◎Anyone who is not able to impart you immediate light or sound is not a real master.
◎We must always be open and accepting, then we will find our life is terrific, is completely in harmony and beautiful, and is a blessing everyday, twenty-four hours.
◎We should practice for the sake of wisdom alone; for the sake of knowing ourselves; for the sake of knowing the origin of our home; and to be free, loving and happy. That's all there is.
◎Prayers begin after you have met a master, because the master awakens in you the prayer power -- the power to pray, the power to think, the power to use your own energy to make things come true.
◎If we know where to use our Universal Power, then we will become masters of ourselves, masters of our destinies, and we can lead many others to become masters of their own destinies as well.
◎Practice depends on merits, diligence and wisdom. It does not depend on the outside.
◎The world is in need of such fast working people. It is so desperately short of these fast thinking, intelligent, conscientious, moral and honest people. Therefore, the more the better.
◎The future is in our hands really. There are no aliens who can do anything about it. There is no God who punishes us. There is no enlightened being who blesses us. It's only ourselves. We have to make a choice, because that's how we grow -- by making a good choice.
◎Forsake everything and then you will have everything.
◎We should live with each other in love and don't mind the karma.