
  • 如果我們還生氣別人,還需要別人的陪伴或是需要別人配合我們每次的心情和意見,我們還是在我執裡面,因為我執讓我們感覺到跟別人隔開。

  • 我們不知道業障什麼時候會來,它總是在你毫無防備的情況下,突然降臨。所以必需隨時照顧好自己的身、口、意,不忘記與內在萬能的力量溝通,提昇自己的等級,當業障來臨時,我們才有足夠的智慧、力量去克服。

  • 「原諒」比「責罰」來得容易多了,因為你不用再去想那件事,而且那個人也會快樂,不會再給你壓力。

  • 當我們被情況逼迫時,我們的智慧才會甦醒。

  • 如果我們還不能感覺到別人的痛苦,還不能了解別人的心情,我們還離道很遠。

  • 工作就是考驗自己耐心和鍛鍊身體最好的時候。

  • 不要成懊惱佛,每次應該笑嘻嘻,應該樂觀。勉強自己樂觀起來,等一下真的會樂觀。假如我們不勉強自己,誰能勉強我們?我們不用功拉自己上來,沒有人會幫忙。
  • 這個世界都是柔贏剛的,越沒有力量,越無形、越柔軟,力量越大。

  • 我們如果要得到一位明師的智慧或是她的愛力,我們不能太複雜,我們應該要一心不亂才能得到。

  • If we still get angry at others, still need others' company, or still need others to comply with our moodiness and opinions, then we are still within our own egos, because our egos make us feel separated from others.


  • We never know when the retribution of our negative karma will come back to us. It always descends upon us suddenly, and when it is least expected. Therefore, we must take good care of our actions, speech and thoughts at all times, and remember to connect with the Almighty Power within in order to raise our level of consciousness. Then, when the negative karma comes, we will have enough wisdom and power to overcome it.


  • If we still do not have empathy with the suffering of others, or the capacity to feel the emotions of others, then we are still far from the Tao.


  • Working is the best time to test our patience and to exercise our bodies.


  • Gentleness always defeats toughness in this world; the more tender, formless or supple, the greater the power.


  • If we want to receive the wisdom or love of an enlightened master, we should not be too complicated; we must be single minded in order to receive.


  • Don't become a sulky Buddha; always be cheerful, be optimistic. If we force ourselves to be optimistic, eventually we will become optimistic. Who can force us other than ourselves? Unless we compel ourselves to advance, no one else can help us.


  • It's easier to forgive than to punish. It's easier because you don't have to think about it any more, and that person is happy and doesn't gives you any more pressure.


  • When we are pushed into a situation, we realize our wisdom.

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