

  • ☆從認識真我的那刻起,所有的痛苦就會結束,即使有時候仍然會被別人的痛苦所影響,但是那種苦不會像未開悟前那麼深刻。

  • ☆如果人人都修觀音法門,大家都會好快樂、好滿足,世界不會再戰爭,不會再有匱乏,因為問題已經從根本解決。

  • ☆這個「人」只是生生世世習慣與思想的集合,我們不是這個「人」,我們從未分開過,我們是智慧、是愛、充滿整個宇宙,怎麼可能就這樣被一層皮隔開呢?



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By Suma Ching Hai


If everyone practices the Quan Yin Method, they will be so happy, contented, and satisfied that there will be no more war, no need for anything. Because the problem is taken care of from the root.


All the suffering will end the moment we know our true selves. Even though we sometimes still feel affected by the suffering of other people, we ourselves do not feel such a deep suffering like before enlightenment.


The person is only habit and thought collected life after life. We are not that person. We are never separated. We are wisdom, we are love. These things are all over the universe. How can it be separated by just a layer of skin?


Group meditation will help you with more power to overcome obstacles very quickly. So most of the problems you have are self-created. After initiation, if you follow the precepts, if you follow the pure vegetarian diet, and if you go to group meditation, you should have no problems whatsoever.




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