


  • 我們如果還要求什麼,心還執著在哪一個地方,會被魔王利用,如果我們什麼都不怕,什麼都不要求,有什麼就好什麼,沒有什麼也好,就不會有任何陷阱,不怕任何風波。
  • 我們想別人,侍奉別人的時候,會忘記自己一點。
  • 如果我們真正的要求,真正的有勇氣,真正的渴望,誠心要求,十方佛菩薩會幫助。
  • 改變自己以後,我們還是有業障,但是跟沒有一樣,因為我們力量很大,耐心很強,我們道心很堅固,沒有人可以動。
  • 我們去那裡都儘量把自己變成大眾,也不是應該失去自己個人的口味,而是失去我執、抱怨心、不合作的心態和驕慢的看法,我們就會快樂。
  • 我們應該了脫自己的成見,才能夠碰到明師。
  • 我們不是每天拜佛而已,我們應該成佛。
  • 如果我們看到一個人精神很開朗,我們可以知道他智慧比較大、我慢比較小、度量很大,表示說他跟聖人、佛菩薩的果位比較接近。
  • 我們跟自己本人隔開的時候,才真的是孤獨的,跟別人隔開不會怎麼孤獨。




By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally in Chinese)


  • If we still demand something, or our heart is still attached to a certain place, we will be used by the King of Maya. When we have no more fear or demand, we are content with anything we have, even if we have nothing, then there won't be anymore traps. And we will not be afraid of any turmoil.
  • When we are thinking of serving others, we will somehow forget about ourselves.
  • If we truly ask for it, if we really have the courage, longing and sincerity to ask for it, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (enlightened beings) of the ten directions would help us.
  • After changing ourselves, we still have the karma; but it is as if we don't have any. It is because our power is tremendous, our patience strong and our faith very firm; no one can shake us.
  • Wherever we are, endeavor to merge ourselves into the multitude. Not that we have to abandon our personal taste, but that we should forsake our ego, the grudging mind, the aversion to cooperate, and our arrogant perceptions; then we will be happy.
  • Only when we have rid ourselves of our preconceived ideas are we able to meet the enlightened Master.
  • Instead of only worshipping the enlightened Master everyday, we should become enlightened Masters ourselves.
  • When we observe someone very cheerful in spirit, we know that he has greater wisdom, less arrogance and is very magnanimous. This shows that he is closer to the level of the saints, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
  • We are really lonely when we are separated from our true selves; however, we don't feel that lonely when we are separated from others.


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