: “Oh! Now that our masters have become gentle, let us just blow softly. (Everyone laughs) Oh! Now that our masters want to have peace, we must not encourage war any more. We must not incite people to fight. Our masters want to save lives, not to take lives. Okay! Let us change the entire killing atmosphere.” Those fairies, such as the rain deity and wind deity, always listen to us. Whatever tools we give them, they will use. We give them a benevolent and peaceful atmosphere, then they will use the gentle atmosphere and the climate will become favorable. The wind deity and rain deity listen to us, but it is not that we speak audibly that we want to kill someone or create a tumultuous state. No! No! Instead, it is a kind of tool created by our vibration, which the fairies will interpret as: “My master wants to kill! My master wants war! My master wants storms and heavy rain!” That is how typhoons, earthquakes and floods occur. They are all created by humans.

Now we are trying to shake the humans free of their slumber and tell them: “Hey! Wake up fast! Our house is on fire! Wake up quickly!” That is why I say the climate will change after everyone has promised to become vegetarian. It is based on this logic. We can have anything we wish for. We can turn this Earth into Heaven or hell; we can do it. We cannot blame Heaven or Earth for that. Heaven and Earth have given us all the authority, magical powers and capabilities because we are Hiers children. We have the same, more or less the same, power as our Father.

It depends on what we want to do with this authority; the whole universe listens to us. Should we use this authority in another way, God gives us the free will to do so. No one can stop us, not even God. It is democracy! Of course God cannot control us. Hes gives us absolute freedom. However, if we have not learnt our lessons well, this free power may, on the other hand, hurt us. Just look at the present situation of our Earth and we will know. It is because humans have too much free power but have failed to choose the right path. 


Master’s Words

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