http://suprememastertv.com/tw/2014-Lunar-New-Year/ 多國語言字幕
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETqNs8lHB50 1/5集 英文字幕
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5m-5byXtU4 1/5集 多國語言字幕
To ring in the Year of the Horse, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared some very exciting news for the 2014 New Year and Lunar New Year!
She joyfully expressed, “A lot of new news. I left the journey in the Extreme Cosmic Sphere already behind. I’m now in a different region. I’m now in the Original Universe.”
In a four-hour long conference, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed her rediscovery of this incredibly wondrous region, unlike any other before, through her intensive meditation.
She explained, “The Original Universe is like this created one, like here, but more powerful, of course. More beautiful. It’s the very root source of all manifested creation as we see it. I’ll look in the diary, and tell you all.”
Join us in listening to Supreme Master Ching Hai read from her spiritual diary, offering a rare glimpse of her inner thoughts about her extraordinary travels to the heavenly dimensions.
The multi-part videoconference will air soon on www.SupremeMasterTV.com, first with English subtitles and later with multi-language subtitles.
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