挑戰愈大,我們靈性的領悟及成長也愈大。 (原文為英文)
- The greater the challenge, the greater our spiritual understanding and growth. (Originally in English)
- The most important in this world, regardless whatever our mission, is love one another, love each other. If we do not do that then we lack a lot of things. (Originally in English)
- Whenever the situation needs our love to show it, we have to show our love and we have to show some actions,
speech and thoughts always in loving kindness. That's the best for our spiritual growth and best for our fellow beings. (Originally in English) - We all have the same portion of love and power within ourselves, and if we don't use it, it's the greatest waste on earth. Doesn't matter how much we recycle materials, we still waste. The most wasting
is that we don't know we have wisdom, we don't know we have God's power, we forget that we are the children of God. (Originally in English) - The one who gives offerings must be willing, pure at heart and have pure intentions, and the one who receives the offerings must have pure intentions and be pure at heart as well. Thus both shall receive blessings.
- The family provides a very important lesson in your learning process. Therefore, you must take good care of your families, learn to understand their
needs, and try to satisfy their wishes. The wives should not be too vicious, and the husbands should not be too authoritative. - When we free ourselves from the concepts of attachment, negative
thinking and binding passions, then we are liberated in thislife time . - Everything is a habit. We learn the way of wisdom is the way of flexibility. When we are so used to flexibility, so used to all kinds of sudden changes, we are so used to immediate action, spontaneous action, not preconceived action, that's the best way. (Originally in English)
- Always rely on yourself, be really frank, and practice diligently, in order to be liberated from this suffering ocean, to understand better the universe and yourself.